Good point, these characters would turn on anyone if it saved their ass. Just need to send someone to jail then you will see some real cutthroat moves.

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Keep up the good work. Thank you.

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I sincerely hope that these arrogant sociopathsโ€™ belief in their invincibility is dramatically disabused.

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In spring of '20 there was a NIH video on YT (idk if it's still up) about chloroquine's efficacy against SARS and even discussing how it *may* be effective against Covid.

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I saw that

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Canโ€™t believe how Morens demanded a kickback from Daszak adding there is โ€œstill justice in the Trump-infected universe.โ€ Iโ€™m looking forward to the criminal prosecution of these nasty plutocrats!

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They don't care about FOIA or what we know, if they did we wouldn't know about it.

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I so hope you are right.

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Reading that correspondence it's hard to say what's more impressive: the credulity and vapid true-believer vibe, or the oozing, above-the-law sense of entitlement and clubby arrogance. What a bootlicking tool.

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Hope you are doing well since your last email Dr Sheftall.

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I may be wrong, but I think you goofed writing that Dr Morens authored a paper on the effect of chloriquine on the SARS virus. Such results were published by the CDC Special Pathogens Branch. The first author was Vincent. Two of his co-authors were Thomas Ksiazek and Stewart Nichols. I knew them pretty well.

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I did. Thanks. They teamed up on the "Spanish flu deaths were caused by bacteria" one. Thanks.

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