“What Would You Think if I Told You the Whole Thing was Made Up ?”

Personally, based on what I have learned in the last few years, I would say absolutely YES, virology is a made up science hands down.

As a side note: Makes me wonder how many other false beliefs there are in so called medical science.

Just asking.

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I am going with nearly all allopathic medicine being a sham.

A majority of pharmaceuticals do nothing, or cause more harm than benefit.

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Dr. Reid, it's very cool to see you coming around.

It would be great if more people would come to understand that the strategies and legislation to prevent disease are useless and actually cause diseases, huge economic damage, destroys families and the mental health of people and erodes the culture everywhere.

The noble task of actually preventing disease and help people to gain health has been always misguided by antiscientific political and industrial lies. And sadly most of us have always believed them uncritically, chronifying the problem.

We need better science, which has to start from truth, not from error.

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Not damaging economically to the pHarma industry cartel, creating life long repeat customers.

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Anything that benefits criminals is damaging for the real economy.

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I wrote about the bogus “genome” and RaTG13 back in April of 2020. If a nobody like me knew about it, The Powers certainly did.

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Many years ago I remember reading about the Spanish flu experiment on Deer Island, Boston. That opened my eyes but I still had doubts. Your research has expanded my beliefs beyond any doubt.

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I hope that someday someone honest will tell all. Simply put, it was a toxic witches brew designed to spread amongst humans, so that big pharma mad scientists and their financiers could concoct a ugh worse antidote. The cure. A bioweapon to enhance the original bioweapon.

Good to hear from you Dr Reid, I hope you are on your way back to good health.

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Edit ** I will say thank you for providing one of the most straight forward, honest breakdown of the facts on the Covid nightmare. Some others whose names I won’t mention miss the mark & gloss over proven medical & scientific fact. Then use their platform to sell expensive supplements. That’s starting to seem like a gimmick. I do my own homework and decide what supplements to take and where to purchase high quality nutraceuticals. Others need to do the same.

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The hubris of man (especially certain men in particular) is one of the few seemingly infinite things in this world.

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Hard to fathom or understand but we all have to be involved from this point on

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Thanks for this Dr. Sheftall......when I hear you ask questions like this it pulls things together for me...

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What would I think? I'd think you were the rightness champion in the gold medal round of the Being Right Olympics.

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absolutely stupefying. dave

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I tend to agree

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take a look at how sequencing programs like "megahit" actually work. They don't create a "real" sequence. They create the shortest possible combination of pieces that contains each subset only once using DeBruijn graphs. These are not designed to reflect anything "real." The more you look into virology and genomics, the more they look like baseless witchcraft.

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Yes. All of what you say is likely correct, tho people were dying from something. Probably a spike protein bioweapon that was release intentionally or accidentally from exactly the class of exceedingly rare Bio Safely Level 4 labs that gain of function research is done *next door* to the Wuhan Live Market. The SP was delivered in a lipid nanoparticle spread in the air initially and then shed from person to person with minimal mortality based on the Diamond Princess event which disappeared simultaneously when the American Legacy MSM - they are the power that makes everything work for the NWO and TPTB that control even them. They have to go!


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