Here are some indisputable facts:
Scientists have been trying to spread respiratory viruses from a sick person to a healthy person by spraying sick person mucus into well person’s eyes, nose, and mouth, injecting the blood of the sick person into the well person’s veins and so forth for over 150 years and they’ve never succeeded once in over 200 controlled studies of dozens of volunteers.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated. It’s not even certain that there is such an entity. The word “isolated” to virologists means removed from the body by bronchoalveolar lavage and spun down in a centrifuge to remove cellular components. This is all they are doing in the papers I read about how the virus was “isolated” and how the genome sequence was determined (see #3).
The sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 genome was a sham. Once the doctors in China arrived at the piece of junk they claimed was the genome sequence, it was sent all around the world and was studied and experimented on in good faith, formed the basis for PCR and rapid antigen testing and was used to put mod RNA into the vaccines we injected into six-month-old babies. That sequence and therefore the mRNA based on it (that went into the vaccines), could have RNA from other organisms in it and likely does because bronchoalveolar lavage fluid has lots of human, bacterial, viral (if there is such a thing) RNA in it that is not separated or filtered out in an air-tight way. This contaminated specimen is what they call the supernatant and what they apply next generation sequencing to. NGS has its own problems in that it chops the RNA into little pieces and sequences them in parallel with a 1-10% error rate and then bioinformatics programs assemble the small fragments into the genome based on templates from other (in this case coronaviruses). Finally, if the genome doesn’t match a known one, they call it a “novel” coronavirus as in the case of SARS-2.
RaTG13 isn’t a virus in the real world either or at least its sequence isn’t what it is purported to be.. Remember RaTG13? It was created from fragments of RNA Dr. Shi found in bat feces in the cave where the Mojiang miners got sick. Three of six died, you will recall. You might also remember that RaTG13 was the most like SARS-2 of any virus at the time (until another group of viruses beat it out) at 96.1% nucleotide identity.
Take a look at this video. It covers the “Are viruses contagious?” issue well, and touches on the fraud that went on over the Covid era. It’s almo0st impossible to believe but it happened.
“A Tale of Two Narratives” has just become “A Tale of Three Narratives”.
“What Would You Think if I Told You the Whole Thing was Made Up ?”
Personally, based on what I have learned in the last few years, I would say absolutely YES, virology is a made up science hands down.
As a side note: Makes me wonder how many other false beliefs there are in so called medical science.
Just asking.
Dr. Reid, it's very cool to see you coming around.
It would be great if more people would come to understand that the strategies and legislation to prevent disease are useless and actually cause diseases, huge economic damage, destroys families and the mental health of people and erodes the culture everywhere.
The noble task of actually preventing disease and help people to gain health has been always misguided by antiscientific political and industrial lies. And sadly most of us have always believed them uncritically, chronifying the problem.
We need better science, which has to start from truth, not from error.