All that hard work pushing Title IX. Ironically that killed a lot of mens sports and now men will get their revenge on women’s sports, right in front of woke eyes. USTA won’t test them. After they make their millions and destroy the hopes and dreams of many young women, they can change their minds and retire as the men they were. I hope it happens. Something needs to wake people up.

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I agree with you Bunnie.

This is a real part of life, Everyone chooses to do the crazy life they want, for the most part.

We get one life. I just..... think this is really a sad and wasteful way to live, but people do stupid stuff.

I think obviously the baffling thing is that now everyone is "embracing" it which I find repulsive and offensive.

I pray about this every day.

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1970's tennis. Renee Richards, Virginia Slims women's pro tour. Played all events, US Open, Wimbledon etc. For several years. Watched her/him play in New York event in late 60,s as Richard Raskind. Was very good Men's 35 & over player. Already happened.

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Hi Hank! I am a facebook friend of Renee's but knew the story of her pro career before "meeting" her online. As you know, she was very competitive on the Women's Tour during the Martina/Chrissie era. You pointed out the key difference between her career and what I'm predicting will happen, in your comment above, perhaps inadvertantly. Renee played on tour between the ages of 43 and 47 (from 1977 to 1981) which is unheard of in a tennis player, and reached a best singles ranking of 20th in the world. But in the latest scenario, I'm talking about a young buck- an unknown but certainly a very fine college player- who probably couldn't win an ATP match in the main draw given 20 tries- someone at the level of close but not quite being able to make the men's Varsity team at a top tennis program but able to play #3 for a lesser State University. I'm talking about someone at not quite the level of John Corse whom you and I know well. As you will remember, John won a handfull of national tournaments in the 18s and got to the final of Kalamazoo in the 16s. He had a steller junior career and was top 3 or 4 in the nation in the 18s and #2 in the 16s. You would know more than me on this topic but I'm pretty sure he was the best junior ever to come out of Jacksonville. (I know others like David Witt had better pro careers but, if I'm not forgetting someone, John was the most successful junior.) we're talking about good but not great college players identifying as women temporarily and jumping into the women's game for the money, players who couldn't make it on the men's ATP Tour. If you include the successful ATP men, it becomes a question of whether they would lose 5 games in the entire tournament...) Anyway, back to John... He got McEnroe's scholarship at Stanford when Mac dropped out after freshman year but despite his prowess in the juniors winning all of those national 18 and under tournaments (the 18 national indoors and 18 national clay courts come to mind), John couldn't crack the top 5 on a regular basis at Stanford. Yet as you and I both know, no woman player now or back then would have any chance of winning a set in a match against a 22 year-old John and he would win most sets 6-0, even against the best players. I think the best 14-and-under boys from just Florida, let alone nationally would beat the best professional women regularly. In my day it was Ben McKown and Larry Gottfried. No woman could beat them when they were in the 14s. Larry used to beat up on Johnny Mac all the way through the 18s and beat him in their only college match a few weeks before Mac got to the semi-finals of Wimbledon as a qualifier. I'm just making the point that there are hundreds of male college players you've never heard of who are not even close to John's level that would win the US Women's Open very easily and it's not fair to women to allow them to undergo a sex reassignment no matter what stage they are at, from "a man in a dress" all the way to my patients who you absolutely cannot tell they were once men.

So, what about the case of Renee , who was completely sincere in her identification as a woman? Why didn't she win every tournamrnt? The answer is, she was too old at the time she started to play professional tennis. She was 20 years past her prime. As a nationally-competitive Jr. Vet in his day (please tell me how much better he was than our own Lex Hester when both were competing in the "35s"- I'd be very interested to know) sure, he would have been the #1 woman in the world.

Ten years later, at age 44 when he started on the Women's Tour (at the US Open of all places to choose for a debut), he was already well past his Jr. Vet playing ability, let alone the level he reached in his prime, yet he still reached top 20 in the world in the very competitive era that included Martina, Chris, Billie Jean, Margaret Court, Hana Mandlikova, Evonne Goolagong and many others. Renee even said that when she was early in his 30's, none of the women pros from that great era would have been able to win more than three games from him in a set.

The swimmer this post is about shouldn't be allowed to compete with women. He was a very mediocre male swimmer on a very mediocre team but is winning some races as a woman by 38 seconds. He may be sincere about identifying as a woman but I have my doubts. That's irrelevant, anyway. At this stage of his change, he is still "a man in a dress" . In my opinion, this should not be allowed. There are many high school boys being allowed to do this by the authorities and, in a way, it's worse. These boys are winning State track meet events lke the 100 yard dash by 12 yards and the 220 by 25 yards and in other sports, such as wrestling, it's dangerous to have boys slamming girls down on the mat and pinning them in awkward positions. Shoulders are going to get dislocated, cartelege is going to get torn and bones are going to get broken. None of this is fair to naturally-born girls at the amateur, HS or college level and it will destroy professional women's sports by the mechanism I described in the post. The money is just too big a temtation for someone who is struggling to make it. Identify as a woman for a few years, make tens of millions of dollars and then laugh it off when it's over. If we don't speak up, entire women's draws will be filled by guys looking for a big payday. It's already happening in track, cycling, weight lifting and some other sports. Guys who couldn't make it in the men's division are shattering women's records. The same will be true in tennis and golf, and the guys will line up to get a piece of the action when the social stigma wears off. As you may know, women's libbers aren't on the side of naturally-born women in this debate. They feel that transitioning M to F trans-sexuals should be allowed to compete with naturally-born women. It's an inconsistent position if their goal is, as they say, to protect women's rights. Thank you, Hank for weighing in. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom on this topic.

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What a joke…

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