I’m more than happy to contribute as a paid subscriber. You are an excellent teacher. The valuable information you provide is well worth it. I’ll check back in tomorrow after I have a chance to listen.
I really wish I could Dr Sheftall - but unfortunately, I really am not able to. I will continue to follow you and I sincerely wish you all the best and I hope those that 'can' - 'will' 🤞🤞 Keep up the good work.
Dr. Sheftall...have you heard about this lasik doctor? That the shots could never have worked? I know you won't have time but &e is saying same thing as Dr bahkdi and others and is being quite determined.. he's on twitter and has a substack. His name is Joseph Y Lee and he has sent letters to everyone asking them to refute his contentions..one about how you cannot fight a respitory disease cause the mucosal system Ie lungs do not interact w bloodstream antibodies and 2..never get a booster cause antibodies and antigens cause clottin...
There is, yes dear Candy. You have to renew it every year. I'm sorry Kent couldn't make it last week. Lumi said he wasn't feeling well. She's going to message me when he feels better.
thank you so much for sharing this...thank you for being honest with people...and why didn't you tell everyone that you were the first to figure out everyone was immune or had been exposed by jan2021? Damn do you need KUDOS for figuring that out!!,!!!!!
Shit i hate humidity and air conditioning But I wish I had a home in florida!!! I would have been there with bells on!
I tried to limit this one to one topic; that of the actual number of people who died FROM Covid. I can present everything I was first or only on (20 major issues) and prove them any time anyone wants me to present. It will ALL be in my upcoming book, "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders".
I’m more than happy to contribute as a paid subscriber. You are an excellent teacher. The valuable information you provide is well worth it. I’ll check back in tomorrow after I have a chance to listen.
I really wish I could Dr Sheftall - but unfortunately, I really am not able to. I will continue to follow you and I sincerely wish you all the best and I hope those that 'can' - 'will' 🤞🤞 Keep up the good work.
No problem, Puffin. I don't want anyone to contribute who will miss the money. Please let me know what you think of the audio after you listen.
Dr. Sheftall...have you heard about this lasik doctor? That the shots could never have worked? I know you won't have time but &e is saying same thing as Dr bahkdi and others and is being quite determined.. he's on twitter and has a substack. His name is Joseph Y Lee and he has sent letters to everyone asking them to refute his contentions..one about how you cannot fight a respitory disease cause the mucosal system Ie lungs do not interact w bloodstream antibodies and 2..never get a booster cause antibodies and antigens cause clottin...
Here's a letter https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/go3xp8aey76xafcoclw50/1-Final-letter-to-retail-pharmacy-sept-18-2023-with-adobe-esignature.pdf?rlkey=ak37kq5f5x77cfobj5csj5tjf&dl=0
I'd really value your opinion IF you have the time
I started reading it. There is some strange stuff in the first few paragraphs. I'll read it when I get some time. Thanks.
I thought it was a great presentation. RFK Jr. needs to hear it.
thank you good Sir!
Isn’t there a time limit on my subscription? Can I subscribe again?
There is, yes dear Candy. You have to renew it every year. I'm sorry Kent couldn't make it last week. Lumi said he wasn't feeling well. She's going to message me when he feels better.
thank you so much for sharing this...thank you for being honest with people...and why didn't you tell everyone that you were the first to figure out everyone was immune or had been exposed by jan2021? Damn do you need KUDOS for figuring that out!!,!!!!!
Shit i hate humidity and air conditioning But I wish I had a home in florida!!! I would have been there with bells on!
I tried to limit this one to one topic; that of the actual number of people who died FROM Covid. I can present everything I was first or only on (20 major issues) and prove them any time anyone wants me to present. It will ALL be in my upcoming book, "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders".
Is there a transcript? I really understand more reading than listening! Thanks for your work