Reid, Do we know why there can be reinfection with the Vaccine? Are there any vaccines that offer 100% immunity from reinfection? Is the current COVID vaccine defective or less effective than other vaccines, say Polio or influenza? There seems to be some dissension in the press (and with the government medical agencies) just how much immunity is conveyed by being infected. Today,I saw on TV where a govt doctor said that infection offered 'some' immunity, but not as good as the vaccine. I would have thought it was the opposite as the vaccine sensitizes the immune system to 1 protein (the 'S' protein) from the virus, but getting and overcoming COVID should sensitize your immune system to something like 23 proteins that make up the virus particle. Yes?
I wouldn't get it for myself Miriam. Jay is sticking to it very tightly. Watch Parts 6 and beyond. We get into it very heavily and in our last part, I'm going to ask him several point blank questions about them.
Reid, Do we know why there can be reinfection with the Vaccine? Are there any vaccines that offer 100% immunity from reinfection? Is the current COVID vaccine defective or less effective than other vaccines, say Polio or influenza? There seems to be some dissension in the press (and with the government medical agencies) just how much immunity is conveyed by being infected. Today,I saw on TV where a govt doctor said that infection offered 'some' immunity, but not as good as the vaccine. I would have thought it was the opposite as the vaccine sensitizes the immune system to 1 protein (the 'S' protein) from the virus, but getting and overcoming COVID should sensitize your immune system to something like 23 proteins that make up the virus particle. Yes?
II'm going to make your question and my answer into a post , Fred. Very goos question!
I wouldn't get it for myself Miriam. Jay is sticking to it very tightly. Watch Parts 6 and beyond. We get into it very heavily and in our last part, I'm going to ask him several point blank questions about them.