
Painting Jay Into a Corner

Even his kind heart sees no way out sometimes

It has been interesting to discuss the SARS-2 virus, Covid-19, and both the adenovirus vector vaccines and the mRNA vaccines with Dr. Bhattacharya. When we get to the idiotic policy decisions and the absurd recommendations from the so-called experts, some of which became mandates and/or “do it or we’re going to take away your livelihood”, my patience with those experts and policymakers runs very thin. Jay, on the other hand, always tries give them the benefit of the doubt. It’s been fun tryng to paint him into a corner and when I do, even he has to shake his head in disapproval.

One video I made recently that you haven’t seen yet (because YouTube claims we violated a community standard by addressing a few off-limit topics in parts 2 and 6 and took down Part 3 of my “Don’t Get the Vaccine Until You See This” series- I’m in real trouble with YouTube), features a video clip of Dr. Fauci stating in no uncertain terms that if someone has gotten the disease-in this case, influenza- they absolutely do not have to get the vaccine. This, of course, is correct. But it’s the exact opposite of what Dr. Fauci has been saying for two years straight.

Fauci saying that you should get the vaccine even if you’ve had the disease never made any sense to me although Jay, in his infinite kindness, thought the vaccine might confer some small additional advantage. I think Jay is wrong here. Be that as it may, see above the video that should embarrass Dr. Fauci to the point of not just resignation but identity-changing plastic surgery; we’re talking witness protection program level embarrassment for any normal person but apparently not Dr. Anthony Fauci.