Have followed you since early on. No explanation as to your lack of getting proper credit. Time to move on to getting world health organization out of the United States. Total withdrawal from United Nations
Thanks, Emily. The UN needs to be disolved. It is most definitely NOT a force for good in the world. I've seen it first hand in a number of 3rd world countries. The WHO showed it's corruption (stupidity too) early on in the C OVID-19 era. Then they tried to take control of everyone's autonomy in future outbreaks. Over my dead body...
Yes he has been right from the beginning. We will all flounder wither and probably too many of us die if left in the hands of the world health organization. The only exit I can see is leaving the United Nations. That is the only way to avoid “World Orders”. Did I mention it takes preference over our own constitution
I agree. We need Dr. Sheftall to put his genius to work on getting us out of the Who, the UN, and to help us stave off the coming CBDC...
We know Dr. Sheftall has been right all along, But we need him more than ever now as the Covid crap was just the opening volley. And things are coming at us too fast for us to handle without him.
Reid, As a distributor of many copies of your excellent book (generally well received!) I feel your pain. Just keep at it. Eventually the truth always outs...it just seems to take way too long sometimes.
Let us shine some light. From the beginning you infected people with truth and did not waver.
He admitted a mistake. He knows what he did. He will carry the burden of his guilt for the rest of his life, if he has a soul. You saved people at the beginning when it was more important to save people.
The world has been through a very dark period of fear. Almost as bad as WW2. People react differently. I got the first 2 vaccines, despite reading that they hadn't been tested. The lack of validated science was right in front of everyone. I was afraid for my wealth and freedom to travel.
I haven't read your book yet, but I can vouch that you were one of the 10 or 12 doctors/scientists who at great personal risk used their expertise to tell the truth about the pandemic and the shots from very early on. Dr. Malhoutra is among the first of the latecomers who will be given the credit that you and others deserve. Meanwhile others have begun to step out of the shadows where they've been hiding for three years, because it is only now beginning to be somewhat safe to tacitly express criticism of these shots and covid policy in general. I have no respect for them. Their cowardice has cause a massive amount of death and destruction.
I agree, Roy. The people who understood that the average citizen was getting taken advantage of but did not speak up? The lowest of the low. They put their bank accounts above the lives of innocent people, including children.
We need to unite as a collective group behind Dr Sheftall. You are correct in my opinion we have many problems ahead. I fear the food shortages will cause great economic pain. Our government required the killing of chickens/ turkeys by the thousands due to one sick bird. The normal response should have been care for the remainder and use the “survival of the fittest”as breeding stock. If you have ever toured the Amish country you would see they have kept there old fashioned farming ways. Modern farmers rely on fertilizer made from natural gas which now is extremely expensive. Then I look at contrails left high in the sky. The lingering ones are an issue. Not another conspiracy story
There are a lot of problems, Emily and I'm going to attack them head on. I came up with an original idea yesterday . I'm already working on it. Look for it to hit the airwaves in a month.
We subscribers need to actually unite regardless of political affiliation and strongly support you. The new world order is real w the goal of eliminating 90 percent of population. Most republicans and democrats must understand they probably aren’t going survive and we can only be strong w a leader who is interested in keeping people alive
I don't align with either party. I'm not happy with either one. I'm for freedom, individual sovereignty, much less but not zero government, staying out of the military affairs of other countries but strongly in favor of swift resolution if any other country invades ours, etc. The problems we face today go far beyond differences in political affiliation. I wanted to make my substack open to all ( by not inserting pay walls like everyone else) and it still will be open to all but I'm not getting but a few paid subscribers. I might have to make it paid subscribers only but lower the subscription fee significantly. I might have to ask people to pay at once for the whole year because Stripe just rips apart monthly payments. My ratio of paid to free subscribers is less than 1/4 of the average, probably because I haven't put any restrictions or pay walls in.
Look at the lazy liberals in New York electing a stuffed animal for gov with out any track record or plans and she’s not cuddly and cute just full of cotton and sawdust. But the lazy libs banded together and got all but two for congress defeated and are quietly going to Albany this week to further protest all the mandate and other crimes. You go girl
Have followed you since early on. No explanation as to your lack of getting proper credit. Time to move on to getting world health organization out of the United States. Total withdrawal from United Nations
Thanks, Emily. The UN needs to be disolved. It is most definitely NOT a force for good in the world. I've seen it first hand in a number of 3rd world countries. The WHO showed it's corruption (stupidity too) early on in the C OVID-19 era. Then they tried to take control of everyone's autonomy in future outbreaks. Over my dead body...
Yes he has been right from the beginning. We will all flounder wither and probably too many of us die if left in the hands of the world health organization. The only exit I can see is leaving the United Nations. That is the only way to avoid “World Orders”. Did I mention it takes preference over our own constitution
I agree. We need Dr. Sheftall to put his genius to work on getting us out of the Who, the UN, and to help us stave off the coming CBDC...
We know Dr. Sheftall has been right all along, But we need him more than ever now as the Covid crap was just the opening volley. And things are coming at us too fast for us to handle without him.
Dr. Sheftall, do not lose heart. The world needs you. Your efforts are not going unnoticed. There will be a moment for you. And God sees.
Reid, As a distributor of many copies of your excellent book (generally well received!) I feel your pain. Just keep at it. Eventually the truth always outs...it just seems to take way too long sometimes.
True and thank you very much, Doctor, on the book front.
Frankly from what I've been learning about "The Medical Racket" you're lucky you still have your licence..
I thank you for your work.
Let us shine some light. From the beginning you infected people with truth and did not waver.
He admitted a mistake. He knows what he did. He will carry the burden of his guilt for the rest of his life, if he has a soul. You saved people at the beginning when it was more important to save people.
The world has been through a very dark period of fear. Almost as bad as WW2. People react differently. I got the first 2 vaccines, despite reading that they hadn't been tested. The lack of validated science was right in front of everyone. I was afraid for my wealth and freedom to travel.
Deep down I knew the truth.
I agree, Kevin. Those bastards put people in an untenable position, limiting their freedom. Those bastards!
This is the time for the people to be outraged and never let them be in a position to govern innocent people ever again.
I haven't read your book yet, but I can vouch that you were one of the 10 or 12 doctors/scientists who at great personal risk used their expertise to tell the truth about the pandemic and the shots from very early on. Dr. Malhoutra is among the first of the latecomers who will be given the credit that you and others deserve. Meanwhile others have begun to step out of the shadows where they've been hiding for three years, because it is only now beginning to be somewhat safe to tacitly express criticism of these shots and covid policy in general. I have no respect for them. Their cowardice has cause a massive amount of death and destruction.
I agree, Roy. The people who understood that the average citizen was getting taken advantage of but did not speak up? The lowest of the low. They put their bank accounts above the lives of innocent people, including children.
Yeah life sucks sometimes. I can relate. Always being tight and ignored. But this story is just about the worst.
That’s a Duh
We need to unite as a collective group behind Dr Sheftall. You are correct in my opinion we have many problems ahead. I fear the food shortages will cause great economic pain. Our government required the killing of chickens/ turkeys by the thousands due to one sick bird. The normal response should have been care for the remainder and use the “survival of the fittest”as breeding stock. If you have ever toured the Amish country you would see they have kept there old fashioned farming ways. Modern farmers rely on fertilizer made from natural gas which now is extremely expensive. Then I look at contrails left high in the sky. The lingering ones are an issue. Not another conspiracy story
There are a lot of problems, Emily and I'm going to attack them head on. I came up with an original idea yesterday . I'm already working on it. Look for it to hit the airwaves in a month.
We subscribers need to actually unite regardless of political affiliation and strongly support you. The new world order is real w the goal of eliminating 90 percent of population. Most republicans and democrats must understand they probably aren’t going survive and we can only be strong w a leader who is interested in keeping people alive
I don't align with either party. I'm not happy with either one. I'm for freedom, individual sovereignty, much less but not zero government, staying out of the military affairs of other countries but strongly in favor of swift resolution if any other country invades ours, etc. The problems we face today go far beyond differences in political affiliation. I wanted to make my substack open to all ( by not inserting pay walls like everyone else) and it still will be open to all but I'm not getting but a few paid subscribers. I might have to make it paid subscribers only but lower the subscription fee significantly. I might have to ask people to pay at once for the whole year because Stripe just rips apart monthly payments. My ratio of paid to free subscribers is less than 1/4 of the average, probably because I haven't put any restrictions or pay walls in.
Look at the lazy liberals in New York electing a stuffed animal for gov with out any track record or plans and she’s not cuddly and cute just full of cotton and sawdust. But the lazy libs banded together and got all but two for congress defeated and are quietly going to Albany this week to further protest all the mandate and other crimes. You go girl
And Reid 💕