How much harm could have been prevented?

If the lab never leaked in the first place?

If lockdowns never occurred the way they did?

If vaccine development and safety protocols were adhered to?

If other safer therapies were made available?

If the media was open and honest?

Think about it.

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All of it. Even then if they had just heeded my March 17 advice, almost none of it would have happened. He needs to be brought in for Senate hearings and required to expose all his evidence.

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That will likely not happen, Dr. Reid because Fauci and Baric were doing their work at the behest of the United States Security State.

This is our real State and the Senate and all of our elected leaders work for them.

So you will likely get lots of theatrical showmanship but Fauci is Swamp. Deep State Swamp 40-years in. And nobody wants to get the JFK treatment.

The Blob runs this house and that's why the DHHS is the one asking WHO for the pandemic amendments to use a biomedical security model to take over the world.

All of this is DARPA and Military action. Gain of function approval or no, it was pushed through.

And spoiler. It wasn't to study viruses and save lives.

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Does the Wuhan Institute of Virology count as a "US lab (of) biotechnology" since it was receiving US funding?

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I don't see how they could justify that. But I wouldn't put is past them, trying to.

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The leak was intentional. Fauci and crew set up. Sachs admits he has visited Chins over 100 times. He's a sock puppet of the UN and the Vatican and and hates America with a passion.

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"Could it be from Dr. Ralph Baric’s lab at Chapel Hill He and Dr Zheng Shi Li were thick as thieves..." Punctuation needed?

"caused" -> called

"Wuhan lad" -> Wuhan lab

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thanks! I needed a ? after Hill and caused should be "called". Lab instead of lad. I should have proofread it but I wanted everyone to see it before they went to bed. Thanks, Brian

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This Sachs guy is just putting this information out there so people can start to digest it. They put stuff out so people wont be shocked when the "proof" is released. This way they can massage the message and spin it as much as they can. Everyone knows the Americans were the first to develop any of this. This was all reported early in 2020 on numerous internet sites.

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Hi Carmen! Evidently he has proof. No one presented any that I saw in early 2020. The MSM and social media were blocking this story and people who had insights , if no proof. Facebook took my post down in less than an hour when i proved that it came from a lab. As you well know there was and is some nefarious stuff going on behind the scenes. All of them should be sent away all the way down to the pharma shills if this turns out to be proved. I know we know it all happened.

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Jeffrey Sachs is an anti-American commie. His understanding of virology and molecular biology is less than zero.

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Hi Norman!. Don't you think he needs to share the evidence that made him conclude that it was designed in a US lab? I'm dying to see it. Was it Baric's lab at UNC? Maybe there's another player involved. I doubt it. I think he's referring to Baric. He should disclose everything immediately. No more stalling. Daszak hasn't even been brought in yet. It's ridiculous.

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Hi Reid - he can do whatever he wants to do; nevertheless, all molecular evidence I have seen so far that the virus i man-made is ludicrous from my point of view. Who cares, anyway?

Forget the origin of the virus. Remember, all "cases" and "deaths" from COVID are based on a test for one virus out of two hundred or more pathogens. As millions get colds every year, the fake experts claim that all cases and deaths were caused by only one virus. Where is the science behind such a claim?

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I do agree with that. All the counts are fraudulent.

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I'm of the view that preventing pandemics is rather important for the wellbeing of humanity. To that end, understanding the origins of this (family of) virus(es) is rather important. Ultimately we need a coherent narrative of how this disastrous response came to be; without one, we're bound to experience lockdowns, school closures, cloth mask mandates, and business disruptions in perpetuity.

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It's impossible to prevent a pandemic that was made up.

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Norman! My book is available at heroesandvillainsbooks.com ! Let me know what you think!

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