Please watch this video clip:

How could Prof Sachs not know how remote the likelihood of the sequences appearing in SARS-2 would be from mutations or recombination? Plus the lack of a step 4 in the 7 steps present in any pandemic- the one where the virus can go from bats to humans but not from humans to humans yet because the viral load isn’t large enough (enter the furin cleavage site).. Yet he says, "We cant be sure (about the lab origins)."
I proved it on 2.20.20
Professor Sachs says that it started in a US lab.
Which one?
Could it be from Dr. Ralph Baric’s lab at Chapel Hill ? He and Dr Zheng Shi Li were thick as thieves leading up to this and she bold-face lied about the pneumonia caused by RaTG13? (and changed its name). She called it a fungal pneumonia after a grad student did his thesis on a viral pneumonia. Then the Wuhan lab erased all gene sequences in its online database at the urging of our NIH.
This is a major announcement because if true, it proves our authorities have been covering the the whole thing up (as we have suspected. It explains so many things
why Francis Collins ruined his reputation to try and cover it up
how we got the vaccine only a few days after the gene sequence was made available (they didn’t even need to wait that long)
why we haven’t seen anyone take the witness stand in senate hearings except Fauci and he lied
The people involved in this WILL probably go to jail or at least their fall-guy will.
This is an enormous scandal.
Sachs needs to give full details and release ALL of the evidence.
Maybe HE should come in for Senate testimony so we can all see it.
How much harm could have been prevented?
If the lab never leaked in the first place?
If lockdowns never occurred the way they did?
If vaccine development and safety protocols were adhered to?
If other safer therapies were made available?
If the media was open and honest?
Think about it.
Does the Wuhan Institute of Virology count as a "US lab (of) biotechnology" since it was receiving US funding?