It's to cover up their crimes against us ... for over a century ... and bury them forever ... hold on to the wealth and power ... that they have stolen ...
and blame everything on China/Russia (BRICS) ...and unless people wake up to what's going on ... very fast ... they are going to destroy us (it's already a 'salvage' operation) and get away with it ...
Yes, and climate change. The unbelievable losses of life liberty and wealth that is planned for us, is largely going to be blamed on climate change. And so many people will accept this. It's quite a mind bending world we live in.
Yes ... isn't it just so incredibly ludicrous that people have allowed themselves to be so 'dumbed-down' ...
The people destroying us are running rings around us ... almost laughing in our faces as to how stupid we are ...
Mind bending alright ... and even as their lives go down the drain ... turbo cancer/sudden deaths in our newspapers every day ... people are ignoring ... even blocking ... my emails ...
Unfortunately ... 'Team Stupid' seems to be getting what it deserves ...
A truly criminal dumb-down campaign has been ongoing for decades.
"The May 2022 version of the NTP report was released under discovery and revealed that the NTP scientists had found that higher fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children. The report specifically mentioned the impact of prenatal exposure on neurodevelopment in the foetus."
Mind bending is precisely what it feels like. People's faces are changing due to the mRNA vaccines. Cranial nerve damage interfering with lids and leveling, blinking and movement.
Has reality become a rare commodity?
So many occurances that shock, with attitudes that fracture. Trust much these days?
Will we be able to salvage enough to ever be "comfortable" again? These days it feels like political affiliation speaks volumes. I am honing my profiling skills because the assault has been unforgivable.
It was interesting watching the senate committee interrogate Peter Daszak, I suspect ecohealth alliance will take alot of the blame and the real players will remain in the shadows.
Its all smoke and mirrors: as others have said it's not the virus that's the real problem it's the (solution) injectable mRNA product.
While it is a relief to read like minded opinions, this is so distressing to watch. There are those who recognized the change in our medical community, but it had been occurring for some time. Alex B. was not familiar enough to contribute anything meaningful. He regurgitates his information inaccurately. I have been unable to ascertain if this is intentional or not, so I quit reading him a couple of years ago.
The intent and actions of our government seem clear enough, though.
Great writing here. I couldn’t agree more. I am continually disturbed by Dr.’s, “scientists”, & media personalities stating that the elderly, & high risk vulnerable people should be the ones who get these poison clot shots. At 56, I am not getting any younger & I don’t appreciate these “professionals” throwing the vulnerable elderly under the bus like this. Especially when they say it with a straight face. Sounding all caring and concerned for this segment of our society. Shame on them all! NO ONE should get these shots! Period. I no longer trust Dr’s because of the hospital protocols they inflicted upon innocent vulnerable patients, & their willful ignorance in trusting the CDC. I am utterly astounded by the stupidity of these Dr’s who’re put in charge of our care. Their arrogance & irritation when questioned about their knowledge & recommendations. The whole medical system is f’d up. And people trust them. With their lives. It’s disgusting!
Correct, gaytes doesn't invest in something that might happen. He finances them so they do happen. Just like creating a software operating system, then writing viruses for said software so they could sell antivirus software. How did the bizarre freak who was being grilled by the government, getting pies slammed in his face, come to own the government?
I agree with you wholeheartedly that the timing on a few things is just too perfect, particularly when it comes to Gates and how he rolls and who he rolls with, i.e. his sphere of influence, power and control in several sectors globally.
I live in a state where Gates influence, unbeknownst to most citizens, is evident once you dig beneath the propaganda.
I have had occasion to do this in the past, pre-pandemic , around 2018 due to Gates meddling in education in Maine and the Northeast. Post pandemic, I have begun to see connections and interfaces within sectors that, in my opinion, constitute a “tell.”
I recently rewatched the below linked video (had watched it prior to the pandemic in my examination of education issues in my state). I’m glad I took the time. In light of all the research and information I am now aware of relative to the COVID fraud….well, let’s just say I see this video in a much different light. And in my view, it is very telling.
Perhaps even more telling is the roll of this speaker with regard to his ties to Gates (IHME/WHO) in the areas of technology and healthcare. What is evident to me is the Internet of Bio-Nano things is real and a goal of those busy pushing “innovation” at the expense of mankind/humanity. What is also evident is they are interested in engineering our evolution by tampering with the human genome. Finally, what is clearly admitted to is that despite “moratoriums” on these supposed ‘advancements’ there are those corrupt and criminal businessmen who will not heed such laws (never have in their press to get ahead—so why would they now?).
Would love to know your thoughts. While Roux couches some of the advances in a positive light )as they always do), a discerning listener cannot mistake the underlying message and confirmation about where we are headed (and who knows how far the agenda has actually advanced in the shadows).
If you want more information on who Roux is and why I pay attention to what he does and how he has infiltrated my state you can read my substack. I consider him one of Gates’ advance men in reshaping the global landscape.
But first, just cleanse the palate…and reflect on the past 3-4 years as you watch this video. And note this video was in 2018!!!! And notice the title.
Trust me….it will be worth your time. I also have transcript of an exchange by Roux at an event hosted by the former head of the MIT media lab, Joi Ito (the one friendly with Epstein when it came to big $$$ donations) where Roux admits that concerns over civil rights does not rank in his top 10 issues as the agenda unfolds.
Let me know what you think. And be sure to check out my substack if you want to understand how this guy connects to Roux and the fin/tech elite.
And if you doubt his relevance….note that even the Council on Foreign Relations has an interest in what he is up to…Maine has always been a cheap date…rural state that struggles economically makes us easy prey for the philanthropaths.
The vultures have moved into Maine. Whether it’s private equity or private foundations promoting the innovation economy the ugly face is the same. A few people own everything and they are on the move to usurp and control.
My substack details who our tech overlords are and their extensive and crushing tentacles as they set up a biopharmaceutical corridor in the Northeast and look to control the grid and advance the globalist agenda. Just follow the money!
Yes, they have been here for a while. As a rural, poor and aging state, we are a cheap date. Very sad. And most in Maine have no idea that they have been pimped out to the highest bidder. We are owned by certain philanthropaths.
Have you looked into the UN deals with city after city. In all Canadian cities there is a UN sustainable development plan which includes digital tracking and surveillance. . Also heath systems and libraries are incorporating digital surveillance and sustainable development. Cities often have direct contracts with the UN OR WEF
Yes, I see you came to same conclusion as I did over time. For me, it's only as time has gone on that it has become more apparent to me, that none of what happened (and is still happening) is accidental or designed to " protect the public". Rather, we are under attack by our own governments and their corporate partners in crime. The great reset is the goal.
I disagree, i am 71 and rarely acutely ill even though I worked with the public, including small children for years. When I caught covid from my grandchildren, recently fully vaccinated, in February of 22, it made me feel like nothing else I have ever had. Even now I have deficits I have not recovered from. My daughter, who is fit and in her early forties, was so weak she couldn’t even talk for extended time and for months was waking during the night with chest pain and rapid heart rate. We all have type a blood and got sick during delta so maybe that accounts for it. My daughter also works for a large research hospital taking calls and patients were experiencing a 23 hour wait time to speak to a provider or nurse, something not experienced in the other 4 years she has worked for them
Or.....their brains are alive and active and busy calculating the payment they get for each victim they inject, plus the increasing payments as they reach each higher ´percentage-injected’ target.
Hi Elizabeth. People used "lab leak" because they thought it actually leaked from a lab. That is until I started posting my proofs that it was deliberately released. Maria Bartiromo even inserted the word "accidental" before "lab leak" when discussing it on her show . Rand Paul did too when being interviewed by Maria on many occasions. I even wrote to both Maria and Rand, admonishing them for not looking at the facts. I never heard from either one.
Absolutely right about the tide not turning. This narrative being pushed so consistently shows how many straight up bad actors there are in what people think of as the "resistance".
This is the very first article of yours that I have ever read, and it's obvious that you stand out from virtually everyone still writing about Covid. Stand out as in-you cut through the BS and make sense. After several years of this I'm beginning to grow pretty tired of being lied to, and even worse, not knowing if I'm being lied to or if the fool writing the lies actually believes what he/her is shoveling and is simply a fool. I came here to your substack after reading a couple of your comments on Midwestern Doctor, and for a long time I had considered him a fairly good source of information. Lately though I have begun to harbor serious doubts about that substack. And who can blame me? After all, it seems like one after another so many of these "prominent Covid dissidents" have been exposed as extremely questionable persons. I have always been distrustful of most of humanity anyways, but since the entire world went nuts about viruses, that distrust has ripened into full blown paranoia. Anyways-very good short article and I plan to read more-thank you for taking the time to put it down in words and share it with everyone.
This is the first article of yours I read, so I'm sorry if I miss something. However.
1) Where you claim that you "proved" since the beginning of '21 that the vaccine wasn't "working", you didn't link any reference. Is there any?
2) Where you claim that the vaccine didn't benefit old people, your argument sounds like an extreme (and wrong) simplification. Just the simple fact that you don't distinguish between different vaccines and different benefits should show that.
3) Where you claim that the virus isn't the result of an "accidental lab leak" - if I understand correctly - you don't exactly clarify what happened, then.
I've read another article of yours here, to get an idea:
The pandemic was setup by "we don't know whom" to make temporary social changes because "things didn't look good".
I think that the simple point that the number of people you have to convince to comply to set this into motion is so high that you can't be reasonably sure it would achieve what you want, if anything (the classic anti-conspiracy argument).
I'm not against the deliberate release hypothesis, but your reasoning isn't convincing in the least - especially because the schizophrenic reaction of authorities all over the world could be explained
exactly by intelligence agencies becoming aware of a potential deliberate release.
You said my explanation "was an extreme (and wrong) simplification." How so? I have tons of graphs showing this but I can't put graphs in the comments.
3) You said I "didn't clarify what happened". What happened was, it was released deliberately. You didn't think the reasoning I gave was convincing about all the preparation that went into it by various DOD departments? What about the timing of the release? Do you think it leaked on the perfect days? Do you think they left that to chance? I have more information but that should be enough. How could all of that be "not convincing in the least" as you put it?
Also, I just read my post about deliberate release again. I didn't say the reason was because "things didn't look good". Where did you get that? To the contrary, I listed dozens of pieces of hard evidence.
2) Then you can't conclude that the vaccine "benefits no one".
It's a simplification because not all people are equal even if you are able to create sophisticated cohorts.
But you didn't even pick sophisticated cohorts. You just spoke about "old people".
And about the benefits, one needs to make various assessments for costs and benefits.
The simple "not efficient immune system" argument doesn't mean much.
Finally the paper you link concludes agreeing with me that things are more complex than that and depend on the vaccine, the pathology, the subject, etc.
3) By "you didn't clarify what happened" I meant the "who did it", why and how.
By "things didn't look good" I paraphrased from the POV of a potential culprit, the various points you made in your article: like "people were doing good", "Trump was doing good", etc. Which IMO remain vague and unconvincing.
Most importantly the main anti-conspiracy argument keeps standing: how can a group of people inside institutions do something this big, keep it secret, convince lots of people to comply, to get what?
A lockdown of 2 years? Jabs for everyone? A different president? I don't see the political point. Or where they trying to setup a full on health-emergency-driven dictatorship?
I find it more reasonable - though I don't believe that - that someone with financial interests in the business related to the likely-ensuing health emergency (healthcare, security, media, etc) caused the leak: few people involved and if things go wrong you probably need to eliminate less than 10-20 people.
We are in Oregon, where our mail carrier had what she called a strange new pneumonia in December 2019.
You are certainly adept at clearing the debris. Your presentations provoke stomache churning ire, due to your accuracy. It is worth the discomfort.
It does seem highly unlikely that these people do anything unintentionally.
That leads me to believe that they are out to destroy us, as we are their competition for resources.
It's to cover up their crimes against us ... for over a century ... and bury them forever ... hold on to the wealth and power ... that they have stolen ...
and blame everything on China/Russia (BRICS) ...and unless people wake up to what's going on ... very fast ... they are going to destroy us (it's already a 'salvage' operation) and get away with it ...
read my posts I link to on other comments ...
Yes, and climate change. The unbelievable losses of life liberty and wealth that is planned for us, is largely going to be blamed on climate change. And so many people will accept this. It's quite a mind bending world we live in.
Yes ... isn't it just so incredibly ludicrous that people have allowed themselves to be so 'dumbed-down' ...
The people destroying us are running rings around us ... almost laughing in our faces as to how stupid we are ...
Mind bending alright ... and even as their lives go down the drain ... turbo cancer/sudden deaths in our newspapers every day ... people are ignoring ... even blocking ... my emails ...
Unfortunately ... 'Team Stupid' seems to be getting what it deserves ...
A truly criminal dumb-down campaign has been ongoing for decades.
"The May 2022 version of the NTP report was released under discovery and revealed that the NTP scientists had found that higher fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children. The report specifically mentioned the impact of prenatal exposure on neurodevelopment in the foetus."
Mind bending is precisely what it feels like. People's faces are changing due to the mRNA vaccines. Cranial nerve damage interfering with lids and leveling, blinking and movement.
Has reality become a rare commodity?
So many occurances that shock, with attitudes that fracture. Trust much these days?
I’m curious why you believe there is cranial nerve damage? I haven’t heard that one.
Will we be able to salvage enough to ever be "comfortable" again? These days it feels like political affiliation speaks volumes. I am honing my profiling skills because the assault has been unforgivable.
It was interesting watching the senate committee interrogate Peter Daszak, I suspect ecohealth alliance will take alot of the blame and the real players will remain in the shadows.
Its all smoke and mirrors: as others have said it's not the virus that's the real problem it's the (solution) injectable mRNA product.
While it is a relief to read like minded opinions, this is so distressing to watch. There are those who recognized the change in our medical community, but it had been occurring for some time. Alex B. was not familiar enough to contribute anything meaningful. He regurgitates his information inaccurately. I have been unable to ascertain if this is intentional or not, so I quit reading him a couple of years ago.
The intent and actions of our government seem clear enough, though.
He may be the one thrown under the bus, and although the shots were terrible, why can’t it be both that are damaging people?
It can be both👍 as others have said , they needed the virus to get the injectable product into people but neither are good.
Great writing here. I couldn’t agree more. I am continually disturbed by Dr.’s, “scientists”, & media personalities stating that the elderly, & high risk vulnerable people should be the ones who get these poison clot shots. At 56, I am not getting any younger & I don’t appreciate these “professionals” throwing the vulnerable elderly under the bus like this. Especially when they say it with a straight face. Sounding all caring and concerned for this segment of our society. Shame on them all! NO ONE should get these shots! Period. I no longer trust Dr’s because of the hospital protocols they inflicted upon innocent vulnerable patients, & their willful ignorance in trusting the CDC. I am utterly astounded by the stupidity of these Dr’s who’re put in charge of our care. Their arrogance & irritation when questioned about their knowledge & recommendations. The whole medical system is f’d up. And people trust them. With their lives. It’s disgusting!
Berenson may simply be a Mossad operative.
"Mossad has a long history of running psyops. In the Author’s
opinion possible 50% or more of those highly publicized for
opposing government COVID-19 policies actually work for
Mossad. Mossad controls both sides of the COVID-19 dialog
to ensure maximum effect. The Mossad operatives opposing
COVID-19 policies act to ensure Mossad does not get blamed
for the COVID-19 attack. The Mossad operatives opposed to
COVID-19 policies, such as COVID-19 vaccination mandates,
act to deflect suspicion to non-Mossad parties including Chinese,
Russians, Iranians, DARPA, “Elites”, “Deep State Operatives”,
“Big Pharma”, “Illuminati”, “Masons” and even bats."
Excellent link🤝
Correct, gaytes doesn't invest in something that might happen. He finances them so they do happen. Just like creating a software operating system, then writing viruses for said software so they could sell antivirus software. How did the bizarre freak who was being grilled by the government, getting pies slammed in his face, come to own the government?
Berenson, I believe is controlled op.
Dr. Sheftall:
I agree with you wholeheartedly that the timing on a few things is just too perfect, particularly when it comes to Gates and how he rolls and who he rolls with, i.e. his sphere of influence, power and control in several sectors globally.
I live in a state where Gates influence, unbeknownst to most citizens, is evident once you dig beneath the propaganda.
I have had occasion to do this in the past, pre-pandemic , around 2018 due to Gates meddling in education in Maine and the Northeast. Post pandemic, I have begun to see connections and interfaces within sectors that, in my opinion, constitute a “tell.”
I recently rewatched the below linked video (had watched it prior to the pandemic in my examination of education issues in my state). I’m glad I took the time. In light of all the research and information I am now aware of relative to the COVID fraud….well, let’s just say I see this video in a much different light. And in my view, it is very telling.
Perhaps even more telling is the roll of this speaker with regard to his ties to Gates (IHME/WHO) in the areas of technology and healthcare. What is evident to me is the Internet of Bio-Nano things is real and a goal of those busy pushing “innovation” at the expense of mankind/humanity. What is also evident is they are interested in engineering our evolution by tampering with the human genome. Finally, what is clearly admitted to is that despite “moratoriums” on these supposed ‘advancements’ there are those corrupt and criminal businessmen who will not heed such laws (never have in their press to get ahead—so why would they now?).
Would love to know your thoughts. While Roux couches some of the advances in a positive light )as they always do), a discerning listener cannot mistake the underlying message and confirmation about where we are headed (and who knows how far the agenda has actually advanced in the shadows).
If you want more information on who Roux is and why I pay attention to what he does and how he has infiltrated my state you can read my substack. I consider him one of Gates’ advance men in reshaping the global landscape.
But first, just cleanse the palate…and reflect on the past 3-4 years as you watch this video. And note this video was in 2018!!!! And notice the title.
Trust me….it will be worth your time. I also have transcript of an exchange by Roux at an event hosted by the former head of the MIT media lab, Joi Ito (the one friendly with Epstein when it came to big $$$ donations) where Roux admits that concerns over civil rights does not rank in his top 10 issues as the agenda unfolds.
Here’s the video….
Let me know what you think. And be sure to check out my substack if you want to understand how this guy connects to Roux and the fin/tech elite.
And if you doubt his relevance….note that even the Council on Foreign Relations has an interest in what he is up to…Maine has always been a cheap date…rural state that struggles economically makes us easy prey for the philanthropaths.
The vultures have moved into Maine. Whether it’s private equity or private foundations promoting the innovation economy the ugly face is the same. A few people own everything and they are on the move to usurp and control.
My substack details who our tech overlords are and their extensive and crushing tentacles as they set up a biopharmaceutical corridor in the Northeast and look to control the grid and advance the globalist agenda. Just follow the money!
Yes, they have been here for a while. As a rural, poor and aging state, we are a cheap date. Very sad. And most in Maine have no idea that they have been pimped out to the highest bidder. We are owned by certain philanthropaths.
Have you looked into the UN deals with city after city. In all Canadian cities there is a UN sustainable development plan which includes digital tracking and surveillance. . Also heath systems and libraries are incorporating digital surveillance and sustainable development. Cities often have direct contracts with the UN OR WEF
Yes, I see you came to same conclusion as I did over time. For me, it's only as time has gone on that it has become more apparent to me, that none of what happened (and is still happening) is accidental or designed to " protect the public". Rather, we are under attack by our own governments and their corporate partners in crime. The great reset is the goal.
The reality is that there was never any 'virus' circulating in the
worldwide population. Neither from zoonotic transfer, Gain of Function bioweapon,
or natural infection. There was nothing but a casedemic based on fraudulent testing.
I disagree, i am 71 and rarely acutely ill even though I worked with the public, including small children for years. When I caught covid from my grandchildren, recently fully vaccinated, in February of 22, it made me feel like nothing else I have ever had. Even now I have deficits I have not recovered from. My daughter, who is fit and in her early forties, was so weak she couldn’t even talk for extended time and for months was waking during the night with chest pain and rapid heart rate. We all have type a blood and got sick during delta so maybe that accounts for it. My daughter also works for a large research hospital taking calls and patients were experiencing a 23 hour wait time to speak to a provider or nurse, something not experienced in the other 4 years she has worked for them
wow! if official surveys have any credibility, Canadian doctors are either 99%, 89% or 100% brain dead. glad to see you Reid! dave
Or.....their brains are alive and active and busy calculating the payment they get for each victim they inject, plus the increasing payments as they reach each higher ´percentage-injected’ target.
Many Canadian Dr.'s have died in the last year. I suspect many more will. In the US as well.
Totally agree ...
Thank you for punching the “narrative” with the truth.
Folk should say “lab origin” instead of “lab leak.” The latter makes it sound like an accident. As if!!!
“Lab origin” is a loaded term in its own right, but it beats “lab leak.”
Hi Elizabeth. People used "lab leak" because they thought it actually leaked from a lab. That is until I started posting my proofs that it was deliberately released. Maria Bartiromo even inserted the word "accidental" before "lab leak" when discussing it on her show . Rand Paul did too when being interviewed by Maria on many occasions. I even wrote to both Maria and Rand, admonishing them for not looking at the facts. I never heard from either one.
Absolutely right about the tide not turning. This narrative being pushed so consistently shows how many straight up bad actors there are in what people think of as the "resistance".
This is the very first article of yours that I have ever read, and it's obvious that you stand out from virtually everyone still writing about Covid. Stand out as in-you cut through the BS and make sense. After several years of this I'm beginning to grow pretty tired of being lied to, and even worse, not knowing if I'm being lied to or if the fool writing the lies actually believes what he/her is shoveling and is simply a fool. I came here to your substack after reading a couple of your comments on Midwestern Doctor, and for a long time I had considered him a fairly good source of information. Lately though I have begun to harbor serious doubts about that substack. And who can blame me? After all, it seems like one after another so many of these "prominent Covid dissidents" have been exposed as extremely questionable persons. I have always been distrustful of most of humanity anyways, but since the entire world went nuts about viruses, that distrust has ripened into full blown paranoia. Anyways-very good short article and I plan to read more-thank you for taking the time to put it down in words and share it with everyone.
Well, stay hardline, but don’t disparage those catching up when they’re heading in the right direction, no spike strips.
This is the first article of yours I read, so I'm sorry if I miss something. However.
1) Where you claim that you "proved" since the beginning of '21 that the vaccine wasn't "working", you didn't link any reference. Is there any?
2) Where you claim that the vaccine didn't benefit old people, your argument sounds like an extreme (and wrong) simplification. Just the simple fact that you don't distinguish between different vaccines and different benefits should show that.
3) Where you claim that the virus isn't the result of an "accidental lab leak" - if I understand correctly - you don't exactly clarify what happened, then.
I've read another article of yours here, to get an idea:
But the result is underwhelming:
The pandemic was setup by "we don't know whom" to make temporary social changes because "things didn't look good".
I think that the simple point that the number of people you have to convince to comply to set this into motion is so high that you can't be reasonably sure it would achieve what you want, if anything (the classic anti-conspiracy argument).
I'm not against the deliberate release hypothesis, but your reasoning isn't convincing in the least - especially because the schizophrenic reaction of authorities all over the world could be explained
exactly by intelligence agencies becoming aware of a potential deliberate release.
I just wrote you a long answer and I went back to get a quote from what I wrote and I lost the whole thing...
1) Briefly, I don't have time to do the proof for you now. It is very complicated. I know it sounds like a cop out. I'll try to get to it soon.
2) I didn't say the vaccine didn't benefit old people. I said, "the older age groups fared the worst." Please read it again.
Here's a reference confirming my explanation as to why:,a%20robust%20response%20to%20vaccines. It contains the following quote: "vaccination of the elderly population differs in efficacy and safety compared to that of other population categories since aging and the consequent loss of efficiency of the immune system lead to a reduction in the immunogenicity of vaccines without achieving a lasting antibody coverage."
You said my explanation "was an extreme (and wrong) simplification." How so? I have tons of graphs showing this but I can't put graphs in the comments.
3) You said I "didn't clarify what happened". What happened was, it was released deliberately. You didn't think the reasoning I gave was convincing about all the preparation that went into it by various DOD departments? What about the timing of the release? Do you think it leaked on the perfect days? Do you think they left that to chance? I have more information but that should be enough. How could all of that be "not convincing in the least" as you put it?
Also, I just read my post about deliberate release again. I didn't say the reason was because "things didn't look good". Where did you get that? To the contrary, I listed dozens of pieces of hard evidence.
Ty for the answer.
2) Then you can't conclude that the vaccine "benefits no one".
It's a simplification because not all people are equal even if you are able to create sophisticated cohorts.
But you didn't even pick sophisticated cohorts. You just spoke about "old people".
And about the benefits, one needs to make various assessments for costs and benefits.
The simple "not efficient immune system" argument doesn't mean much.
Finally the paper you link concludes agreeing with me that things are more complex than that and depend on the vaccine, the pathology, the subject, etc.
3) By "you didn't clarify what happened" I meant the "who did it", why and how.
By "things didn't look good" I paraphrased from the POV of a potential culprit, the various points you made in your article: like "people were doing good", "Trump was doing good", etc. Which IMO remain vague and unconvincing.
Most importantly the main anti-conspiracy argument keeps standing: how can a group of people inside institutions do something this big, keep it secret, convince lots of people to comply, to get what?
A lockdown of 2 years? Jabs for everyone? A different president? I don't see the political point. Or where they trying to setup a full on health-emergency-driven dictatorship?
I find it more reasonable - though I don't believe that - that someone with financial interests in the business related to the likely-ensuing health emergency (healthcare, security, media, etc) caused the leak: few people involved and if things go wrong you probably need to eliminate less than 10-20 people.