Many New Year Blessings to you and yours….

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Reid, where are you?

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Hi mr Reid

We share the same view, the so called pandemic has been a fallacy (as far as its real impact is concerned). We exchanged letters in the past, but it seems you found our method very complicated and difficult. This was a math-logic paper rather than a medical one. But, the second method has been developed. It is much shorter and easier and smarter; at the same time it leads to the same conclusions:

a) with true Covid-19 deaths the average number of chronic conditions would be at least doubled against the number in a comparative group of alive ones with the same age-structure

b) the real av. age of decedents was considerably lower

...It is under the same link, but it is pasted as Shortened Supplement - THE ALTERNATIVE METHOD, on the main Zenodo page (under Extended Abstract) and it is only like 2 pages to read:


...There is also added the explanation why quick premature deaths and deaths due to 'aging' have opposite directions of changes in an average number of chronic conditions against changes in an average age (= 'the cumulative effect' -given in 'Additional Notes -part c). ...Your opinion will be appreciated. ...Some journals have found it themselves and asked to give to be published (journals covered by PubMed), e.g. from the U.S. the coordinator of Fortunejournals proposed to choose a journal we would like to publish it in; unfortunately the methods are not scheduled to be given to any journal; it could not be anonymized (safety).

Kind regards

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Where are you Reid? You're in many peoples thoughts.

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Reid, just read about your identify theft mess!!!!!!! YIPES! I hope you can extract yourself with your sanity and health intact. Are you in Cambodia now? Julie

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Wishing you good health and happiness in the New Year!

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