Yet another credentialed expert who refuses to look at evidence. Prefers the narrative over facts. This encounter is a great encapsulation of the last four years.

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I’m beginning to believe these individuals cannot look at the truth when the evidence is right in front of them. It’s too shocking to realize they are wrong and they are too arrogant to admit it.

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Even more disturbing, Chelie, they are in charge of advising or setting policy for the public.

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I’m afraid they are motivated towards an agenda. An evil one. It will be a sad day for them when they wake up and realize that it was a detrimental mistake on their part.

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I’m afraid those fully vested in the great COV-19 deception - those within government, Big Pharma, Corp Media, Big Tech, Wall Street etc. - will never admit errors/bad judgment. Prideful people, they are.

A quote attributed to Mark Twain applies to the CDC stooge: “The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.”

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Wow. Stunning how incompetent our health "guardians" at the CDC are.

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Your new friend "Joe" is learning that his brother isn't as smart as "Joe" thought he was ...

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Thanks for this. I've been reading and listening to doctors and scientists from the beginning of the onslaught, and I'm still picking up things (in addition to being reminded of what was said early on, but is brought up very rarely now). Every time I read a response such as yours that lays out arguments and evidence rebutting the assertions of the scientific establishment that are still being made, it increases and solidifies my understanding of this whole complicated mess.

Something new I learned from this essay was this: "Influenza is spread by water droplets. TB by aerosols. Flu has a wet cough. Covid and TB a dry cough. It only stands to reason that Covid would be spread by aerosols." If anyone who has ever pointed out the connection between mode of transmission and wetness/dryness of cough, I somehow missed that. So much confusion has been sown about covid spreading via droplets or aerosol that it's really hard for me to feel solid in my understanding when the see-saw between them was going on for so long. Your explanation clears it up for me.

I wish you success in setting up a debate with this guy. If he responds to you in writing, I would consider it a success, and it would be an even greater success if you were able to continue a dialogue with him in this manner.

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I'm hoping he does it, even if he has to sit in the shadows and disguise his voice.

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You are totally on top of this which I realized before ever jointing $$. Totally worth it. I probably have joined earlier when you just had patterns

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Thanks, Emily!

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I thought the establishment itself gave up on the natural zoonotic spillover 2 years ago when they pulled out Jon Stewart to announce the lab leak limited hangout on the Daily Show. Here is an article on it by the CIA's paper, the Washington Post, which includes a clip of Stewart's obviously rehearsed announcement.


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No, most of them still believe it (and they wouldn't admit the "conspiracy theorists" were correct even if they didn't. Joe's brother clearly believes it. FYI: Your link is paywalled.

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I can't explain the paywall (trust me, I don't subscribe to the Post). I hit a paywall when I go through my Android, but not my desktop. Weird.

James Randi's "Flim-Flam!" illustrates that, if people want to believe something, all the evidence in the world will not convince them otherwise.

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I hope he takes you up on the offer to debate. I would love to watch it. It’s so refreshing to hear physicians who aren’t afraid to be truthful. The 1st responsibility in the phrase fFirst do no harm”

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It should be surprising (shocking) that anyone at this point still believes the “acceptable” narrative, but alas the power of cognitive dissonance is a huge blinder to those who wish not to be proven wrong

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absolutely right.

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Dr. Sheftall if we’ve had covid, but no vaccines, should we be testing for HIV? I had a 65yo friend (married for decades and at very low risk) who’s GP said at her yearly last week that the CDC is recommending HIV testing now. She’s had three Covid shots and thankfully stopped after major tachycardia (shown on her Apple watch) within hours of her third shot a year ago. Her cardiologist has told her NO MORE Covid shots. But the hiv test recommendation was surprising.

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Gosh. That's a shocker to me. Why should someone be tested for HIV? Did they give a reason?

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No exact reason. Just that the CDC was recommending it for all now. I was hypothesizing it’s because the Wuhan virus was made in part with HIV?

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But the problem is that you'd get a lot of positives if you had gotten Covid (and the ELISA test for exposure to HIV was looking for the same epitopes).

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Hmm good point

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I heard that too.

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Of course he won't debate you Reid. Dupes of the Left like this guy never engage the argument; they only impugn the character of their opposition. Tearing things (and people) down is the hallmark of the barbarian who knows he can live better in the resulting rubble than he ever could in anything he might create himself (think Palestine).

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True, Skip.

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Excellent. I would wager you will not hear from him. The narrative pushers can't face being wrong.

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Whoo boy. Saving the pic in case I can ever print it out. Trying to convince people

that masks don't work is an exercise in futility...but love the pic. Maybe I will hang is somehwere prominent.

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Get a really pretty frame.

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The first thing I thought when the face diaper garbage started was, "If masks 'protect others,' why do medical examiners wear them during autopsies?" It didn't take much reading to discover that surgeons likewise mask to protect themselves from incoming material.

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Exactly! In my former job as a nurse assisting surgeons with complex wound care you pretty much want everything on your body covered. It was NOT a sterile environment or even meant meant to be like in an OR. It was a a “clean” environment. You needed to protect yourself from incoming..

But during the Covid mask mandate when lunch came, or the patients were gone the so were the mask & all the other lies that went with it.

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One of the studies I found said (somewhat tongue-in-cheek) that the best way to minimize contamination during surgery was for the OR staff to work naked, because the friction from clothing greatly increases the number of shed skin cells available to be transferred to patients. IIRC the most effective way to reduce post-operative infections involves the air handling systems of the surgical suites.

For hospital staff to advocate muzzling is doubly hypocritical because if you drive past any medical center or hospital campus you'll see employees wandering around outside in their unhemmed scrub pants, scuffing through the filth and grime of the sidewalks and parking structures. Then they go indoors to patient treatment areas in those same scrubs and street shoes, put on face diapers, and lie about germs.

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I know. When you look at some of the practices, it doesn't make sense.

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😂😂😂So true Dr Sheftall. And it helps the pharma’s antibiotic sales & development thrive.

If you can point me in the direction of the study you referred to, I would love read it.

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Do you mean Fager132's study?

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Fager132 mentioned one of the studies he came across. If you have seen any and would could share I would love to read it.

I’m no longer working in a healthcare environment and do private stuff.

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Correction, Fager132. TIA

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Reid, with all due respect, you are totally wrong. Please explain to me how a virus that stays in the respiratory tract may cause myocarditis? The pseudovaccine - yes, as it is injected into the deltoid muscle that is full of blood vessels.

The furin theory is ludicrous - if it were true, you could take any coronavirus, add this cleavage site and bingo, you have a new human coronavirus. Unfortunately, you miss the importance of all other viral genes that are needed for successful replication of a zoonotic virus in a human cell.

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The virus isn't limited to the respiratory tract. Where did you get that idea? It gets into the GI tract too. That's why it shows up in waste water analyses.

Are you saying the virus doesn't cause any myocarditis?

You don't think the furin cleavage site was inserted into the genome? Explain the rare CGG CGG codons for arginine.

Or do you not believe insertion of the furin cleavage site increases the rate of fusion?

What are you getting at here: "Unfortunately, you miss the importance of all other viral genes that are needed for successful replication of a zoonotic virus in a human cell."

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