There still is no proof of a single death from bird flu or covid -19. When it is said people were off by the numbers, it's giving credibility to the existence of something people should fear, when that is not proven anywhere to be the case. Ferguson, cdc, fauci and others all lied to us and we should recognize that by now.

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Absolutely correct. And even if there was an virus we called SARS-2, it's genome is an admixture of pieces of RNA of, possibly, bacterial, other viral, and even human origin from the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of a single patient with atypical pneumonia in Wuhan, China.

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Apropos this article, for those who don’t know, a book has been written by R.N. Watteel, PhD Statistics, about what happened in Canada during Covid, titled “FISMAN’S FRAUD: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science.” I highly recommend it, since fraud and lies happen elsewhere too, and is likely to happen when they attempt to create a ‘Bird Flu’ plandemic.

The global miscreants will never stop trying to poison us unless we resist and refuse their unethical vaccines. Fight!

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We have to get prep act overturned. How do we do this? Esp when so many people still believe in the covid crap? I mean, my sister still wears a mask on a plane in a store...any ideas? G. Edward griffin says we need 15 percent of the population to by changing laws, take over the power centers and re write all the laws....

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Laws made by idiot, like the prep act aren't the problem. Order followers that don't think are the problem. Forget the prep act and all of the immoral laws that your lawmakers make and don't comply and don't be an immoral order follower.

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In answer to your question, not even a tiny bit. F the flu

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Good on you STH.

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Apropos this article, for those who don’t know, a book has been written by R.N. Watteel, PhD Statistics, about what happened in Canada during Covid, titled “FISMAN’S FRAUD: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science.” I highly recommend it, since fraud and lies happen elsewhere too, and is likely to happen when they attempt to create a ‘Bird Flu’ plandemic.

The global miscreants will never stop trying to poison us unless we resist and refuse their unethical vaccines. Fight!

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Has anyone heard from the Doc since this post?

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