Reid, If you read the transcript of Fauxi's deposition (I have...every painful word) you will discover why getting them to testify under oath will have no value -- they have a 100% forgetting rate. The best part was about why Fauxi changed his mind over a weekend on the utility of masks -- it was along the line of "I have no idea, but it must have been something really compelling". Uh-huh.

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We can't let them get away with it, Dr. K.

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my sister worked at NIH for 30 years.

She "loved" Collins and all of her work mates were so sad to see him go.

Funny, when I heard the news he was "retiring" or leaving, whatever, I knew it was to cover his ass.

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You can say that again, Rosemary. Before he got involved in all this, I admired him too.

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Thank you for letting know about the book. Just ordered from amazon.co.uk

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Thank you very much! Please spread the word.

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Amid a deluge of lies, deceptions, dirty deals, avaricious acquisitions... and the disability and death of Tens Of Thousands...

Nuremberg Gallows for them... Fauci, Birx, Collins, Daszak, and the boys at DARPA https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanns_Kerrl


A generation of children potentially crippled and emblazoned with the 'Mark of the Beast'.

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Your work should be turned over to Florida attorney general- at least get a book copy to him

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The lobbies drain the pockets of families, impose death policies encouraged by their shameless politicians by reducing third world states, health, education, safety, industry, inflation, energy, forced immigration of men of military age,

Censorship, propaganda, corruption of judges, impunity, time is serious

Christian exemption, exemption of faith and many apocalyptic revelations


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