This is Dr. Sheftall commenting. I can't get into Substack as the author of "First Principles with Dr. Sheftall" any more. I fear my identity thief has stolen it. Does anyone reading this know what I can do to get back in control? Please reply here if you can help me. Thank you.

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Grateful to see your posts and read your excellent work. I hope and pray that your health is improving. Thank you again for taking a stand against the substandard and mismanaged healthcare nightmare. I will comment after I have a chance to read through everything later this evening.

God Bless & Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. Wishing good health and happiness the coming New Year to everyone. There is much to be thankful for.

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Merry Christmas, Reid. Sending all good thoughts that your health issues resolve in the New Year.

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And to you, too. Wishing you the blessing of healing and resolution to your travails.

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Merry Christmas, Doctor. Best wishes for a better 2025.

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Very best Christmas wishes, Dr. Reid.

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Beautiful music. Thanks, Charles.

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I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a happier New Year. Trying to contact you for Dec 30th.

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Are you going to cash in on your free golf lesson? December 30 is fine with me. The identity thief got my last phone so I had to get a new one. I'll get the number to you soon.

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Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful and Serene New Year Dr Sheftall 🎅🎅🎅🎅

Greetings from Italy 💖

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