Although they are completed, the posting of Parts Four and Five of "My Invitation to Speak Got Rescinded But I Went Anyway" will be postponed.
Part Four will be posted on December 26. Part Five on December 27.
I would like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for staying loyal to me during a very trying year.
This is Dr. Sheftall commenting. I can't get into Substack as the author of "First Principles with Dr. Sheftall" any more. I fear my identity thief has stolen it. Does anyone reading this know what I can do to get back in control? Please reply here if you can help me. Thank you.
Grateful to see your posts and read your excellent work. I hope and pray that your health is improving. Thank you again for taking a stand against the substandard and mismanaged healthcare nightmare. I will comment after I have a chance to read through everything later this evening.
God Bless & Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. Wishing good health and happiness the coming New Year to everyone. There is much to be thankful for.