I suspect it also involved fear of baby boomer pensions, been looming over financial institutions for quite some time. Hence killing off the older population in nursing homes and then in hospitals with potions like Remdesevir and the British version satisfied that goal.

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The timing of all this tells all.

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Excellent sleuthing and sharing! Thank you.

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Meanwhile … Where Is The Proof

( Papers, Research , Lab Studies, Etc. )

That Gain Of Function Research

Creating An Aerosolized Self- Replicating Pathogen

Has Ever Been Successfully Accomplished ?

Or Did Someone Just Tell You All That ?

And You Believed It.

It’s A Serious Question.

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Hi Thomas.

1. There is no proof that a respiratory virus has satisfied Koch's postulates . It has been tried hundreds of times and failed every time.

2. The SARS-2 virus has never been isolated.

3. The process used to determine its genome sequence was a complete sham. A detailed explanation is in Volume One ("A Tale of Three Narratives") of my book , "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders." The proof that is has been a total fraud is in Volume Two (The Technical Volume)

4. By neither light nor electron microscopy has the SARS-2 virus been positively identified.

Your narrative, which I call the "No-virus" narrative, is given an equal seat at the table alongside the "Official Narrative" (which is nothing but lies, violations of medical science and fraud) and the "Anti-Narrative". Each is presented as a separate Timeline. There are also timelines submitted by Dr. Mike Yeadon and Spartacus covering associated topics. I hope you will tell your colleagues about the five volumes of "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders".

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When I initially was hearing all the hysteria regarding C-19 in 2020, a financial guy wrote all of it was due to money problems. Specifically a “repo crisis “ in Europe that would eventually affect the globe. Covid gave them a pathway out. Hence the huge wealth transfer. I’ve come to realize that was only a part of it. Population reduction is the main goal.

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The financial crisis was a huge part of it, yes. Also preventing Trump from winning the election to a second term. There were a few other, lesser, reasons. The population control looks obvious but it's such a small fraction of the world population.. 150 million/8 billion is less than 2%.

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So far it’s a small percentage. Although I’m inclined to think if it reduces longevity even by a year , can have a huge impact.

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Very good point. Killing so many young people is a major problem. It's the person-years that matter, ultimately.

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