Addendum to "Caught Red-Handed"
Another video full of damning admissions per the Robert Koch Institute...
Here is another “killer” video.
Note once again that this is not someone’s analysis or opinion. We are reading their internal documents.
Note: His word “banker” is muffled when describing Jens Spahn. Yes, the head of Germany’s Federal Health Ministry is a banker, That’s even worse than the WHO whose Director Tedros Is a non-doctor from Ethiopia who got a PhD in “community health” proving you now can get a PhD in anything.
To follow up on the Fauci testimony being almost worthless, Fauci should be asked about this in detail too.
I suspect it also involved fear of baby boomer pensions, been looming over financial institutions for quite some time. Hence killing off the older population in nursing homes and then in hospitals with potions like Remdesevir and the British version satisfied that goal.
Excellent sleuthing and sharing! Thank you.