Agree with everything. I do think that Crooks was the patsy for a very real assassination attempt. There must have been other shooters involved. Shooters that had far more training and were intending to mortally wound Trump. Crooks was a pawn who would be "neutralized" as part of the SS response once Trump was taken out.
The real assassins/conspirators would never let Crooks leave the scene alive so that he could tell this (likely) story as a manipulatable adolescent with delusional tendencies:
- I was recruited by an intriguing set of individuals who believed I would be the right person for a righteous operation to eliminate the biggest threat to democracy
- I was told where to go and where to set up
- I was promised that I would not be molested by police or the SS until I executed the mission
- I am confused as to why I am being detained as I was promised immunity
My impression is that there were other shooters, probably posing as SS that were supposed to kill Trump when Crooks, a kid who was not good enough to make his HS rifle team, started firing. Trump was supposed to have been shot dead and Crooks would have been identified as the lone shooter. Case closed.
Very similar to the JFK assassination except they were not going to make the mistake of letting Crooks leave the scene alive like Lee Harvey Oswald, who had to be taken out in cold blood two days later while in police custody.
At this point I believe it is sheer luck that Trump made it out alive.
For sure, Crooks was the decoy. They were happy the crowd focused on him. That was the plan. Trump's head had only a 4 degree or so window of safety, meaning 2 degrees more rotation or less and the bullet would have hit his skull.
Doesn’t matter what I think. It’s just what’s possible. There is no iron-clad evidence that Trump was hit. He was, though, dog-piled by the faux SS for an entire minute, long enough to doctor his ear, try not long enough to clean his hand, white collar and white shirt…
Bobby Kennedy was killed by his SS agent at close range because the patsy Sirhan Sirhan shot wide and missed Bobby completely. The agent couldn’t let the op fail so he shot and killed Bobby. Makes me wonder if others like Reagan, Lennon were paid for by taxpayers too.
Absolutely. The RFK murder, the way it was sold to the public, is absurd. Sirhan Sirhan's fired bullets were extracted from the wall and ceiling and never seen again.
Shortly before his death, Lennon was interviewed by Playboy magazine, where he blatantly asserted, "We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD. They invented LSD to control people and what they did was give us freedom. ...look at the Government reports on acid..."
He also indicated his awareness that the Beatles themselves had literally been subjected to mind experimentation with respect to certain drugs they were induced to use; and further conveyed that he knew the Beatles and the entire "Beatlemania" phenomenon were to some extent at least just another aspect of some very wide-scale, globalist "social engineering and experimentation. More than any of the other boys in the band, John Lennon had become increasingly aware of the extent of corruption, co-opting and infiltration of the counterculture -- including the rock music scene -- by the covert government intelligence elements.
He had to be stopped.
In the same interview, Yoko stated, "I really think that what happened in the Seventies can be compared to what happened under Naziism with Jewish families. Only the force that split them came from the inside, not from the outside."
It was only more subtle, and far more effective.
Shortly after that interview, New World Order head honcho and Satanist, globalist, CIA director, Tavistock underling and then vice-president George Bush Sr. had Lennon slaughtered on the streets of New York utilizing yet another mind-controlled Delta slave Mark David Chapman. Mark Chapman is the victim of an artificially induced model psychosis.
Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act state and testify that various Federal Agencies of the US government had a several decade-long covert research project to develop a technique or method by which an involuntary, unwitting innocent individual could be covertly manipulated to hallucinate that he or she must carry out the assassination of a pre-selected target.
On target. Could be because he was wearing a tee shirt with An American flag they thought he was just a dumb kid in the wrong place. I suspect the lady with the twitch behind the podium may have been the on site SS controller. Who gave the order not to have a surveillance drone working?
Facts matter. Too many coincidences. One thing stands out and many of us who pay attention that see the evidence, connect the dots, then then the Senate and House have hearings on the evidence, the responses are all lies, no one in any position of authority is ever brought to trial. No matter how obvious the crimes nothing will be done. The government doesn’t care how sloppy they are. They get away with murder because they hire Patsies to throw under the bus.
please explain. I don't know what you mean by the Word Wrestling Entertainment (if that's what you were referring to) of assassination attempts. How was it "more inside than what you're postulating here". My last paragraphs make it about as inside as can be.
I agree, no way to explain a bunch of decisions by the ss. Incompetence, seems unlikely.
If the ss snipers, and the public, knew the shooter was on the roof why would a local police officer be lieing flat on the roof? He wasn't it a the shooter. Why wait so long to approach him, why wasn't the ss be told about this security ahead of time and planned, did the shooter look like a local cop, why did the ss snipers delay taking out after the ss after he pointed the gun at the local officer?
I think y'all are wrong about RFK - but that's irrelevant for this event. It does seem clear that the Trump attempt is looking more and more like an inside job and not just incompetence. I didn't quite follow you Reid about them not ushering Trump off the stage fast enough. It's pretty obvious that, after the shots, Trump was insisting that they wait for him to get his shoes and then wait for him to signal to the crowd that he was okay. That's why when you heard SS say "ready - move" nothing happened because Trump wasn't letting them haul him off right away. But maybe you are referring to the last few minutes that passed before the shooting started and attendees were pointing to the kid on the roof? That's where there is no excuse for not getting Trump off the stage while someone figured out who was on that roof. That "error" wouldn't be made by a shopping mall security guard!
Skip! What I'm saying is they would normally get Trump off the stage as soon as someone spotted the kid with a rifle which was before Trump arrived, meaning they should have cancelled the rally when they saw him walking around. Given that they didn't do that, he was on the roof for a long time before shots rang out. They should have not let Trump speak or gotten him off the stage many minutes before the shots. Everyone knew about the kid on the roof with the rifle and Cheadle did nothing. What they did after the shooting is not part of my proof.
Yes what you wrote here is what I was saying but really, they should have canceled the rally and not let trump any near the venue. "But maybe you are referring to the last few minutes that passed before the shooting started and attendees were pointing to the kid on the roof? That's where there is no excuse for not getting Trump off the stage while someone figured out who was on that roof. That "error" wouldn't be made by a shopping mall security guard!"
SOP for US Secret Service, according to retired SS personnel, is to get the guarded principal into a safe place when a threat is identified. A “suspicious person” was identified one hour before Trump went onstage. That person was designated a “threat” thirty minutes before Trump went onstage. Trump should not have been allowed to go onstage until after that threat was addressed and neutralized. That is not a hind site analysis. That is SOP.
More fog: Shortly after the shooting, someone purportedly part of the LEO unit that went to the Crooks’ house said that it was messy and something like hoarders lived there, and that both parents had health issues. During Eli Crane’s questioning of SS, he mentioned hearing that when the LEOs got to the house, the house had been completely wiped down and cleaned out of personal effects. There was not even any silverware in the drawers. Does anyone have any knowledge about this contradiction?
Agree with everything. I do think that Crooks was the patsy for a very real assassination attempt. There must have been other shooters involved. Shooters that had far more training and were intending to mortally wound Trump. Crooks was a pawn who would be "neutralized" as part of the SS response once Trump was taken out.
The real assassins/conspirators would never let Crooks leave the scene alive so that he could tell this (likely) story as a manipulatable adolescent with delusional tendencies:
- I was recruited by an intriguing set of individuals who believed I would be the right person for a righteous operation to eliminate the biggest threat to democracy
- I was told where to go and where to set up
- I was promised that I would not be molested by police or the SS until I executed the mission
- I am confused as to why I am being detained as I was promised immunity
My impression is that there were other shooters, probably posing as SS that were supposed to kill Trump when Crooks, a kid who was not good enough to make his HS rifle team, started firing. Trump was supposed to have been shot dead and Crooks would have been identified as the lone shooter. Case closed.
Very similar to the JFK assassination except they were not going to make the mistake of letting Crooks leave the scene alive like Lee Harvey Oswald, who had to be taken out in cold blood two days later while in police custody.
At this point I believe it is sheer luck that Trump made it out alive.
For sure, Crooks was the decoy. They were happy the crowd focused on him. That was the plan. Trump's head had only a 4 degree or so window of safety, meaning 2 degrees more rotation or less and the bullet would have hit his skull.
What bullet? Blanks can be made to sound exactly like real bullets, and photos can be doctored
What do you mean, Marcus. Are you saying Crooks was shooting blanks? How did the bystanders and Trump for that matter get hit?
Doesn’t matter what I think. It’s just what’s possible. There is no iron-clad evidence that Trump was hit. He was, though, dog-piled by the faux SS for an entire minute, long enough to doctor his ear, try not long enough to clean his hand, white collar and white shirt…
Good up until the ‘sheer luck’ part.
There is no such thing. Everything is under God’s will.
No matter how we puny humans perceive it, good or bad, it is God’s will.
Bobby Kennedy was killed by his SS agent at close range because the patsy Sirhan Sirhan shot wide and missed Bobby completely. The agent couldn’t let the op fail so he shot and killed Bobby. Makes me wonder if others like Reagan, Lennon were paid for by taxpayers too.
Absolutely. The RFK murder, the way it was sold to the public, is absurd. Sirhan Sirhan's fired bullets were extracted from the wall and ceiling and never seen again.
Why Lennon?
Shortly before his death, Lennon was interviewed by Playboy magazine, where he blatantly asserted, "We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD. They invented LSD to control people and what they did was give us freedom. ...look at the Government reports on acid..."
He also indicated his awareness that the Beatles themselves had literally been subjected to mind experimentation with respect to certain drugs they were induced to use; and further conveyed that he knew the Beatles and the entire "Beatlemania" phenomenon were to some extent at least just another aspect of some very wide-scale, globalist "social engineering and experimentation. More than any of the other boys in the band, John Lennon had become increasingly aware of the extent of corruption, co-opting and infiltration of the counterculture -- including the rock music scene -- by the covert government intelligence elements.
He had to be stopped.
In the same interview, Yoko stated, "I really think that what happened in the Seventies can be compared to what happened under Naziism with Jewish families. Only the force that split them came from the inside, not from the outside."
It was only more subtle, and far more effective.
Shortly after that interview, New World Order head honcho and Satanist, globalist, CIA director, Tavistock underling and then vice-president George Bush Sr. had Lennon slaughtered on the streets of New York utilizing yet another mind-controlled Delta slave Mark David Chapman. Mark Chapman is the victim of an artificially induced model psychosis.
Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act state and testify that various Federal Agencies of the US government had a several decade-long covert research project to develop a technique or method by which an involuntary, unwitting innocent individual could be covertly manipulated to hallucinate that he or she must carry out the assassination of a pre-selected target.
Quoted from:
Thank you for the response. Will read your link when I can access a larger screen.
Read. Very interesting.
Give peace a chance!
well stated!
Very good comment.
On target. Could be because he was wearing a tee shirt with An American flag they thought he was just a dumb kid in the wrong place. I suspect the lady with the twitch behind the podium may have been the on site SS controller. Who gave the order not to have a surveillance drone working?
I heard that there was a white hat drone up and the signal was jammed then crashed. Pure speculation. But what if true? Another crucial puzzle piece.
Facts matter. Too many coincidences. One thing stands out and many of us who pay attention that see the evidence, connect the dots, then then the Senate and House have hearings on the evidence, the responses are all lies, no one in any position of authority is ever brought to trial. No matter how obvious the crimes nothing will be done. The government doesn’t care how sloppy they are. They get away with murder because they hire Patsies to throw under the bus.
Uhhhh, it was a lot more "inside" than what you're postulating here. The "WWE" of assassination attempts, sort of "inside".
please explain. I don't know what you mean by the Word Wrestling Entertainment (if that's what you were referring to) of assassination attempts. How was it "more inside than what you're postulating here". My last paragraphs make it about as inside as can be.
Yes, an intentionally failed “assassination” attempt
I agree, no way to explain a bunch of decisions by the ss. Incompetence, seems unlikely.
If the ss snipers, and the public, knew the shooter was on the roof why would a local police officer be lieing flat on the roof? He wasn't it a the shooter. Why wait so long to approach him, why wasn't the ss be told about this security ahead of time and planned, did the shooter look like a local cop, why did the ss snipers delay taking out after the ss after he pointed the gun at the local officer?
Most logical analysis this am. Thanks!!!
I think y'all are wrong about RFK - but that's irrelevant for this event. It does seem clear that the Trump attempt is looking more and more like an inside job and not just incompetence. I didn't quite follow you Reid about them not ushering Trump off the stage fast enough. It's pretty obvious that, after the shots, Trump was insisting that they wait for him to get his shoes and then wait for him to signal to the crowd that he was okay. That's why when you heard SS say "ready - move" nothing happened because Trump wasn't letting them haul him off right away. But maybe you are referring to the last few minutes that passed before the shooting started and attendees were pointing to the kid on the roof? That's where there is no excuse for not getting Trump off the stage while someone figured out who was on that roof. That "error" wouldn't be made by a shopping mall security guard!
Skip! What I'm saying is they would normally get Trump off the stage as soon as someone spotted the kid with a rifle which was before Trump arrived, meaning they should have cancelled the rally when they saw him walking around. Given that they didn't do that, he was on the roof for a long time before shots rang out. They should have not let Trump speak or gotten him off the stage many minutes before the shots. Everyone knew about the kid on the roof with the rifle and Cheadle did nothing. What they did after the shooting is not part of my proof.
Yes what you wrote here is what I was saying but really, they should have canceled the rally and not let trump any near the venue. "But maybe you are referring to the last few minutes that passed before the shooting started and attendees were pointing to the kid on the roof? That's where there is no excuse for not getting Trump off the stage while someone figured out who was on that roof. That "error" wouldn't be made by a shopping mall security guard!"
SOP for US Secret Service, according to retired SS personnel, is to get the guarded principal into a safe place when a threat is identified. A “suspicious person” was identified one hour before Trump went onstage. That person was designated a “threat” thirty minutes before Trump went onstage. Trump should not have been allowed to go onstage until after that threat was addressed and neutralized. That is not a hind site analysis. That is SOP.
every day that goes by, the more I believe that this was indeed a set up.
More fog: Shortly after the shooting, someone purportedly part of the LEO unit that went to the Crooks’ house said that it was messy and something like hoarders lived there, and that both parents had health issues. During Eli Crane’s questioning of SS, he mentioned hearing that when the LEOs got to the house, the house had been completely wiped down and cleaned out of personal effects. There was not even any silverware in the drawers. Does anyone have any knowledge about this contradiction?
100% agree. See you in Jax sometime soon hopefully