I think there is “virtual proof” it was an inside job, without using the audio of the shots or the trajectories. Crooks was walking around the grounds for an hour. He was seen on the roof with a rifle by the audience while Trump was speaking. The secret service was well aware of this kid for many minutes on the roof, gun in hand. Even the counter-snipers called in to their superiors and were told to stand down. We were told this was because they were afraid he was a member of the police force they couldn’t identify so they held off on taking him out.
Fine. Maybe that’s true. I have no way of knowing.
But one thing that there is absolutely no excuse explanation for is, “Why they didn’t usher Trump off the stage?” That is standard operating procedure when there is a suspicious person identified anywhere.
Hell, that kid was identified well before Trump started speaking. Ordinarily, the rally would be cancelled before Trump arrived!
Back to the stage…
No one hurried President Trump off the stage. There is no explanation for it. Two guns, Three guns, audio, trajectories. I want to see the analysis for sure. But it’s not necessary.
It is impossible for a secret service team with knowledge that there is a suspicious character about (with a rifle!), not to surround Trump and escort him off the stage quickly and into a bullet proof vehicle and speed him away. There would be no reason to “stand down” in such a case. If you think the SS detail on the stage with Trump did not know about Crooks for 45 minutes, fine. We know Cheadle knew. She could have easily radioed the team on the stage and given the order.
It was an inside job. Cheadle is involved.
So who was behind it? Not Biden. He’s too incapacitated. They wouldn’t want him to know. He might spill the beans.
Did you know Jill Biden and Kamala scheduled speeches about 50 miles away on the same day and at the same time as Trump’s rally (south of Pittsburgh, in Butler, PA) requiring pregnant SS details, thus sucking up all the agents and snipers in that area so Trump’s rally would be under staffed? Who scheduled those speeches? Did they schedule them after Trump announced his rally date in Butler?
I’m not accusing anyone. I just want to know the answers to these very strange coincidences.
Agree with everything. I do think that Crooks was the patsy for a very real assassination attempt. There must have been other shooters involved. Shooters that had far more training and were intending to mortally wound Trump. Crooks was a pawn who would be "neutralized" as part of the SS response once Trump was taken out.
The real assassins/conspirators would never let Crooks leave the scene alive so that he could tell this (likely) story as a manipulatable adolescent with delusional tendencies:
- I was recruited by an intriguing set of individuals who believed I would be the right person for a righteous operation to eliminate the biggest threat to democracy
- I was told where to go and where to set up
- I was promised that I would not be molested by police or the SS until I executed the mission
- I am confused as to why I am being detained as I was promised immunity
My impression is that there were other shooters, probably posing as SS that were supposed to kill Trump when Crooks, a kid who was not good enough to make his HS rifle team, started firing. Trump was supposed to have been shot dead and Crooks would have been identified as the lone shooter. Case closed.
Very similar to the JFK assassination except they were not going to make the mistake of letting Crooks leave the scene alive like Lee Harvey Oswald, who had to be taken out in cold blood two days later while in police custody.
At this point I believe it is sheer luck that Trump made it out alive.
On target. Could be because he was wearing a tee shirt with An American flag they thought he was just a dumb kid in the wrong place. I suspect the lady with the twitch behind the podium may have been the on site SS controller. Who gave the order not to have a surveillance drone working?