You Have to Think These Criminals are Going to Start Turning Against Each Other Soon
incriminating emails show how they tried to hide their dirty deeds.
Take a look at these emails and read about how they schemed to put them out of reach of FOIA requests.
If you don’t recall who Dr. David Morens is, he is one of the chief scientific advisors to Dr. Fauci and co-author on the paper in 2004 showing chloroquine had efficacy against the SARS virus both as a prophylactic and treatment in vitro.
Please put this address into your browser to see lots of incriminating emails released by the House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic
Good point, these characters would turn on anyone if it saved their ass. Just need to send someone to jail then you will see some real cutthroat moves.
Keep up the good work. Thank you.