Criminals, yes, monsters too....The lockdowns and the shots actually worked for their openly told plan and they are used as a wonderful oportunity for the "great reset", agenda 2030, new world order. Is not about that they didn't work for the good of the people, no one cared about the people and their lives, is about depopulation, destroying everything, economy, agriculture, the rule of law, the suppression of sovereignty and people's rights, the handing over of power to the corporations, the establishment of a new normality based on total control, imposed truth and dictatorship. Everyone is asking for these agencies and evil organizations cdc, fda, cia, un, who, wef etc, which they fucked up they entire world, to be investigated, finished, who, who will do that? Those who let it happen? We see no real strong political opposition, we see no justice working, we see that the people and their wishes to be let alone to live their normal lives , their wishes for peace and truth are totally ignored. I don't know why they don't put us against the wall and shoot us, it would finish it faster. But maybe they would not have the same pleasure of the game like when they are watching us how we are doing when they take our rights, our lives, the food, the heat, the money, the treatments, the education, the freedom.
But we're not going to let them do it, Papillon. You asked "by whom, who will do that?" It is us. You and me and everyone reading this. We're not going to watch CNN, MSNBC, the major networks and the rest of the MSM any more (so they will lose Ad revenue). We're not going to buy medicines in the U.S. from Big Pharma. We're going to buy them overseas for 1/5th the price. (If you don't know how to do this, write me with your list of meds and I'll send them to you from overseas). I don't know about you but I'm never going to get a vaccine that contains lipid nanoparticles and mRNA that no one knows how long they last, spewing out toxic proteins into our bodies. These evil people were trying to mandate these vaccines in children without parental consent! Over my dead body they are...
In Jacksonville, my home town, I challenged 17 pediatricians including the medical director of the large children's hospital chain to live debates after they had supported vaccines for all children. No one accepted. As far as I'm concerned, that's the rule from now on. If they won't publicly debate the issues, they don't get to impose their policies on the general public. "The Narrative" supporters wouldn't debate anything. This ends now.
My book is a beginning. I wrote it because I knew saying things like "the FDA is corrupt" wasn't going to get us anywhere. The people working at the FDA need to be called out by name. It isn't enough to say, "The committee who approved those horrible vaccines in six-month-old babies are killers". In this book, I say "Peter Marks, M.D. headed the committee that approved those shots for our babies. The other committee members were X,Y,Z......". The people who did these things should be called out by name and publicly shamed.. Wait 'til you see these lists. It's a bloodbath. No one is spared and if they are, they'll be in the next edition if I'm still alive.
For this book to make waves, it needs to be widely distributed and talked about. People will have fun debating the order of the names in each category, but they have to see the book first. This is my biggest worry. It's going to be tough. I couldn't get the woke lefties that run the big publishing houses to publish it even though it is a unique idea that there will be a lot of interest in. So I had to do the publishing myself. Introducing Candlelight Books, everyone. I'm pouring lots of money into the printing and marketing of this book. I'm doing the cover now. I designed a great one but someone told me it was risky to use someone's picture without getting permission from them- they could shut the book down- so now I'm drawing all the faces (Fauci, Anderson Cooper- easy, Birx-difficult, Francis Collins- impossible). I don't know if it's a good idea to use drawings
I've heard prominent people on the right side of this say, "We don't want to cast blame on anyone for the mistakes that were made. We just want to learn from this and never let it happen again." I say NO WAY! Innocent people died over this! We need to put these people on trial and send them to prison if they are found guilty (that'll make them finally debate the issues, won't it?).
It's time to begin "Doctoring" History. Deborah Birx came out and said: "We may have overplayed the vaccinations." BS...!!! Fauci is so adept at talking out of both sides of his mouth that there is no real long term consistent position he's held.
The Puppet Masters (whoever they may be) who make Joe Biden dance had to hold "an intervention" with Walensky. Obviously, she needs to be canned and sent packing back to The Peoples Republic of Cambridge, Massachusetts. But like the Afghanistan Withdrawal no one has been held accountable... Like January 6th riot prosecutions, only those who criticize are persecuted.
We need this book to document the intentional lie... But we also need "Behind Every Blade of Grass" to prepare for the work which needs to by done. --ejd
Facebook took down my group "Every Blade of Grass" without warning, the day we reached 500 members, as you know. I stay on it because I need it to communicate my ideas to everyone.
Dr. K! The books are available at but you may do better sending a check to: 2427 S Ponte Vedra Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. I'll sign them and get them in the mail pronto. Since you are buying 5 or more, you don't pay shipping either way. Just do what is most convenient for you. THANK YOU!
Thanks, Jerome. I hope it works... You ought to see the cover I designed but can't use because of liability exposure. I'll share it with my Substack subscribers when the time comes.
It's about time that overeducated brat, Rochelle, was proven to be taking up too much room and using up too much oxygen in Atlanta. Nail her lying, stealing, malfeasant, if not murdering ass to the wall, Reid. Lead the facts and evidence ultimately to her, among several other government criminals, discharge, indictment, arrest, and arraignment, just for starters. When the documentaries are finally written and evaluated, this era in medical and American history must resemble the mistakes and abuses that led to the Nuremberg Doctor trials, held soon after WW II.
Glad to learn and eager to read. Villains they are, to be sure, Reid. The hubris and lack of any embarrassment, let alone genuine remorse and humility is mind-blowing. The intent to harm being self-evident and plain for all to acknowledge, trial, conviction, and a punishment beyond redemption are the least a decent society could do. To do the most or what's excessive or of revenge would be inhumane, unjust, but still wanting, nonetheless. So far, the crimes, the harms, the lethal decimation are that bad, if not worse.
Criminals, yes, monsters too....The lockdowns and the shots actually worked for their openly told plan and they are used as a wonderful oportunity for the "great reset", agenda 2030, new world order. Is not about that they didn't work for the good of the people, no one cared about the people and their lives, is about depopulation, destroying everything, economy, agriculture, the rule of law, the suppression of sovereignty and people's rights, the handing over of power to the corporations, the establishment of a new normality based on total control, imposed truth and dictatorship. Everyone is asking for these agencies and evil organizations cdc, fda, cia, un, who, wef etc, which they fucked up they entire world, to be investigated, finished, who, who will do that? Those who let it happen? We see no real strong political opposition, we see no justice working, we see that the people and their wishes to be let alone to live their normal lives , their wishes for peace and truth are totally ignored. I don't know why they don't put us against the wall and shoot us, it would finish it faster. But maybe they would not have the same pleasure of the game like when they are watching us how we are doing when they take our rights, our lives, the food, the heat, the money, the treatments, the education, the freedom.
But we're not going to let them do it, Papillon. You asked "by whom, who will do that?" It is us. You and me and everyone reading this. We're not going to watch CNN, MSNBC, the major networks and the rest of the MSM any more (so they will lose Ad revenue). We're not going to buy medicines in the U.S. from Big Pharma. We're going to buy them overseas for 1/5th the price. (If you don't know how to do this, write me with your list of meds and I'll send them to you from overseas). I don't know about you but I'm never going to get a vaccine that contains lipid nanoparticles and mRNA that no one knows how long they last, spewing out toxic proteins into our bodies. These evil people were trying to mandate these vaccines in children without parental consent! Over my dead body they are...
In Jacksonville, my home town, I challenged 17 pediatricians including the medical director of the large children's hospital chain to live debates after they had supported vaccines for all children. No one accepted. As far as I'm concerned, that's the rule from now on. If they won't publicly debate the issues, they don't get to impose their policies on the general public. "The Narrative" supporters wouldn't debate anything. This ends now.
My book is a beginning. I wrote it because I knew saying things like "the FDA is corrupt" wasn't going to get us anywhere. The people working at the FDA need to be called out by name. It isn't enough to say, "The committee who approved those horrible vaccines in six-month-old babies are killers". In this book, I say "Peter Marks, M.D. headed the committee that approved those shots for our babies. The other committee members were X,Y,Z......". The people who did these things should be called out by name and publicly shamed.. Wait 'til you see these lists. It's a bloodbath. No one is spared and if they are, they'll be in the next edition if I'm still alive.
For this book to make waves, it needs to be widely distributed and talked about. People will have fun debating the order of the names in each category, but they have to see the book first. This is my biggest worry. It's going to be tough. I couldn't get the woke lefties that run the big publishing houses to publish it even though it is a unique idea that there will be a lot of interest in. So I had to do the publishing myself. Introducing Candlelight Books, everyone. I'm pouring lots of money into the printing and marketing of this book. I'm doing the cover now. I designed a great one but someone told me it was risky to use someone's picture without getting permission from them- they could shut the book down- so now I'm drawing all the faces (Fauci, Anderson Cooper- easy, Birx-difficult, Francis Collins- impossible). I don't know if it's a good idea to use drawings
I've heard prominent people on the right side of this say, "We don't want to cast blame on anyone for the mistakes that were made. We just want to learn from this and never let it happen again." I say NO WAY! Innocent people died over this! We need to put these people on trial and send them to prison if they are found guilty (that'll make them finally debate the issues, won't it?).
my book is available now Pappillon. Let me know how you like it!
Thank you, very kind of you to let me know, congratulation for the book and for all your work!
Thank you, Papillon
It's time to begin "Doctoring" History. Deborah Birx came out and said: "We may have overplayed the vaccinations." BS...!!! Fauci is so adept at talking out of both sides of his mouth that there is no real long term consistent position he's held.
The Puppet Masters (whoever they may be) who make Joe Biden dance had to hold "an intervention" with Walensky. Obviously, she needs to be canned and sent packing back to The Peoples Republic of Cambridge, Massachusetts. But like the Afghanistan Withdrawal no one has been held accountable... Like January 6th riot prosecutions, only those who criticize are persecuted.
We need this book to document the intentional lie... But we also need "Behind Every Blade of Grass" to prepare for the work which needs to by done. --ejd
Facebook took down my group "Every Blade of Grass" without warning, the day we reached 500 members, as you know. I stay on it because I need it to communicate my ideas to everyone.
I cannot wait to get 20 copies to distribute. Have done so with Pandemia and Unmasked but this will be a major addition. Thanks.
Dr. K! The books are available at but you may do better sending a check to: 2427 S Ponte Vedra Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. I'll sign them and get them in the mail pronto. Since you are buying 5 or more, you don't pay shipping either way. Just do what is most convenient for you. THANK YOU!
Thank YOU, Dr. Send me an email at in a couple of weeks and I'll sign them all for you.
When I saw you are writing "Heroes and Villains" I have to say "Good Name!".
Thanks, Jerome. I hope it works... You ought to see the cover I designed but can't use because of liability exposure. I'll share it with my Substack subscribers when the time comes.
Don't forget Rena Conti PhD of Boston University and her incredibly damaging and
fraudulent research on Ivermectin
She's in there, Keith. Sorry it took so long for me to answer you.
It's about time that overeducated brat, Rochelle, was proven to be taking up too much room and using up too much oxygen in Atlanta. Nail her lying, stealing, malfeasant, if not murdering ass to the wall, Reid. Lead the facts and evidence ultimately to her, among several other government criminals, discharge, indictment, arrest, and arraignment, just for starters. When the documentaries are finally written and evaluated, this era in medical and American history must resemble the mistakes and abuses that led to the Nuremberg Doctor trials, held soon after WW II.
Oh don't worry, GatorGuy. She's well-represented in the Villains lists. You'll see.
Glad to learn and eager to read. Villains they are, to be sure, Reid. The hubris and lack of any embarrassment, let alone genuine remorse and humility is mind-blowing. The intent to harm being self-evident and plain for all to acknowledge, trial, conviction, and a punishment beyond redemption are the least a decent society could do. To do the most or what's excessive or of revenge would be inhumane, unjust, but still wanting, nonetheless. So far, the crimes, the harms, the lethal decimation are that bad, if not worse.
Liars and spinners and disgusting people all