I really screwed up the entry about the number of masks in our oceans... Sorry. I was combining two different thoughts. 1.6 BILLION masks went into our oceans in 2020 alone. Sorry!
For those of you on the fence about where to spend your hard-earned money, I bought a pile of these to give as Christmas gifts. Entertainingly written in a format different from the other Covid books. Jam packed with information that causes one to say "hmmm...I didn't know that".
A completely unpaid endorsement. But money well spent IMHO.
I had to jump up and go open several Amazon packages and there it was! Yes I bought it. I wish you the very very best of luck in selling as many as possible!
Thank you very much, Paulette. This is more about getting the word out and the record on file than it is about me having a successful book. I'll admit, though, I would like to recoup my out of pocket expenses. The writing of it, I consider that my duty. A lot of people smarter than me went into another field and it is up to me and a few others to explain the medical implications (and in my case, the physical as well) of this virus, disease and vaccine. You'll see in the preface that this has been going on for more than 50 years and will continue to go on if we don't do something to stop it.
I understand. I didn’t mean to imply that you wanted to just sell as many as possible. You just want to get the word out. Educate people. I’m happy to help!
Thanks, Paulette. You explained my feeling perfectly. This is important, as you clearly understand, for the survival of civilization; nothing less. That is not overstating the case. Did you hear about what the fine people of Montana voted down this week? medical treatment for newborns who survived botched abortion attempts. God help us. I'm going to make a post about it tomorrow.
I really screwed up the entry about the number of masks in our oceans... Sorry. I was combining two different thoughts. 1.6 BILLION masks went into our oceans in 2020 alone. Sorry.
I did not purchase the book because I went to order it from Amazon, but it would not arrive in time for my impending trip to Cambodia. I intend to purchase it in Cambodia if possible, or upon my next trip to the States.
Please note that a good diligent member of the resistance is following a dozen wise people. They already know much of what is in your list and are not sitting on the fence. Everybody is selling a book that will save the world (except it will not on its own) and there are only so many dollars in the hands of the unemployed.
If you are wanting to get the message out I suggest donating a copy to the Internet Archive Library, they scan books and make them available for loan one user at a time. I have read many books there and it can help those who cannot afford the actual book.
Be creative, ask for help, try and find ways to get the book into the hands of those that are not already convinced. Perhaps send copies to local schools, local library, local gathering places, BookCrossing or other micro libraries. Even in a GeoCache as a travel book that you replenish every time it is moved, you can track it if you attach a TravelBug to the book.
So my question to you is how many of the other good books by members of the resistance have yo purchased right away and how would you finance it if you were unemployed?
EDIT: I went to see about the cost of shipping and remembered that I hate supporting Amazon, they are part of the problem and they automatically get up-to-date lists of Resistance members from the same of Resistance books, not to mention a generous slice of the proceeds. I have suggested this before, but have not heard others suggest it so here it is for you to consider, Get together all the resistance Authors, covid and any other good topics (not flat earth) and start a distribution company. It should be able to employ a few people and if you need a branch in Finland (Northern EU) I would be open to employment.
Kalle: Very good question about how many of the other good books have I purchased and how would I finance it if I was unemployed. The first one is easy. I purchased none while I was writing mine because I didn't want to reiterate someone else's ideas. Since I published mine, I have gotten 4 of them and someone sent one that he particularly liked. If I was unemployed and could not afford to get a copy, I wouldn't get one. But I have already told everyone that if they are unable to buy one because of financial constraints, to please write me and I would have a book sent to them.
I must say that the other books I have gotten were very good but not one of them was as important as mine . They focused on the story and not the people. You can't indict the FDA or the NIH or the CDC. You can only indict people. My book names the names and proves that they committed crimes that resulted in the deaths of innocent people. Of course I will be sending lots of copies to public libraries as I have pledged my profits to getting the word out as widely as I can. I am still deeply into the "red". I'm hoping there will be a widespread movement to give out copies of my book during the Christmas/Hannakah holidays. That would enable me to send a large number out to libraries throughout the English-speaking world, not just my home town. Thank you for your comment.
Hi from Italy. I would love to buy your book, but I lost my job (over 50's in Italy were treated horrendously) and now find it hard to get to the end of the month. So please don't think some of us don't want to -it's more a matter of we can't ☹
I'm very happy to do this. Living in a 3rd world country for 22 years has helped me see many things I would not have seen had I not come here. You're not from MS are you?
Thank you Paulette - you are so kind. I am so bitter at times about the way we have been treated and then someone, (like yourself), comes along and restores my faith in the human race. 🙏 Sending hugs from Italy
I am so very touched by your kindness Dr Reid. My problem is that I am not very technological ( 61 and a dinosaur 😊), I tried to reply via e mail but it came back that I have to reply here on the comments section. I didn't want to put my e mail on here (obviously) and so I am a bit lost as to what to do 🙂. I usually ask my kids, but they aren't around tonight. When I see them next I'll ask them 🙏
Why aren’t subs buying your book? Can’t speak for anyone but myself so I’ll tell you that I never buy books to read things I already know. While it’s great to have a comprehensive list of the wrongs, I haven’t seen much at all written about HOW to do something about what has been done to us all.
Oh, and a sincere suggestion: find someone to proof your posts or at least turn on spell check since a majority of the errors would be found that way. Perhaps it’s time for a better keyboard. Especially laptop keyboards, they really, well, suck.
"I never buy books to read things I already know." Randall, There is tons of stuff in that book that you don't already know. Do you think you know everything about SARS-2, COVID-19, and the vaccines? I think there are dozens, perhaps hundreds of names listed whom you do not know too.
Also, I explain very clearly HOW to hold the perpetrators accountable for what they did. Have you read the book?
I think the title needs to be more enticing! Thank you for your hard work and integrity in writing such a book‼️Why is the non/COVID mortality, particularly related to cardiac deaths in vaccinated nations, rising at an alarming rate❓Is it from the deadly spike protein found in both COVID and the vaccines or could it primarily be from the vaccines❓Perhaps repeated vaccination, and repeated COVID infections❓The fact that it is being ignored by the usual suspects, insinuates the vaccines‼️
How and why the cardiac damage occurs is very complicated. The disease and the vaccines cause it but the vaccines cause way more. The vaccines produceat least 4 times as many spike proteins. Thanks for ytour comment. I went with that title because I wanted people to realize it was a "naming names" kind of book.
You're right, misterkel. There a lot of books. I'm banking on my book's uniqueness, 8 1/2 x 11 size, and the unusual entertainment feature in that it is such a conversation starter, with debating over who should be ranked higher or lower in a given category. I give my reasons but I could be wrong on some.
I really screwed up the entry about the number of masks in our oceans... Sorry. I was combining two different thoughts. 1.6 BILLION masks went into our oceans in 2020 alone. Sorry!
For those of you on the fence about where to spend your hard-earned money, I bought a pile of these to give as Christmas gifts. Entertainingly written in a format different from the other Covid books. Jam packed with information that causes one to say "hmmm...I didn't know that".
A completely unpaid endorsement. But money well spent IMHO.
I add to that. Well worth the money. I bought one too.
I had to jump up and go open several Amazon packages and there it was! Yes I bought it. I wish you the very very best of luck in selling as many as possible!
Thank you very much, Paulette. This is more about getting the word out and the record on file than it is about me having a successful book. I'll admit, though, I would like to recoup my out of pocket expenses. The writing of it, I consider that my duty. A lot of people smarter than me went into another field and it is up to me and a few others to explain the medical implications (and in my case, the physical as well) of this virus, disease and vaccine. You'll see in the preface that this has been going on for more than 50 years and will continue to go on if we don't do something to stop it.
I understand. I didn’t mean to imply that you wanted to just sell as many as possible. You just want to get the word out. Educate people. I’m happy to help!
Thanks, Paulette. You explained my feeling perfectly. This is important, as you clearly understand, for the survival of civilization; nothing less. That is not overstating the case. Did you hear about what the fine people of Montana voted down this week? medical treatment for newborns who survived botched abortion attempts. God help us. I'm going to make a post about it tomorrow.
I’m proud to say I bought the book, in Canada and saw my name on page 24
I will buy it.
Thank you, April.
I really screwed up the entry about the number of masks in our oceans... Sorry. I was combining two different thoughts. 1.6 BILLION masks went into our oceans in 2020 alone. Sorry.
I did not purchase the book because I went to order it from Amazon, but it would not arrive in time for my impending trip to Cambodia. I intend to purchase it in Cambodia if possible, or upon my next trip to the States.
I brought one over for you, Greg. Give me a call when you get over your jet lag and come into town.
I sure will!
That is a great list of issues we are facing.
Please note that a good diligent member of the resistance is following a dozen wise people. They already know much of what is in your list and are not sitting on the fence. Everybody is selling a book that will save the world (except it will not on its own) and there are only so many dollars in the hands of the unemployed.
If you are wanting to get the message out I suggest donating a copy to the Internet Archive Library, they scan books and make them available for loan one user at a time. I have read many books there and it can help those who cannot afford the actual book.
Be creative, ask for help, try and find ways to get the book into the hands of those that are not already convinced. Perhaps send copies to local schools, local library, local gathering places, BookCrossing or other micro libraries. Even in a GeoCache as a travel book that you replenish every time it is moved, you can track it if you attach a TravelBug to the book.
So my question to you is how many of the other good books by members of the resistance have yo purchased right away and how would you finance it if you were unemployed?
EDIT: I went to see about the cost of shipping and remembered that I hate supporting Amazon, they are part of the problem and they automatically get up-to-date lists of Resistance members from the same of Resistance books, not to mention a generous slice of the proceeds. I have suggested this before, but have not heard others suggest it so here it is for you to consider, Get together all the resistance Authors, covid and any other good topics (not flat earth) and start a distribution company. It should be able to employ a few people and if you need a branch in Finland (Northern EU) I would be open to employment.
Kalle: Very good question about how many of the other good books have I purchased and how would I finance it if I was unemployed. The first one is easy. I purchased none while I was writing mine because I didn't want to reiterate someone else's ideas. Since I published mine, I have gotten 4 of them and someone sent one that he particularly liked. If I was unemployed and could not afford to get a copy, I wouldn't get one. But I have already told everyone that if they are unable to buy one because of financial constraints, to please write me and I would have a book sent to them.
I must say that the other books I have gotten were very good but not one of them was as important as mine . They focused on the story and not the people. You can't indict the FDA or the NIH or the CDC. You can only indict people. My book names the names and proves that they committed crimes that resulted in the deaths of innocent people. Of course I will be sending lots of copies to public libraries as I have pledged my profits to getting the word out as widely as I can. I am still deeply into the "red". I'm hoping there will be a widespread movement to give out copies of my book during the Christmas/Hannakah holidays. That would enable me to send a large number out to libraries throughout the English-speaking world, not just my home town. Thank you for your comment.
Hi from Italy. I would love to buy your book, but I lost my job (over 50's in Italy were treated horrendously) and now find it hard to get to the end of the month. So please don't think some of us don't want to -it's more a matter of we can't ☹
Send me your email address , Puffin. I will have a copy sent to you.
Bless your heart Reid. I was going to figure out a way to buy one for her (Or him).
I'm very happy to do this. Living in a 3rd world country for 22 years has helped me see many things I would not have seen had I not come here. You're not from MS are you?
I’m in the wonderful town of Jupiter Florida! If I can help get her a book, just send me an email Reid
Jupiter is a beautiful town. I hope you didn't get hit by the latest hurricane.
Thank you Paulette - you are so kind. I am so bitter at times about the way we have been treated and then someone, (like yourself), comes along and restores my faith in the human race. 🙏 Sending hugs from Italy
I am so very touched by your kindness Dr Reid. My problem is that I am not very technological ( 61 and a dinosaur 😊), I tried to reply via e mail but it came back that I have to reply here on the comments section. I didn't want to put my e mail on here (obviously) and so I am a bit lost as to what to do 🙂. I usually ask my kids, but they aren't around tonight. When I see them next I'll ask them 🙏
Puffin! Go ahead and write me on my email. It's Rsheftall@gmail.com I don't mind putting it on here too much.
Suggest you contact Dan. He and is father know exactly what went down. The MSM pays zero attention to him. I plan to buy your e-book. Just passing along a really good article Dan wrote. https://harvard2thebighouse.substack.com/p/understanding-sars-cov-2s-obviously
I'm looking forward to reading it. Thanks, Laurie!
Why aren’t subs buying your book? Can’t speak for anyone but myself so I’ll tell you that I never buy books to read things I already know. While it’s great to have a comprehensive list of the wrongs, I haven’t seen much at all written about HOW to do something about what has been done to us all.
Oh, and a sincere suggestion: find someone to proof your posts or at least turn on spell check since a majority of the errors would be found that way. Perhaps it’s time for a better keyboard. Especially laptop keyboards, they really, well, suck.
"I never buy books to read things I already know." Randall, There is tons of stuff in that book that you don't already know. Do you think you know everything about SARS-2, COVID-19, and the vaccines? I think there are dozens, perhaps hundreds of names listed whom you do not know too.
Also, I explain very clearly HOW to hold the perpetrators accountable for what they did. Have you read the book?
Good Morning, Dr. Sheftall❣️
I think the title needs to be more enticing! Thank you for your hard work and integrity in writing such a book‼️Why is the non/COVID mortality, particularly related to cardiac deaths in vaccinated nations, rising at an alarming rate❓Is it from the deadly spike protein found in both COVID and the vaccines or could it primarily be from the vaccines❓Perhaps repeated vaccination, and repeated COVID infections❓The fact that it is being ignored by the usual suspects, insinuates the vaccines‼️
How and why the cardiac damage occurs is very complicated. The disease and the vaccines cause it but the vaccines cause way more. The vaccines produceat least 4 times as many spike proteins. Thanks for ytour comment. I went with that title because I wanted people to realize it was a "naming names" kind of book.
Not you - there are a TON of books out there. RAF, for example. Can't read them all or even most of them. Too much to read just on Substack already!
You're right, misterkel. There a lot of books. I'm banking on my book's uniqueness, 8 1/2 x 11 size, and the unusual entertainment feature in that it is such a conversation starter, with debating over who should be ranked higher or lower in a given category. I give my reasons but I could be wrong on some.