I don't understand how a pediatrician can look the parent of a healthy child in the eye and recommend this...

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Yes exactly, good point. Scientist unanimously say, doctors unanimously agree, pfizer says, the ministry of health says... and so on. Yet no body actually wants to put their name to the claim.

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Albert Bourla, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pfizer.

Prof. Ugur Sahin, M.D., CEO and co-founder of BioNTech


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Any yet where are they at answering questions? This seems like a one way conversation to me. They state something end of story. No reasoning. No challenges. No debates. Just taken as gospel on good faith.

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You dih man, Reid. ' Looking forward to reading your book (and -- maybe, just maybe -- seeing you interviewed fairly and plainly, ie, on the merits, by a reputable, competent reporter/communications firm, once your book makes and remains on the best-seller lists, albeit deemed by the MSM -- probably at best, but at least it's a starter -- "controversial").

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Thank you Sir. When the book comes out, you'll be the first to know. I will need help marketing it since that's not my forte. I plan to do a guerilla "get it out there" kind of scheme. It will be done in a few weeks.

Would your name,"Gator Guy," possibly mean that you went to UF?

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Thanks for the publishing courtesy, Reid.

And more than a possibility, it's a certainty: My pen name means, I graduated UF (MS, 2011)

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Great school. And shooting up in the world rankings.

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Yeah, I've noticed. There's nothing quite like some real cognitive consonance to make your day.

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