Life insurance companies are reporting huge increases in death claims amongst 18-64 year olds versus previous years: 40% at OneAmerica, 87% at Prudential, 27% at New York Life, 12% at Pacific Life, and 80% at Pacific Life and Annuity. FIFA, the soccer league, is reporting nearly 100 cardiac incidents this year versus an average 5 for any other year.
I read it. Tried to poke holes in it but the only holes I could find were: (1) a third were former smokers, (2) avg BMI was on very high end of healthy (not enough for poking a hole IMO), (3) doubtful any type of early treatment or prophylaxis was used by these people but I could be wrong, it wasn’t documented and (4) possible other comorbidities but even those weren’t conclusive.
The biggest question the study raised in my mind was: are those of the vaccinated who have had breakthrough infections truly having a lighter course of illness? In other words, are they truly not experiencing this type of long term concern with covid?
If so, that does speak to efficacy.
But not to safety. I still believe the risk exceeds the reward but I don’t want to poke holes in people’s arguments if the argument is valid.
They are Neither safe nor effective.
However, on Twitter there was a UK study posted from showing risks of multi organ problems stemming from covid itself.
I read it. Tried to poke holes in it but the only holes I could find were: (1) a third were former smokers, (2) avg BMI was on very high end of healthy (not enough for poking a hole IMO), (3) doubtful any type of early treatment or prophylaxis was used by these people but I could be wrong, it wasn’t documented and (4) possible other comorbidities but even those weren’t conclusive.
The biggest question the study raised in my mind was: are those of the vaccinated who have had breakthrough infections truly having a lighter course of illness? In other words, are they truly not experiencing this type of long term concern with covid?
If so, that does speak to efficacy.
But not to safety. I still believe the risk exceeds the reward but I don’t want to poke holes in people’s arguments if the argument is valid.
Any thoughts?