There was only a need for me to listen to you two for 9 minutes to know that I disagree with you.

You agreed between you that SARSCov2 came from a laboratory.

In December of 2020 I emailed UK MHRA who were approving the Pfizer vaccine which was created using the genetic sequence supplied by Wuhan scientists. The subsequent email exchange is here:


The conclusion I reached is stated in the first paragraph:

"The genetic sequence we call SARSCov2 is a synthetic poison designed by a computer."

Therefore, there has never been a virus in vivo or in vitro. There has only been a 'virus' in silico.

Now, I am sure that you two professional gentlemen, having had an opportunity to examine the genetic sequence must have realised this.

I submit to you that SARScov2 has NEVER existed in reality and that the recombinant, computer generated, COBBLED TOGETHER GUESS submitted to WHO was and is a very nasty synthetic toxin.

So, why was Wuhan experiencing dis-ease and death among its citizens? This is the obvious next question.

Wuhan was the pilot city for the roll out of 5G in October 2019, in preparation for the UN Military Games which were held there from 16 - 18th October.

5G active phones were handed out by the millions to Wuhan citizens at that time. They all became active in time for the Military Games.

This resulted in a massive upsurge of electro-magnetic radiation around Wuhan.

The first known patient was a young lady by the name Maatje Benassi who was a cyclist representing the US military. She collapsed breathless during her race and was taken to hospital.

The hospital surmised that she was infected by a 'virus'.

She was not.

She was suffering from a reaction to radiation poisoning and her cells were decaying, producing cellular debris in her blood and interstitial fluid.

The next geographical location which became a hot-spot was Bergamo in Northern Italy where 5G was activated.

A Spanish doctor produced a study which detailed the progression and correlation of 5G rollouts and incidences of 'coronavirus'.

Here is that study:


It was available in April 2020 and translated into English by UN translator, Claire Edwards.

I have monitored the progression every since and can confirm that the dis-ease and deaths only follow the roll out of 5G.

In other words, Sirs, you are presenting a fraudulent theory with your books and articles. You have never seen a 'virus' only the exosomes produced when cells decay from electro-magnetic radiation and IF you are such eminent scientists, I would hazard a guess, that you KNOW this and are taking part in the greatest deception ever perpetrated against humanity.

That is, in my view, a major crime under the Nuremberg Code and if you persist in publishing your work you will be providing the prosecution with all the evidence they need to convict you for crimes against humanity.

Since January of 2020 I have compiled an enormous amount of evidence, studies and articles which can be examined here:


I recommend that you pay attention to them and rectify your erroneous claims forthwith.

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Thank you for your comment, One thing that confuses me about your comment is the homology we find with the other virus (spike) genomes on that slide in our discussion. Are you saying all of those viruses don't exist either? that no viruses exist? Also, what about the many electron micrographs we have? or do you feel these are pictures of prions?

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Personally I doubt the existence of viruses in general. I am an avid follower of Dr. Stefan Lanka's work.

Electron micrographs do not help us to know what we are looking at, especially given the extreme process that has to be used to obtain them. Worst of all, pictures of particles can never convey their function or their association with any disease.

I think virology is an entirely fraudulent 'science' which should be scrapped.

Do live blood analysis, like Dr Magda Havas. That might help you to understand why in vitro and in silico studies are untrustworthy.


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Respect & x2All

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Thank you Francis. These guys believe that stuff generated by a computer program actually exist in Nature. That is their starting point: "Oh look! Joe Blow showed us a computer generated picture of a new "virus." They mapped It! It must be real. So sad that this is what passes for Real Science these days. What's worse, these two guys are honestly duped and don't even know it.

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I am hugely appreciative of all of Dr. Sheftall's considerable efforts to help us comprehend rather complex science issues. Alas, if only I could have a brilliant, compassionate doctor like Dr. Sheftall. Thank you so much, Dr. Sheftall!

Francis Leader, I just subscribed to your Substack. Are you in accord with Mark Steele that the elements of 5G are deployed in street lights? Here, too, in the US? What I would like to know is the status of Five G activation in the US. How are we going to know if public places, hospitals, etc. actually have this harmful capability? By the way, I just heard that Dr. Klinghardt is recommending propolis balm for the deleterious effects of 5G, while Mike Adams, from Natural News, is going to come out with a product that is extracted from cantaloupe.

My rather facile division of people is into either being good or bad. With avidity and fidelity, I embrace intellectual discourse conducted by all kind moral, earnest people.

Thank you, Dr. Reid Sheftall and Francis Leader

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I would not credit Mark Steele with the ability to tie his shoe laces. He is an ex doorman from a nightclub who was jailed for 8 years for brain damaging a young girl. She was caught in the cross fire of a street gun fight. Mark Steele was the shooter.

He claims all sorts of things about himself and his investigations into street lights. He tries to claim that he is the 'tip of the spear' of British activism against 5G when there are many of us who have been working against electro-magnetic radiation since long before he ever appeared on the scene.

He threatened me and my friend Ann-Marie Carey. He encouraged a team of heavies to hound us on social media.... WHY? Because we researched him and found that he is a fraud. We were, subsequently, de-platformed from Facebook, Twitter and Discord making way for him to lead and drag the movement into false claims about streetlights in Durham.

We proved that the lights were not 5G enabled by sending a member of BEMRI up there, with all the right equipment. He then attacked that man and pressurised BEMRI to exclude him from their expert witnesses.

The man is a very dangerous misleading character who has links to the Israeli military and the EU.

To know the status of 5G in any country please consult Ookla Maps. Their maps are not necessarily up-to-date all the time but they are the best source I can offer you.


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"There has never been any contribution of this gain of function research to the medical treatment or the public health policies for pandemic infections.".

Given that history, one must ask the obvious question. Why continue with it and why permit it at all?

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Exactly, Jack. I asked him rhetorically and he agreed.

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