Wednesday, March 20 got the Ravest of Rave Reviews and Some Subscribers Came!
I'll post the raw footage as soon as we get the slides incorporated into it.
The videos, 1. Some raw footage and 2. a more polished version with the slides inserted into the video footage so you can see them real well, establishment shots, etc. will be coming as soon as I get them from the videographers.
It was a fabulous evening complete with free drinks and hors d’oeuvres and an energetic crowd of 100. (me and 2 organizing doctors ended up picking up the bill for everyone. (At first we thought we would use a cash bar, but we ended up just paying for everything. No one had to pay for admission, the wonderful venue or food and drink.)
I had waited too long to invite Jeff Childers who lives in Gainesville, about 1.5 hours away and when I called at 2 pm on the day of, he was in Court. Jeff, as many of you know, writes a great substack , “Coffee and Covid” which is very witty and intelligent. Take a look if you aren’t already subscribed.
About 10 in the audience were very vocal “lefties”- I made a point of inviting as many as I knew and 10 came- who stood up in the middle and blurted out things right after I had asked everyone to please wait until the end for questions and disagreements. This made it a boisterous give and take, which added to the fun. Lots of laughing and so forth, especially when I cut their arguments down at the knees.
A few examples:
After I explained why the virus was invisible in my own way, using the physics of the electro-magnetic spectrum, and used it in my proof that masks cannot significantly reduce transmission of SARS 2, just as I did in March of 2020, one guy stood up and said. "Masks protect everyone else!" . I said "no. Masks are splash guards, that's all. They only protect the wearer from gross contamination. He repeated and said " Masks protect the people around you! That's why you should wear them!". I asked him, "Then why do coroners wear them when doing autopsies?" Everybody laughed and he sat down in a huff. Then another guy stood up and said, "They have to help some because they block water droplets when someone sneezes or coughs. I asked him "Do you wear a mask to keep yourself from getting gonorrhea?" everybody started murmuring and laughing. "It's in 75% of peoples' throats” (it's actually more like 90%, believe it or not. ewwwwue) “ if they sneeze or cough you could get it from them”.
It was obvious that no one does that…
I continued. “Getting sneezed on or coughed on is a completely inconsequential way that gonorrhea gets transmitted. That’s why we don’t wear masks to keep from getting it. The same is true of COVID. Masks are a solution to a problem that doesn't exist."
He sat down in a huff.
That's just two examples of people blurting out disagreements to what I was saying which I always met with polite, airtight refutations, but there were more.
One good one was in reference to a derivation I did to show how bad the PCR test functioned as a diagnostic tool . I used 1% as the prevalence in a problem that was sent out to 1000 doctors where only 4 got it right!
This guy said, "You're using a prevalence of 1% which is way too low. if it was higher, the test wouldn’t do so bad" I said, "I wanted the audience to get a chance to solve the same problem that only 1 in 250 doctors could solve correctly. But 1% is actually a high prevalence." He said. "No way! you’re trying to make the PCR test look worse than it was” as if I had used fake numbers to make my point stronger than it really was. Which made me mad, like I was fudging my figures. I said, “In a study in Santa Clara County, the prevalence was .86% which is lower than 1%. He nodded, “No”. The audience didn't know, of course.
Tension grew. It was his word against mine…
Then, thank heaven for Dr. Walter Smithwyck. He stood up in the back and said, “I followed this very closely. At Jacksonville's peak there were 8,000 active cases. I asked, "what's Jacksonville's population?" everyone said "one million" . So I looked at that guy and said "well there you go." 8,000/one million is 8/1000 which equals .8%, again even less than the number I was using which he said was too high. “On the worst day here, the prevalence got up to .8% only”. That guy was embarrassed. It turns out I used numbers that made it look better that it was! the opposite of fudging figures!
This is why I love math so much. It is the great bulwark against people making stupid claims.
Then I derived the actual number who died over 2020, 2021, and 2022 which Johns Hopkins, the CDC, the US Government, etc., said was 1.2 million. It was 60,000 which is equal to three very mild flu seasons which means COVID would have come and gone without anyone noticing if the government hadn't caused so much death and destruction with their policies and interventions. That was the topic of the evening- my derivation which no one in the world had done until I did it.
We wasted $10 trillion on this “greatest nothing burger to ever hit the airwaves”, as I told Dr. Bhattacharya in our 24 hours together.
Then I explained mathematically to this great audience why the pattern of spread didn’t fit the spread of a pandemic. Here’s a hint: Instead of thinking an incoming wave that slides over beach sand, think Little Joe, Hoss, Mr. Cartwright, Calamity Jane, Hop Sing and the older brother who rarely appeared. There was something about that show that gives part of the fraud away. You’ll see when you get my book. Feel free to speculate in the comments below this one. Someone will figure it out. I apologize to the young subscribers who’ve never seen BONANZA, the old TV show I’m referring to. It was great.
The closing slides were about WHY it was done. In this group, I explained that the virus was released deliberately, that the debate over whether it got into the human population by way of a spillover event from a bat or intermediate host vs. a lab leak was just a ruse. -that it had been a long time in the preparation and making and that I could prove it was released DELIBERATELY. (I knew this in my heart after Gates bought the shares in BioNTech on August 30, 2019, but as everyone subscribed to "First Principles knows, I don’t say things I can’t PROVE and this policy has held me in good stead since the beginning.) What I didn’t know back then, and even for a year plus after that, was WHO was behind all this. Sure I knew it was manipulated in a lab with the reverse compliment in its genome of a sequence of 12 nucleotides patented by Moderna in 2017, and many other things and I posted my proof on February 20, 2020 that it couldn’t have come from natural zoonotic spillover because that would constitute a First Principles violation (which can’t happen), but I didn’t know WHO was behind it all.
For the answer to that, I must give credit and did, during the presentation, to Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt who have done great and tireless work on this AND of course, SPARTACUS whom I refer to as “my protege who has already surpassed his master”. Just wait until you read the timeline- names included- we put together to show how all of the fraud that was COVID-19 was only a small part of where all of the postmodernism, obscurantism, neo-marxism, etc., is coming from. It’s a huge chapter in “SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders”- coming soon (and if I don’t get it out, I mean ‘soon’, I’m going to have to incorporate the descriptor into the title, literally, as in “SANCTIONED- The COVID Murders Coming Soon” which doesn’t work, does it, no.)
No, my visitors from Miami, who are wonderful people, by the way, were out for blood and they had a 6 hour car ride to prepare and strategize…
Here is the way I described it to another party, interested in the presentation but who couldn’t come:
“This part is about checking some claims the progressive opposition brought up during the presentation, I wrote. “A very good friend of mine and his wife-both doctors, he a cardiologist and she, internal medicine- drove up from Miami with revenge on their minds. They are liberals and have the opposite view as me on almost all of this. They made some claims during the presentation that I will refute below.”
“N95 masks work when sealed!” they said.
First of all, I told them, the issue was community masking. Not whether some doctors can keep those things on for a few hours in a hospital. But the Cochrane review showed N95s don’t work anyway. Here is what I sent him after the presentation, to prove it:
N95 masking... I'm sure you know the Cochrane review is the gold standard for trial analysis. Here is their result. (If you don't believe this, I can show you clips of Tom Jefferson saying , "neither surgical nor N95 masking reduces transmission significantly whether it's in a hospital or community setting."
What did we want to find out?
We wanted to find out whether physical measures stop or slow the spread of respiratory viruses from well-controlled studies in which one intervention is compared to another, known as randomised controlled trials.
What did we do?
We searched for randomised controlled studies that looked at physical measures to stop people acquiring a respiratory virus infection.
We were interested in how many people in the studies caught a respiratory virus infection, and whether the physical measures had any unwanted effects.
What did we find?
We identified 78 relevant studies. They took place in low-, middle-, and high-income countries worldwide: in hospitals, schools, homes, offices, childcare centres, and communities during non-epidemic influenza periods, the global H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009, epidemic influenza seasons up to 2016, and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We identified five ongoing, unpublished studies; two of them evaluate masks in COVID-19. Five trials were funded by government and pharmaceutical companies, and nine trials were funded by pharmaceutical companies.
No studies looked at face shields, gowns and gloves, or screening people when they entered a country.
We assessed the effects of:
· medical or surgical masks;
· N95/P2 respirators (close-fitting masks that filter the air breathed in, more commonly used by healthcare workers than the general public); and
We obtained the following results:
Medical or surgical masks
Ten studies took place in the community, and two studies in healthcare workers. Compared with wearing no mask in the community studies only, wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu-like illness/COVID-like illness (9 studies; 276,917 people); and probably makes little or no difference in how many people have flu/COVID confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 13,919 people). Unwanted effects were rarely reported; discomfort was mentioned.
N95/P2 respirators
Four studies were in healthcare workers, and one small study was in the community. Compared with wearing medical or surgical masks, wearing N95/P2 respirators probably makes little to no difference in how many people have confirmed flu (5 studies; 8407 people); and may make little to no difference in how many people catch a flu-like illness (5 studies; 8407 people), or respiratory illness (3 studies; 7799 people). Unwanted effects were not well-reported; discomfort was mentioned.
The data on SARS-2 is even more striking since the flu is associated with a wet cough (so masks catch some) while COVID is a dry cough transmitted by aerosols which the masks cannot block.
The next problem he had was with my claim that there were some Covid patients who had crazy-low O2 saturations but no trouble breathing, a condition known as “Happy Hypoxia”. He said , “No, that’s wrong, every Covid patient in the ICU had labored breathing. They were fighting for every breath. I was on the front line in my hospital in Cincinnati. I saw this. Some were put on ECMO”. (ECMO is extra corporeal membrane oxygenation, a device similar to the heart-lung bypass machines we use during open heart surgery) and it’s true that some patients got put on those things.
So I sent him this from a peer-reviewed paper from the NIH:
In Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), some patients have low oxygen saturation without any dyspnea. This has been termed “happy hypoxia.”
Of the 25,086 COVID-19 patients from the 7 studies, the prevalence of happy hypoxia ranged from 4.8 to 65%.
The prevalence of COVID-19 patients with happy hypoxia was variable depending on the definitions of happy hypoxia used, the age of the patients, comorbidities, and the regions where the studies were conducted.11 The prevalence ranged from 31.9 to 65% in Europe11,12 and from 4.8 to 21. 5% in Asia.10,13,14
65%? Wow! that is a lot!
Believe it or not, covid patients sitting in their chairs in the ICU, watching TV with ridiculously-low O2 sats of 30%, with no dyspnea (difficulty breathing. Normal O2 sats are 97+% and doctors put these patients on ventilators which killed them.. Those doctors didn't understand the pathophysiology me and Spartacus were explaining (and getting censored, our posts and videos being taken down), he explaining the detailed biochemistry involved and me the physics.
Yes, it was very common. And ventilators killed these patients for the reason I gave in the lecture. “Nothing flows up a pressure gradient, ladies and gentlemen and the problem with Covid was low flow due to inflammation of the vascular endothelium caused by the spike proteins’ effects on the endothelial cells causing micro-clotting. Putting them on positive pressure ventilation exacerbated the problem of low flow and drove their O2 saturations lower, making the problem worse, eventually killing them.”
Then, he had a big, big problem with the slide showing doctors got bribed to inject the toxic concoctions called vaccines into their patients.
I told him Thomas Massie’s office sent that to me and posted it too.
Was there bribing going on to get docs to inject HMO members with the vax? You said, "No". I said here's proof sent to me from Thomas Massie's office. Massie was a mechanical engineering major at MIT and is now a Congressman from Kentucky. There is NO WAY he would risk public humiliation and his political career by not verifying this. He's from Kentucky where this occurred! Like our fraternity brothers Sununu (John voted smartest senator, Chris not a senator; only governor of New Hampshire), I heard Massie got voted smartest congressman. (not verified, another congressman said it on TV)
Here’s Massie’s post:

He said, “None of the cardiologists in my group (he’s a in a HUGE group) saw any myocarditis in our hospital” which is possible. I just sent him this and asked him to look at expected vs. observed:
Then his Dr. wife said, “That was nonsense when you said 75% of people have gonorrhea in their oropharynges (throats). No way! That’s ridiculous! I don’t know what kind of people you hang around with but, Gross! No way! You’re wrong.”
So I sent her this peer-reviewed study:
'“Even in the most experienced laboratories, culture is only about 30%–50% sensitive for detecting the bacterium at the throat [13, 24].”
Me: So they are missing between 30% - 50% of the people who have N. Gonorrhea in their oropharynx, . Even with this, it says, “ among heterosexual male and female contacts for gonorrhea, 20%–50% have positive results at throat testing [8]”
me: Assume they are missing 40%. This means for every 100 positive swabs for N. Gonorrhea, there were actually 167 people who have N gonorrhea in their throats.
Here is the percent in non-hispanic whites (which is what we all are):
Study Population Demographics, Sexual Behavior, and Sexually Transmitted Infection History and Diagnoses at Enrollment
Study Participants, No. (%) All Participants (N = 140)
Participants With ≥1 Incident Pharyngeal GC Infection (n = 19)Age, mean (range), y37 (20–75)35 (21–54)
Non-Hispanic white 88/140 = 63%
or for those w/>1 incident, 13/19 = 68%
but they missed 30% (taking the lowest missed percent from above).
When you include the missed 30% due to the crummy tests, the percents become 90% and 97% (I'm sure both of you are in the 3% -10% who don't have gonorrhea in your throats)
How could this be? Turns out the most common ways this gets transmitted is by kissing and water droplets (spit).
Kissing? YES. This is why 90+ percent of people have it. I was very conservative in using 75% in the lecture. She was wrong.
P.S.: I'm not going to gross you out by telling you what the percentages are in gay males and female sex workers…
I think I defended myself quite well re: all the claims they had a problem with, don’t you?
I’m sure these revelations about gonorrhea being in 90 - 97 % of people’s throats comes as a shock to many of you. Don’t worry about it. If it’s any comfort, I, for one, will not stop kissing women who want me to kiss them. There are all sorts of critters on and in our bodies that we have to tolerate. This is why taking a vaccine that damages our immune system causes more infections and cancers to take hold in us. Wait until I do another podcast or post on the incidence of cancer since 2021. (You will recall the one I did with Dr. Harvey Risch many months ago.)
Take care everyone. I’ll get some video to you as soon as I get it.
People are shocked when they find out I haven't had Covid or any other respiratory illness for many years. "But you didn't get vaccinated, you were just really lucky!"
My retort, "I have something much better than vaccines, a broad-spectrum immune system that's evolved over eons to take care of me, and I've learned how to optimize it with sleep and sunshine and exercise and diet and Vitamin D3"
Glad to see your event was positive and somewhat hysterical as well . I read Coffee and Covid everyday because Childs , is not only a good writer and critical thinker , he has lots of sarcasm well - the only thing head scratching for me is his love of trump with those three beautiful vaccines that were all lined up with the Moderna stocks and needles ready to go in those early days . Just love what you are doing to tell the other side of the saga Dr Sheftall and I have no doubt as to why they don't want a debate of any sort . Maybe their handlers don't speak English too well since we are being saturated on all fronts by forces less than democratic.