People are shocked when they find out I haven't had Covid or any other respiratory illness for many years. "But you didn't get vaccinated, you were just really lucky!"

My retort, "I have something much better than vaccines, a broad-spectrum immune system that's evolved over eons to take care of me, and I've learned how to optimize it with sleep and sunshine and exercise and diet and Vitamin D3"

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Vaccines are supposed to stimulate that good immune system of yours, LWB, but not this one. It had the opposite effect.

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None of them work well enough to be worth the risks.

Trials and reported results are littered with fraud.

MRNA/DNA are several orders of magnitude worse.

None have been tested for safety against a true placebo.

Vaccination is a business model, not a public health measure.

Vaccine proponents took credit for what was achieved by public health measures:

Milbank Quarterly, September, 1977, "The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century"


Lots more on "A Midwestern Doctor" substack.

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Yes, your argument is very strong about the supposed benefits of certain vaccines being due, instead, to advances in public health such as chlorinating our water. We need a perfectly-designed study on this to get to the truth. Then we need to act based on the results. You are also correct in pointing out that the vaccines haven't been tested against proper placebos. This is RFK Jr.'s beef. He's not an antivaxxer but gets called one all the time by the political media. He just wants them tested properly before they get injected into the next generation . Doesn't everyone?

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Glad to see your event was positive and somewhat hysterical as well . I read Coffee and Covid everyday because Childs , is not only a good writer and critical thinker , he has lots of sarcasm well - the only thing head scratching for me is his love of trump with those three beautiful vaccines that were all lined up with the Moderna stocks and needles ready to go in those early days . Just love what you are doing to tell the other side of the saga Dr Sheftall and I have no doubt as to why they don't want a debate of any sort . Maybe their handlers don't speak English too well since we are being saturated on all fronts by forces less than democratic.

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You've got it Linelle. I know his posts are good but I've only read a few because I'm always in a rush. I never delete them, thinking I'll get to them later which I hopefully will, eventually.

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His posts are VERY good, much like yours. Of all my Substack emails, I read his and yours first.

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Wish I made it Wednesday, sounded like a great discussion. I’ll never understand why some will make any excuse for the totalitarian “health” interventions. By the way most doc’s just aren’t that familiar with masks. I’ve worn them as a splash guard for 34 years, however I found watching Stephen Petty’s demos educational.

Thanks for standing up for reason and logic.

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I can only speculate but people who are afraid of loosing their health, wealth and the rest will see totalitarian measures as good. But they do that till something smells fishy; that's why I believe many of them have woken up up so to speak. In a sense, a state of well being brings up sheep behaviour.

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Yes, I think that's generally true. If succeeding, they don't want to disrupt the status quo so they believed the CDC instead of me at first. But now that everything I said has been proved correct and everything the CDC said has been proved incorrect (mask use in the community, school closures, locking down healthy people, vaccinating people with a horrible toxic injection, etc), they now realize they got taken advantage of health-wise and financially.

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Looking forward to the video and book !

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So am I.

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Splitroot, can you send me a link to his demonstrations? Thanks!

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He has several videos on Rumble. I’ve also listened to several other industrial hygienist that explain how wearing masks/ n95 respirators cannot mitigate COVID. By the way had the N95ers used non permeable eye protection ?😉

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Thanks, I'll check them out. I don't think all N95 ers wore eye protection. Maybe some of them did.

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Looking forward to the videos!

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For sure, Jack. I hope the sound is good. It's more important than the video!

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That was awesome. What a bizarre mentality the branch covidians reveal by clinging to a narrative no matter what they hear that disproves it, and being ticked off when they hear that proof. You'd think they'd be happy that the Big Scary™ was massively overblown, but they have too much personally invested in the virtue of muzzles, injections, and floor arrows. It made them part of something momentous for the first and only time in their lives. It made intellectual laziness a virtue and critical thinking dangerously anti-social.

You're the only person other than moi who I've heard ask why, if doctors wear masks to protect patients, MEs wear them during autopsies. That's always the cue for an abrupt topic change.

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An abrupt topic change... Haha. We had a few of those on Wednesday, Fager.

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I for one cannot wait for the video.

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Thanks, Duchess. I hope I didn't blow it up too much. You guys Do want to see the raw footage, right? In addition to the more polished one. As long as the sound is good. I haven't seen or heard it yet.

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Yes as long as the sound is good don't care...would love to hear it!

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Like most things these days Reid, it's hard to get back to what we all should be doing these days rather than being tied up with so many political and medial mafia like issues. I think ,at least for me, his daily posts are not entirely doom and gloom but rather humourous and he is clever at knowing how to phrase things legally- a good thing these days. I don't agree with a lot of his stuff but I do feel informed politically about some things that are not a main stream perspective.

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I think it's great that we can disagree and talk things out. Bot sides usually learn something ; a good thing. When I get a free afternoon, I'm going to read 10 of his posts. I enjoyed the few I've had time to read. Writing these posts take so long. The simple one I did on Kate today took from 1 pm until bedtime!

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This was great!

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Looking forward to videos and the book.

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Thanks, David. I hope we do more. Every time we do one and knock about 10 people to our side of the fence, it makes their plan that much harder to achieve. They are moving ahead as hard as they can on it, though. Their next step is to get the horrible WHO treaty signed. Meryl Nass is working very hard on that part right now.

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Looking forward to seeing slides & video.

I have to share that my 4 kids, 2 now adults and 2 in high school haven't received a vaccine in 10 years. I stopped vaccinating when the 2 youngest contracted pertussis in elementary school when there was an outbreak of such at a facility where they were holding illegal immigrant women & children. Mine were still in the window of being up to date with shots a few years prior. Looking into it further is when I learned that most all are nowhere near able to prevent you from getting sick, they were only said to prevent severe illness. After they stopped getting vaccines they stopped getting sick with anything. Covid hit us and all were recovered in about a week.

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Turtles All the Way Down should be required reading for the medical cabal.

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Thank you for speaking Truth to power but also to stupidity (sorry to have to use that word!).

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There's no other word. Thank you.

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