They know exactly what they did. "Mistakes" of that size are not made innocently. Their insistence on staying wrong is not made innocently. Their approval of slave muzzles and PCR as a diagnostic tool wasn't made innocently.
Johns Hopkins' part in the scam wasn't as innocent as just whoring for cash prizes, either. They've been part of the psyop since at least that "tabletop exercise" dress rehearsal of 2019. The mentality infesting a place as influential as Johns Hopkins is a big part of the reason that so many "medical professionals" felt comfortable revealing themselves in 2020 to be sociopaths, and why they thought nothing of jumping around in hallways and committing iatrogenocide.
And yet: As guilty as "the experts" are, the guiltiest of all are those who complied with the experts' obvious insanity: The billions around the world who participated in floor arrows and muzzles, agreed that they were "non-essential," and abandoned people they alleged to love in hospitals and nursing homes. Being conned wasn't inevitable. It was voluntary, and there was an easy fix: giving a damn about the truth.
Good luck with the launch of your new book. I don't live in the US so will wait for it to appear on Amazon. I've read so many people agreeing that such perpetrators should be prosecuted and punished appropriately. I think if they could do something so egregious once, they'd certainly have no qualms about doing it again if they're allowed to get away with it. Thank you for having the courage to call it out.
They know exactly what they did. "Mistakes" of that size are not made innocently. Their insistence on staying wrong is not made innocently. Their approval of slave muzzles and PCR as a diagnostic tool wasn't made innocently.
Johns Hopkins' part in the scam wasn't as innocent as just whoring for cash prizes, either. They've been part of the psyop since at least that "tabletop exercise" dress rehearsal of 2019. The mentality infesting a place as influential as Johns Hopkins is a big part of the reason that so many "medical professionals" felt comfortable revealing themselves in 2020 to be sociopaths, and why they thought nothing of jumping around in hallways and committing iatrogenocide.
And yet: As guilty as "the experts" are, the guiltiest of all are those who complied with the experts' obvious insanity: The billions around the world who participated in floor arrows and muzzles, agreed that they were "non-essential," and abandoned people they alleged to love in hospitals and nursing homes. Being conned wasn't inevitable. It was voluntary, and there was an easy fix: giving a damn about the truth.
well said...
This does sound lovely but after what I have said about the CIA I may well get suicided if I ever come to America. Pants, me and my big mouth...
Good luck with the launch of your new book. I don't live in the US so will wait for it to appear on Amazon. I've read so many people agreeing that such perpetrators should be prosecuted and punished appropriately. I think if they could do something so egregious once, they'd certainly have no qualms about doing it again if they're allowed to get away with it. Thank you for having the courage to call it out.
I hope your talk is recorded and posted to youtube, rumble and X. Wish I could be there.
YouTube will take it down immediately but I'll put it on Rumble , X, and here. I wish you could be here too. You would enjoy it immensely.
hey Reid, wish i could be there.
it does look like a i will get a chance to give David Martin your book next Saturday!
Hey Dave. Please tell him he's featured in the new book, in my part and in Spartacus's guest timeline.
i will indeed!
Excellent post, Reid.