It is unbelievable to me that all the PROOF and the FACTS are coming out (or have been out since you first started sharing your research findings in the early Spring of 2020) and they Still try to cover it up and silence the truth. Incredible, they will stop at nothing and do not want the public to know the truth. They should all be lined up and shot in a firing squad as far as I am concerned. CRIMINALS every one of them.

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I know. It pisses me off so bad. I was right about everything from the beginning. I hope you watched the interviews with Jay. He has been so complimentary of me and is always the one who suggests we come back to continue with the next part. It's been great.

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Reid - it's Peter Hotez, not Hotaz - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Hotez

I know this nincompoop very well. He introduces himself as a "vaccine specialist", just like another nincompoop Michael Osterholm introduces himself as a "disease detective." Hotez never developed a single vaccine publishing with his gang a lot of papers and review articles on "neglected tropical diseases" wasting millions of dollars on gullible (?) nincompoops at a certain Study Section at the NIH. Osterholm, the "detective", never found a single disease. I know them well from their visits to the CDC. Both are exactly what the Texans call "no cattle, all hat."

When talking to Jay Bhattacharya, let him talk more. I got the impression that you talk more than him.

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Good suggestion. Did you see what Jay said when I mentioned that people had complained that I tlked over him in Part 1 (which I did? He said, "Oh please do interrupt me! That's what is making our discussions so great! This is how real science is done! What a prince... He and I are going to have some disagreements about the vaccines. That will be interesting. The topics in Parts 1 and 2 were closer to my fields of expertise. That's why I talked more. The origin of the virus is all about molecular genetics and my proof, so I dominated that part. Please share Part 2. Youtube has shadow banned me because they saif Part 1 was "misinformation". They took me off of the search feature so my thumbnail won't come up even if I type in the name of the video exactly. My views went from 300 per day to 15 per day as of two days ago when they did that to me. It's still up but you must know the link. The notice said, "two more times and they will remove my channel".

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Move to MeWe.

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By the way, Norman. I have seen Hotez and the other guy you mentioned on TV many times. They have been wrong on EVERYTHING. Complete idiots.

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What about Rumble? for videos?

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I do not have own experience with Rumble

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Hotez DID develop a vaccine for covid that was being developed for lower cost for distribution in third world.

“A Texas doctor and his team developed Corbevax, a low-cost COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine just received emergency use authorization in India.” Per news.yahoo.com. Yahoo got its info from


I’m not supporting Hotez nor these so called vaccines but.....

Ps I found it HIGHLY interesting and even weird that in promoting their vaccine, the above link denigrated the “other” vaccines as losing over 80 percent effectiveness over 6 months vs Hotez’s vax that loses only 30 percent. They just slammed the other vaxes. Highly intriguing.

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This is completely worthless New Science, like most stuff published since January 2020. I have listened to his talks several times. He usually presented "new data" on a revived vaccine against parasites, but never finished a single project. On Wikipedia, he lists another phantom vaccine that was "promising" in trials to control hookworm. Like other work by this fraud, it was a no show. Sadly, he was very well connected at the NIH and wasted millions doing fake research on "neglected tropical diseases". He was able to secure grants for his collaborators who also failed to develop a single vaccine.

Someone needs to look into not only the fake scientist Anthony Fauci but also into more Hotez clones wasting taxpayers' money on fake research. Joseph DeRisi, inventor of the infamous Virus Chip, another fake scientist praised in Michael Lewis' book "The Premonition" conned even the Chan Foundation.

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Are you saying Texas Children’s hospital is lying through their teeth?

P.s. I won’t be disappointed in you if you say yes. I will be asking why no one else has challenged this though.

I’m very interested because my personal US congressman is supporting Hotez. His website (McCaul) did not say Hotez had finished only something about in development. But Texas Childrens outright said it was a done deal.

Who’s telling the lie?

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Hotez is the textbook synonym of a crook.

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There’s a lot of discussion on the other substacks and elsewhere showing signs that all they are waiting for is approval for the kids so they can get it on the kids vaccine schedule. I don’t totally understand the legalese on this (explanations are totally welcome), but apparently that somehow protects the vax manufacturers for any future liability even for adults? Can someone explain to me why?

Ps even if I don’t understand why, it’s still evil.

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The incessant demand of these powers in so called vaccinating over ALL concerns, the censorship of all of us on this side, the manipulation of minds using propaganda? All of this is evil. Evil is not defeated with reason. Evil is defeated in the presence and power of God. I recommend watching Steve Kirsch interview Dr Ben Tapper. Watch to the end. Yeah I know it’s long. It was really good. Vacsafety.org has the link to their odysee channel.

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The criminals certainly should be prosecuted. The easiest way to make the public know that crimes against humanity have been committed is by showing them the overwhelming data demonstrating the safety and efficacy of early treatments. Once the public learns how people in leadership positions repressed early treatment and cost countless lives, it would open a whole new dialogue and a new way forward.

I just finished your latest video. Thank you.

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Absolutely right, Roy. They held those treatments back (and still are) so the could get EUAs for the vaccines, knowing damn well that thye were killing people by doing so. Thank you for watching Part 2. Please like and share widely.

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