Yes! Mulvaney clearly fakes being turned on as a women. Marilyn Monroe though she was a troubled person loved being womanly. Clearly there is a difference in how Mulvaney carries himself. He IS an angry gay man and I didn’t see that till I read your post!

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Dylan, yes, flamboyant gay attention seek g misogynist... and vid you mentioned sounds interesting, have a link?

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I'll find it and post it soon.

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Sorry to have missed the video about stopping the destruction of civilization- do you have a link ?

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I don't have a link. I might have posted it here. Well, I'll post it soon. I think people might be interested in it. It has an interesting analysis of the wisdom or the madness of crowds depending on one factor

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The story about David Reimer, as published in a Focus On the Family article way back in the middle 90’s had less, and more, info about this tragic case. In that article, he had a sister vs twin bro, and had actually thought he was a lesbian. And according to it, his sister was the one that finally told him the truth. I guess F.O.theF was then still hiding his identity. Thanks for sharing.

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