A strong voice very early on was Judy Mikovitz. She alerted us to the horror known as Fauci, and was speaking out before I heard of most of the other doctors/scientists in the truth community.
Yes, she's amazing. Her interview with Dr Joseph Mercola early on gave a clear treatment protocol, including glycine to clear glyphosate. Of course Mercola was shut down too. Followed him for years and he's super good at what he does.
And in the midst of it they killed her husband in hospital by not treating and also refusing to give him his existing long established medication. The horror of that, Judy with all her knowledge and abilities, screaming to get into the hospital to save his life. Her eulogy to him will move you to tears.
Dr Stephanie Sereff is another who comes to mind from the early days. Brilliant scientist.
Dr Richard Chang USA medical Orthomolecular Medicine expert was in Wuhan in March 2020 and after long days in hospital posted videos of the successful treatment protocols. Within 30mins YouTube always took them down. Alongside my own research showing nothing to worry about, when I watched that happening that was the nail in the coffin for any narrative that Johnson tried to force on us. And ask any UK farmer about Ferguson modelling and cattle slaughter ....so many farmers commited suicide after that debacle.
Many many unsung early heroes, now out of the limelight but always remembered 🙏
I thought so. My eyes are wide open...I pay attention to detail...but I don't have time to investigate everyone exhaustively. I do look at some of the data and reporting they provide. Even the shills, as you should know, are spewing truth and facts in there. Like I said, your claims should be backed up with names and some detail. If not, you're just being a shill yourself.
"Base your ranking on who has made the largest and most important contributions to our knowledge of the virus- SARS-2, the Disease- COVID-19, the modRNA vaccines and their toxicity, and information about the chain of command/who was responsible for this crime."
The only criterion above that I would feel at all qualified to comment on would be the chain of command / responsibility, and for that Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova immediately come to mind (and here they are together: https://youtu.be/5YrbBAxc77Y ). That being said, for the ultimate big picture -- which goes way beyond Covid -- financial guru Catherine Austin Fitts (solari.com) is peerless.
But how about this criterion: dissemination of the truth?
The Covid tyranny was a giant Asch Conformity Experiment (although it was not an experiment so much as an operation). For it to work, propaganda had to be overwhelming with no dissenting voices allowed because even minor dissent can destroy an Asch Experiment. This of course is exactly what we have lived through the last few years, with truth tellers ridiculed, persecuted, and banished.
I do not know who or what is responsible for Substack, but I had not heard about it prior to Covid and for me it was an indispensable platform for hearing the truth.
Just spotted this question; apologies for the slow response. These people don't obviously have commercial conflicts (indeed, speak at great personal risk) yet seem to know what they are doing. As someone with mathematical and statistical background, I have found Norman Fenton's analyses very thorough and competent. A Midwestern Doctor (anonymously, may be a group or a man or a woman ...) has constantly published deeply researched and credible analyses on very many topics - almost too many to be just one person. Pierre Kory has consistently drawn on professional and clinical experience - as well as research - for sound advice and understanding of the flaws in the previously respected world of peer-review. (His Ivermectin book is compelling reading). Peter McCullough has a wealth of exceptional research experience, and seems to have an extraordinary mind, as he routinely backs up any of his claims with recent research - something government officials almost never do. Jessica Rose is very smart, a very competent big data analyst, and increased in both respects over the time of the pandemic.
Interesting premise: "Who are your Covid Heroes" - I loved reading all of the responses.
My first thought, is that anyone who makes this list should be someone who managed to make actual progress in changing hearts and minds, not merely reside in an echo chamber.
And to do that, almost certainly, everyone who managed this feat couldn't have gotten everything right, all the time. And I reject the idea that we are even at a point to know, definitively, "what is right" on all matters - it's too soon - we have to be open to being wrong else we commit the sin of orthodoxy - the very downfall of those we are pushing against.
That said, here are some "heroes" I would nominate, and in no particular order except the first:
- "You" - I thought it was asinine in 2006 when TIME made "You" [1] the 2006 person of the year. It was lazy and patronizing, yet here I am, the number #1 hero is EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO MADE A STAND. The moms who pulled their kids out of masked schools. The dads who went to the school board meetings only to be stonewalled [2]. The employees who stood by their principles even if it cost them their livelihood. Anyone who defiantly "dared" to walk into a grocery store with their "filthy" mouth exposed. The parents who treated all of this nonsense like a game of "floor is lava" they aren't participating in, and who gave their kids the normal experience of sleepovers, sports, trips to the mall, birthday parties and every other "rite of passage" when their friends and family were aghast that they would willingly "Kill Grandma".
Those few people, are the true heroes.
- Alina Chan and Matt Ridley for their meticulous research in writing "Viral". Perfect example of people who managed to "crossover" and get heretical ideas into the mainstream. Their book chronicles dozens of brilliant people who worked to get to the bottom of "what happened in Wuhan", but none of them, as individuals, managed to make the impact Chan and Ridley did (sum of the parts and all that)
- Anders Tegnell - Arguably #2 if not #1. Without him we wouldn't have anything close to a "Control Group" to refute a myriad of flawed hypotheses. His courage to go a different direction than the rest of the entire world cannot be understated enough. His decision setup a near endless parade of "experts" to have their hypothesis falsified and then allow us, the public, to watch them pivot, squirm, and rewrite history in such an obvious way, we knew they were full of shit all along.
- Paul D Thacker at "The Disinformation Chronicle". If you don't know Paul, you should get acquainted with his vast work in the US government exposing the links between physicians and pharmaceutical companies during the 00's (you can largely thank him and the work he did reducing this conflict of interest). He continued to provide a number of incredible pieces throughout the last 3 years which are too many to name, but best to simply start going through his archive (popular posts a good start) [3]
- KellyK - A great example of someone who practices the "no holds barred skepticism" Carl Sagan calls for. She has made a name for herself fact checking endless articles and CDC claims even getting them to backtrack occasionally https://substack.com/@kelleyk (she's a super version of "You" I put at point 1)
- Ian Miller https://twitter.com/ianmSC While I find his tone a bit more antagonistic to be helpul "changing hearts and minds", I can't deny that his endless charts posted on twitter the last 3+ years weren't effective in combatting "bullshit with bullshit". If the CDC can publish cherry bullshit, they can't complain when he pushes a dozen counterfactuals to their "research". I also can't help to laugh at his biting sarcasm, even though it may not be productive.
- Alex Berenson - Of the "Covid Contrarians" who made it to Joe Rogan, one of the most influential platforms regardless of your views of him, Berenson I think provided the most effective and humble "voice of reason" (I especially appreciated several times he said "I don't know") in his late 2021 appearance. His book "Pandemia" was also thoroughly researched and compelling.
- David Zweig - I just want to give a shout out to a journalist who went against his "priors", if you will. Here's a liberal guy, like myself, who didn't follow the "script" on Covid risk, the importance of masks, the unilateral value of the vaccine, and the official origin story. He's managed to penetrate several MSM publications to offer an alternative view such as in The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/author/david-zweig/ I look forward to his upcoming book.
- Katelyn Jetelina AKA "Your Local Epidemiolgist. At this point, I likely disagree with nearly her entire premise on Covid. The importance of masking, the value of the vaccines, the "right" protocols in combating it, the ROI on having CDC expend it's limited budget on fighting Covid, etc. Yet I can't deny her perseverance and patience to those who disagree with her. Nearly every other "sky is falling" hysteric on Covid (and trust me, I have engaged them all with patience and humility) almost always a) shuts off commenting (Eric Topol), b) disappears (too many to name), or c) has a meltdown of ad hominem. Yet Katelyn keeps her page open, even the comments, and occasionally interacts with pushback politely [4]. That is incredibly rare and worth a shout out.
- Matt Taibbi, who is the reason I discovered Substack and spent 6K here the last 3 years, his work on the "Twitter Files" was one of the biggest stories of the decade to me. Even if he didn't' set out to find out what happened with Covid and it was a happenstance, it was fascinating.
Now, my contrarian thoughts on McCullough, Malone, et al:
What did they actually achieve?
They have all these claims, right? They have the training and education to prove their claims, right? They have the name recognition to pull in the finances to PROVE their claims... and they didn't. What am I missing? I listened to McCullough talk about his protocols, and it seems to me, the same flimsy science I see from Pfizer? When you have a 99.1% chance of surviving Covid, of course you can easily find your protocols to work - that;s the same critique we level at Pharm!
Overall, I felt like these guys did a lot of talking and not much "doing".
Thank you for that massive review. I agree with most of it. But I have to call you out on some of the things you said. I'll list them. Please feel free to refute me.
1) You said everyone who put their neck on the line was wrong sometimes. That's almost true. I could have overlooked something but as far as I can remember, I haven't been wrong on anything and I think I'm the only one, considering only those involved from the beginning. I never changed my mind on anything.
I was out in front the whole time (before the data even came out) on my 16 firsts and 4 onlys because I reasoned everything out from first principles.
2) Alina Chan and Matt Ridley said in their book that we'll probably never know for sure if the virus got into humans from natural zoonotic spillover or was manipulated in a lab. According to Amazon, that came out on Nov 16, 2021. On Feb 20, 2020 I proved the virus had man's fingerprints all over it and that it couldn't have arisen from natural zoonotic spillover because that would mean there was a first principles violation. They were late and wrong.
3) Anders Tegnell deserves credit (with his PM Stephan Lofgren) for providing the control group that saved the world. Ive praised him for this publicly. But he endorsed the vaccines. That was a major mistake.
4)I don't know Paul and Kelly K. (what is her last name. Ian is the journalist who wrote unmasked, right? I have to go back and look at his work. Same with David. I have to go back and see what he said from the beginning
5) Katelyn Jetelina has been wrong on tons of this; basically everything I have read of hers has been wrong. She would be a good person to debate on everything. What you said about her- that she puts herself out there and except for putting a paywall on the comment section, she does let people respond which is good.
6)Taibbi got the job to release the Twitter Files from Musk. Musk deserves the credit. If he hadn't bought Twitter, we still wouldn't know any of the stuff we speculated went on at the social media companies. Taibbi is great but Musk deserves the credit. We never would have been able to see any of that if Jack Dorsey still owned Twitter. By the way, Musk has been wrong plenty on Covid (and climate change, for that matter) but he was willing to admit he was wrong publicly.
7) Berenson did some good reporting but was wrong on some important stuff. He's obviously not a doctor and it shows. But a tough reporter who knows how to get in front of the public and sell his wares. He was early ( meaning soon after the data came out) and was targeted by the government which enhanced his visibility.
8) I agree with you about the guys you mentioned (Drs. McCullough and Malone) and others who seemed to be selected for every panel and got on every major interview platform (Rogan, etc.). They didn't contribute to the 25 most important issues the "experts" were wrong on. They even agreed with them on some of it. Like you said, lots of talking, though. For example, with Dr. Malone's mRNA vaccine background (and IU believe he IS the primary inventor), he still let himself get injected with two doses (and he said the second one almost killed him). I was shocked to hear about this! Then he didn't mention this when he went on Bret Weinstein's podcast a month or two later or when he talked to the kids in Hawaii about whether or not to get the vaccines (potential side effects, etc).
I didn't know about the Person of the Year. I'll look at your links.
That's about all I have to say. Thank you for that great addition to the discussion.
Wow, I've only vaguely heard of her, and now I see in a search how much she was trashed in the media and how she lost her job. The stigmatization was apparently very effective, unfortunately. I will check her out.
She was an international adviser while still in her 20s. Guided Europe and the world successfully through many health challenges. So knew the system. Ignored at the critical moment, hence she went public in June 2020.
She referenced the failed ferret studies of Corona vax trials that summer, why never try to vax a respiratory virus and simple prevention and treatment protocols of vit C, d, zinc, quercetin. Trashed by the media and anyone else. Wonderful knowledge freely shared. I think she's now involved with the World Council for Health? 🙏
Indeed! And in all honesty it seems many of us who have been paying attention the last few years are better qualified than some of the brainwashed, propagandized, pharma-bought MDs.
Yes, it was Dolores Cahill's early warnings that caused me to look into the plandemic, and then Drs Wodarg and Yeadon solidified my decision not to be bamboozled.
Just a quick note or two. I hope everyone sees this. I should have put it in the first Poll post. We're talking about the top five out of 500 + people who have contributed very positively. There are over 100 lists in the book under various category headings. I'm asking for literally the five who were 1) almost or completely mistake-free, 2) first in making major contributions in contradicting the so-called experts (think of the things that were critical to understanding the virus, disease and vaccine and who cane up with the right answer and PROVED it. There was lots of speculation and some of that was right but with something like this, things must be proved. Note: I was first on several major corrections and I really appreciate being nominated by some of you. It made my day. But I won't be putting myself on the cover or even on any lists inside for obvious reasons.
So far, only two of the four who are already on the cover have been named. Of the five I thought of for consideration for the fifth spot, only three have been named but someone nominated a person I had overlooked in the group I was considering for the fifth spot. That person is now in the running.
Remember to name people who understood it better than anyone else and time proved them to be correct. As an example so I won't influence anyone's thinking I'll use one of my own examples. I was the first to prove the vaccines weren't blocking transmission and therefore were close to useless in preventing you from getting the disease. This was information that should have helped people to decide not to get the vaccine which could have saved their lives. I also proved we reached herd immunity to the Wuhan strain on January 11, 2021 without even a single person fully-vaccinated. This was super important because all fall and winter, the MDTV mafia was saying we needed 90% of the population to get vaccinated before we could reach herd immunity. I was first to derive the correct IFR at .1% which was 40x lower than the WHO, CDC, Italy medical, China Medical was telling everyone it was to scare them into masks and lockdowns, etc. My derivation proved the disease was no worse than the flu and should have made the public refuse to go into lockdowns. Major things are what you're looking for. Three of the people who have already secured a spot taught us three major things we needed to know. OK, thanks, everyone.
A strong voice very early on was Judy Mikovitz. She alerted us to the horror known as Fauci, and was speaking out before I heard of most of the other doctors/scientists in the truth community.
Yes, she's amazing. Her interview with Dr Joseph Mercola early on gave a clear treatment protocol, including glycine to clear glyphosate. Of course Mercola was shut down too. Followed him for years and he's super good at what he does.
And in the midst of it they killed her husband in hospital by not treating and also refusing to give him his existing long established medication. The horror of that, Judy with all her knowledge and abilities, screaming to get into the hospital to save his life. Her eulogy to him will move you to tears.
Dr Stephanie Sereff is another who comes to mind from the early days. Brilliant scientist.
Dr Richard Chang USA medical Orthomolecular Medicine expert was in Wuhan in March 2020 and after long days in hospital posted videos of the successful treatment protocols. Within 30mins YouTube always took them down. Alongside my own research showing nothing to worry about, when I watched that happening that was the nail in the coffin for any narrative that Johnson tried to force on us. And ask any UK farmer about Ferguson modelling and cattle slaughter ....so many farmers commited suicide after that debacle.
Many many unsung early heroes, now out of the limelight but always remembered 🙏
Different categories...different people:
Off the top of my head and in no particular order:
Knowledge of the virus- SARS-2:
Dr. Mike Yeadon
Dr. David Martin
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Pierre Kory
Steve Kirsch
the Disease- COVID-19:
Dr. Mike Yeadon
Dr. David Martin
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Pierre Kory
Steve Kirsch
the modRNA vaccines and their toxicity:
Dr. Mike Yeadon
Dr. Peter McCullough
Edward Dowd
Karen Kingston
Dr. Ana Mihalcea
Dr. Naomi Wolf
information about the chain of command/who was responsible for this crime:
Dr. Mike Yeadon
Dr. David Martin
Sasha Latypova
Katherine Watt
Karen Kingston
Please, don't pick freemasons and shills.
Who are the freemasons and shills in this list?
David Martin is both
Why do you say he's a shill?
DO tell, who are the masons and shills? Clarify and backup your claims or shut it.
Keep your eyes open, pay attention to detail and, perhaps most importantly, sharpen your memory.
You might see then, or not.
I thought so. My eyes are wide open...I pay attention to detail...but I don't have time to investigate everyone exhaustively. I do look at some of the data and reporting they provide. Even the shills, as you should know, are spewing truth and facts in there. Like I said, your claims should be backed up with names and some detail. If not, you're just being a shill yourself.
Agree with this Dr Reid! ⬆️⬆️⬆️
"Base your ranking on who has made the largest and most important contributions to our knowledge of the virus- SARS-2, the Disease- COVID-19, the modRNA vaccines and their toxicity, and information about the chain of command/who was responsible for this crime."
The only criterion above that I would feel at all qualified to comment on would be the chain of command / responsibility, and for that Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova immediately come to mind (and here they are together: https://youtu.be/5YrbBAxc77Y ). That being said, for the ultimate big picture -- which goes way beyond Covid -- financial guru Catherine Austin Fitts (solari.com) is peerless.
But how about this criterion: dissemination of the truth?
The Covid tyranny was a giant Asch Conformity Experiment (although it was not an experiment so much as an operation). For it to work, propaganda had to be overwhelming with no dissenting voices allowed because even minor dissent can destroy an Asch Experiment. This of course is exactly what we have lived through the last few years, with truth tellers ridiculed, persecuted, and banished.
I do not know who or what is responsible for Substack, but I had not heard about it prior to Covid and for me it was an indispensable platform for hearing the truth.
100% with you on Sasha and Katherine, Charles. I don't know CAF too well. I'll check her longer interviews.
Peter McCullough
Pierre Kory
A Midwestern Doctor
Jessica Rose
Norman Fenton
Have all influenced me more than others, for various reasons.
Barry, can you tell us why they influenced you more than others? Thanks.
Just spotted this question; apologies for the slow response. These people don't obviously have commercial conflicts (indeed, speak at great personal risk) yet seem to know what they are doing. As someone with mathematical and statistical background, I have found Norman Fenton's analyses very thorough and competent. A Midwestern Doctor (anonymously, may be a group or a man or a woman ...) has constantly published deeply researched and credible analyses on very many topics - almost too many to be just one person. Pierre Kory has consistently drawn on professional and clinical experience - as well as research - for sound advice and understanding of the flaws in the previously respected world of peer-review. (His Ivermectin book is compelling reading). Peter McCullough has a wealth of exceptional research experience, and seems to have an extraordinary mind, as he routinely backs up any of his claims with recent research - something government officials almost never do. Jessica Rose is very smart, a very competent big data analyst, and increased in both respects over the time of the pandemic.
Just a few knee-jerk responses ...
Interesting premise: "Who are your Covid Heroes" - I loved reading all of the responses.
My first thought, is that anyone who makes this list should be someone who managed to make actual progress in changing hearts and minds, not merely reside in an echo chamber.
And to do that, almost certainly, everyone who managed this feat couldn't have gotten everything right, all the time. And I reject the idea that we are even at a point to know, definitively, "what is right" on all matters - it's too soon - we have to be open to being wrong else we commit the sin of orthodoxy - the very downfall of those we are pushing against.
That said, here are some "heroes" I would nominate, and in no particular order except the first:
- "You" - I thought it was asinine in 2006 when TIME made "You" [1] the 2006 person of the year. It was lazy and patronizing, yet here I am, the number #1 hero is EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO MADE A STAND. The moms who pulled their kids out of masked schools. The dads who went to the school board meetings only to be stonewalled [2]. The employees who stood by their principles even if it cost them their livelihood. Anyone who defiantly "dared" to walk into a grocery store with their "filthy" mouth exposed. The parents who treated all of this nonsense like a game of "floor is lava" they aren't participating in, and who gave their kids the normal experience of sleepovers, sports, trips to the mall, birthday parties and every other "rite of passage" when their friends and family were aghast that they would willingly "Kill Grandma".
Those few people, are the true heroes.
- Alina Chan and Matt Ridley for their meticulous research in writing "Viral". Perfect example of people who managed to "crossover" and get heretical ideas into the mainstream. Their book chronicles dozens of brilliant people who worked to get to the bottom of "what happened in Wuhan", but none of them, as individuals, managed to make the impact Chan and Ridley did (sum of the parts and all that)
- Anders Tegnell - Arguably #2 if not #1. Without him we wouldn't have anything close to a "Control Group" to refute a myriad of flawed hypotheses. His courage to go a different direction than the rest of the entire world cannot be understated enough. His decision setup a near endless parade of "experts" to have their hypothesis falsified and then allow us, the public, to watch them pivot, squirm, and rewrite history in such an obvious way, we knew they were full of shit all along.
- Paul D Thacker at "The Disinformation Chronicle". If you don't know Paul, you should get acquainted with his vast work in the US government exposing the links between physicians and pharmaceutical companies during the 00's (you can largely thank him and the work he did reducing this conflict of interest). He continued to provide a number of incredible pieces throughout the last 3 years which are too many to name, but best to simply start going through his archive (popular posts a good start) [3]
- KellyK - A great example of someone who practices the "no holds barred skepticism" Carl Sagan calls for. She has made a name for herself fact checking endless articles and CDC claims even getting them to backtrack occasionally https://substack.com/@kelleyk (she's a super version of "You" I put at point 1)
- Ian Miller https://twitter.com/ianmSC While I find his tone a bit more antagonistic to be helpul "changing hearts and minds", I can't deny that his endless charts posted on twitter the last 3+ years weren't effective in combatting "bullshit with bullshit". If the CDC can publish cherry bullshit, they can't complain when he pushes a dozen counterfactuals to their "research". I also can't help to laugh at his biting sarcasm, even though it may not be productive.
- Alex Berenson - Of the "Covid Contrarians" who made it to Joe Rogan, one of the most influential platforms regardless of your views of him, Berenson I think provided the most effective and humble "voice of reason" (I especially appreciated several times he said "I don't know") in his late 2021 appearance. His book "Pandemia" was also thoroughly researched and compelling.
- David Zweig - I just want to give a shout out to a journalist who went against his "priors", if you will. Here's a liberal guy, like myself, who didn't follow the "script" on Covid risk, the importance of masks, the unilateral value of the vaccine, and the official origin story. He's managed to penetrate several MSM publications to offer an alternative view such as in The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/author/david-zweig/ I look forward to his upcoming book.
- Katelyn Jetelina AKA "Your Local Epidemiolgist. At this point, I likely disagree with nearly her entire premise on Covid. The importance of masking, the value of the vaccines, the "right" protocols in combating it, the ROI on having CDC expend it's limited budget on fighting Covid, etc. Yet I can't deny her perseverance and patience to those who disagree with her. Nearly every other "sky is falling" hysteric on Covid (and trust me, I have engaged them all with patience and humility) almost always a) shuts off commenting (Eric Topol), b) disappears (too many to name), or c) has a meltdown of ad hominem. Yet Katelyn keeps her page open, even the comments, and occasionally interacts with pushback politely [4]. That is incredibly rare and worth a shout out.
- Matt Taibbi, who is the reason I discovered Substack and spent 6K here the last 3 years, his work on the "Twitter Files" was one of the biggest stories of the decade to me. Even if he didn't' set out to find out what happened with Covid and it was a happenstance, it was fascinating.
Now, my contrarian thoughts on McCullough, Malone, et al:
What did they actually achieve?
They have all these claims, right? They have the training and education to prove their claims, right? They have the name recognition to pull in the finances to PROVE their claims... and they didn't. What am I missing? I listened to McCullough talk about his protocols, and it seems to me, the same flimsy science I see from Pfizer? When you have a 99.1% chance of surviving Covid, of course you can easily find your protocols to work - that;s the same critique we level at Pharm!
Overall, I felt like these guys did a lot of talking and not much "doing".
I might be quite wrong though.
[1] To be fair, I think the entire concept of "Person of the Year" is stupid anyway, but whatever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_(Time_Person_of_the_Year)
[2] Great piece, as always, from the irreplaceable Chris Bray
[3] https://disinformationchronicle.substack.com/
Personal favorites include https://disinformationchronicle.substack.com/p/weber-shandwick-provides-pr-for-moderna
[4] For the record, I think since I said this Sweden dipped to #2-#4 in lowest excess deaths https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/house-select-subcommittee-gbd-and/comment/13418186
Thank you for that massive review. I agree with most of it. But I have to call you out on some of the things you said. I'll list them. Please feel free to refute me.
1) You said everyone who put their neck on the line was wrong sometimes. That's almost true. I could have overlooked something but as far as I can remember, I haven't been wrong on anything and I think I'm the only one, considering only those involved from the beginning. I never changed my mind on anything.
I was out in front the whole time (before the data even came out) on my 16 firsts and 4 onlys because I reasoned everything out from first principles.
2) Alina Chan and Matt Ridley said in their book that we'll probably never know for sure if the virus got into humans from natural zoonotic spillover or was manipulated in a lab. According to Amazon, that came out on Nov 16, 2021. On Feb 20, 2020 I proved the virus had man's fingerprints all over it and that it couldn't have arisen from natural zoonotic spillover because that would mean there was a first principles violation. They were late and wrong.
3) Anders Tegnell deserves credit (with his PM Stephan Lofgren) for providing the control group that saved the world. Ive praised him for this publicly. But he endorsed the vaccines. That was a major mistake.
4)I don't know Paul and Kelly K. (what is her last name. Ian is the journalist who wrote unmasked, right? I have to go back and look at his work. Same with David. I have to go back and see what he said from the beginning
5) Katelyn Jetelina has been wrong on tons of this; basically everything I have read of hers has been wrong. She would be a good person to debate on everything. What you said about her- that she puts herself out there and except for putting a paywall on the comment section, she does let people respond which is good.
6)Taibbi got the job to release the Twitter Files from Musk. Musk deserves the credit. If he hadn't bought Twitter, we still wouldn't know any of the stuff we speculated went on at the social media companies. Taibbi is great but Musk deserves the credit. We never would have been able to see any of that if Jack Dorsey still owned Twitter. By the way, Musk has been wrong plenty on Covid (and climate change, for that matter) but he was willing to admit he was wrong publicly.
7) Berenson did some good reporting but was wrong on some important stuff. He's obviously not a doctor and it shows. But a tough reporter who knows how to get in front of the public and sell his wares. He was early ( meaning soon after the data came out) and was targeted by the government which enhanced his visibility.
8) I agree with you about the guys you mentioned (Drs. McCullough and Malone) and others who seemed to be selected for every panel and got on every major interview platform (Rogan, etc.). They didn't contribute to the 25 most important issues the "experts" were wrong on. They even agreed with them on some of it. Like you said, lots of talking, though. For example, with Dr. Malone's mRNA vaccine background (and IU believe he IS the primary inventor), he still let himself get injected with two doses (and he said the second one almost killed him). I was shocked to hear about this! Then he didn't mention this when he went on Bret Weinstein's podcast a month or two later or when he talked to the kids in Hawaii about whether or not to get the vaccines (potential side effects, etc).
I didn't know about the Person of the Year. I'll look at your links.
That's about all I have to say. Thank you for that great addition to the discussion.
Prof Dolores Cahill very early on vocal , accurate, sacked by Univ College Dublin then banned everywhere
Wow, I've only vaguely heard of her, and now I see in a search how much she was trashed in the media and how she lost her job. The stigmatization was apparently very effective, unfortunately. I will check her out.
She was an international adviser while still in her 20s. Guided Europe and the world successfully through many health challenges. So knew the system. Ignored at the critical moment, hence she went public in June 2020.
She referenced the failed ferret studies of Corona vax trials that summer, why never try to vax a respiratory virus and simple prevention and treatment protocols of vit C, d, zinc, quercetin. Trashed by the media and anyone else. Wonderful knowledge freely shared. I think she's now involved with the World Council for Health? 🙏
Now that I see her photo, I recognize her.
It's good to be reminded of those days. A lot has been learned since then, but the basics still apply.
And we've all studied hard for our PhDs in immunology! 😅
Indeed! And in all honesty it seems many of us who have been paying attention the last few years are better qualified than some of the brainwashed, propagandized, pharma-bought MDs.
We were better qualified to start with imho - we've got common sense!
Yes, it was Dolores Cahill's early warnings that caused me to look into the plandemic, and then Drs Wodarg and Yeadon solidified my decision not to be bamboozled.
Just a quick note or two. I hope everyone sees this. I should have put it in the first Poll post. We're talking about the top five out of 500 + people who have contributed very positively. There are over 100 lists in the book under various category headings. I'm asking for literally the five who were 1) almost or completely mistake-free, 2) first in making major contributions in contradicting the so-called experts (think of the things that were critical to understanding the virus, disease and vaccine and who cane up with the right answer and PROVED it. There was lots of speculation and some of that was right but with something like this, things must be proved. Note: I was first on several major corrections and I really appreciate being nominated by some of you. It made my day. But I won't be putting myself on the cover or even on any lists inside for obvious reasons.
So far, only two of the four who are already on the cover have been named. Of the five I thought of for consideration for the fifth spot, only three have been named but someone nominated a person I had overlooked in the group I was considering for the fifth spot. That person is now in the running.
Remember to name people who understood it better than anyone else and time proved them to be correct. As an example so I won't influence anyone's thinking I'll use one of my own examples. I was the first to prove the vaccines weren't blocking transmission and therefore were close to useless in preventing you from getting the disease. This was information that should have helped people to decide not to get the vaccine which could have saved their lives. I also proved we reached herd immunity to the Wuhan strain on January 11, 2021 without even a single person fully-vaccinated. This was super important because all fall and winter, the MDTV mafia was saying we needed 90% of the population to get vaccinated before we could reach herd immunity. I was first to derive the correct IFR at .1% which was 40x lower than the WHO, CDC, Italy medical, China Medical was telling everyone it was to scare them into masks and lockdowns, etc. My derivation proved the disease was no worse than the flu and should have made the public refuse to go into lockdowns. Major things are what you're looking for. Three of the people who have already secured a spot taught us three major things we needed to know. OK, thanks, everyone.
Katherine Watts
Dr. Joseph Ladapo
1. Peter McCullough
2. Gert Vandenbosch
3. Keven McKernan
4. Sasha Latipova
5. Jessica Rose
This is hard. There are SO many great experts.
Aaron Siri lawyer https://www.sirillp.com/aaron-siri/
Del Bigtree journalist, ICAN/The High Wire https://thehighwire.com
Both earnest, steadfast trailblazers who relentlessly dug into the virus origins, crazy health policy responses, jab specs/risks from the get go.
Del 100% gets my vote
Let us not forget pathologists: Prof. Arne Burkhardt, Dr. Ryan Cole.
Alex Berenson
Walter Chestnut is very skilled and informative. He flies under the radar it seems.
He's great.
Ivor Cummins, Jessica Rose
Who are the 4 that have secured a spot already?
I thought very hard about divulging the 4 names but I chose not to because I didn't want to influence anyone's choices. You will find out pretty soon!
I don't even want to hit "like" on the recommendations I approve of. I will hold back.