What fun. Well worth doing. Organize a few in Florida I should be happy to hold a sign especially “what has gotten better!!” Actually that would look good on a t-shirt

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I'll let you know Emily. What city are you in? Could you get some friends to take part?

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The Vaccinated Have Been PUNKED

For Believing

The Unbelievable.


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i hope to make it to this. looks like my kind of people. dave

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David, did you see the other messages I sent you?

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Well, that was really RUDE. Some people are just so naasty.

I love Sasha's substack

It looks so nice in California.

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Oh I see. You're talking about the ash splash I got. Yeah... some people...

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Rosemary, where is the rude comment? I can't find it.

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peolpe throwing ashes in your face. that is disgusting.

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Yeah. It took me a while but I finally figured it out.

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Thank you for standing for freedom! And thank you also for your reporting on this protest.

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Currently ave Maria fl east of naples. Naples already disenchanted best site would be fort myers. Most people living here have no sense of adventure watching broadway plays is pushing the envelope- I would probably have to go by myself that’s ok. I’m good company for me

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Its about a five hour drive up 75 (or I-4 to I95) You could make a weekend out of it. We could do a botox party the same weekend to make it worth your while and give you a discount if you like. I'm in Ponte Vedra. Maybe we'll do one day in PV and one in St. Augustine.

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. Absolutely could make the journey. Will be back in Florida after July 5. I won’t miss it. Keep me posted. You don’t even have to bribe me w Botox

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There are probably other Florida people who follow you that would show up. Just post it

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Definitely, I will. There will be some acquantinces of mine from the Jacksonville and Beaches area who will join us. If we get 10, that will be enough.

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I am amazed how fast those hip replacements have people moving around so well "these days!"

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Reid, Reid, Reid i love, love, love you and the entire protest crew. what a fabulous group of outliers. some of the very best that Humanity has to offer. don't remember ever following in love with a group of people. pretty sure i had a grin on my face for most of my 4 hour drive home. when i read your substack i knew i needed to meet them. thank you, dave

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hoping for a confirmation you will be at the protest on stevens creek at 4? i have to drive a few hours, happy to do that, just hoping to say Hello to you in person and join the others, dave

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yes. but not until an hour or two ago. thank you for remembering me in your busy schedule. d

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