Oh, really... ? What virus? The one invented, so they can claim there's a 'pandemic' going on, and inject people with nanotech?

I'm a true conspiracy theorist, I can predict the future 1-3 years in advance most people can.

Even Mike Yeadon, ex VP at Pfizer, agrees with me..


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The one that was assembled, the one that didn't exist anywhere, beforehand.

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3 weeks is up. Who dunnit?

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I still don't know for sure, Meryl, and I never claim something I can't prove. Turns out, the highest ups are very good at staying anonymous. You commented on another of my posts, something like "Good on you for doing the 3rd residency so late in life". I don't recommend it for anyone, believe me. Dermatology, maybe. Cardiac surgery, no. We should get together.

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Meryl, I have to confess I am not sure yet and don't want to risk misleading everyone. I would be playing right into their arms. This doesn't mean I have stopped looking in to it. I will give you a more substantive answer when I have one. Thank you.

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There is no 'virus'.

No 'virus' has been proven to be transmissible and pathogenic in the history of humankind.

Please check the Rosenau experiments, done to prove that the Spanish flu was contagious.

Certainly, not a natural one.

Now, I don't exclude the possibility for nanotech of some sort, but pathogenic 'viruses', as depicted by mainstream virology, have not been proven to exist.

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The Roman Catholic Jesuits. They are a global secret militant order with almost unlimited resources. Most of the key villains are trained temporal adjudicator. Fauci. his wife Christine Grady, Redfield, Tom Inglesby, Bourla, Bancel. Ford of Abbot labs, Collins, Kadlec, Melinda Gates, Trump, Biden, Clinton. and most of the heads of federal alphabet soup leaders. And don't forget Klaus Schwab, Trudeau, etc, etc,

This is a medical INQUISITION!

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A Spanish Inquisition where the Jesuits started. And nobody expects them! Link at bottom of my post. Monty Python at their finest, but telling the truth too.


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Do you have any knowledge about the Standford minus strand test? Pisses me off to think how many elderly "patients" were tested for the positive strand fragments. My Mom was one. Thrown into a C19 ward with no symptoms. 3 days after her initial + test she was negative. But the MD made sure she stayed in the ward for 10 days. The Medicare incentives were too lucrative. https://davidzweig.substack.com/p/the-most-important-test-youve-never

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No Laurie. I haven't heard about this but it really angers me to hear that this was done. I'm going to do an entire substack on Stanford's fall from Grace.

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you are probably right about an additional thing, among many. which i had surmised some months ago. you aren't a go-to guy because you have been too far ahead. dave

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That's it, David. I figured out everything before the data came out so people didn't know it was going to be an issue. Since it wasn't a problem at the time I figured it out, nobody cared, so nobody looked at my videos (except for the Youtube censors who pulled them down right and left.) The powers that be realized I was wrecking their plans by showing that COVID had an IFR the same as the flu and that lockdowns "would not work and would cause death and destruction on a Biblical scale" as I wrote to tucker, Hannity, Anderson Cooper , Chris Cuomo and Eric Trump, that masks cannot reduce transmission significantly for an invisible 100nm virus etc all the way through with everything the "experts" had wrong.. When the data came out showing clearly that lockdowns weren't flattening any curves and there was no reduction in cases vs time when masks were used, there were 30 people with much more sophisticated podcasts set up who got the views. One problem is that those people were generally wrong still but the general public didn't understand it enough to realize they were wrong. Eventually, they came around when people like me kept telling them they were still wrong or when the general population's opinion started to change. Some stayed wrong un til the bitter end because Fauci and Dr. John Ioannidis still think masks are 10% effective. How long did it take Dr. Monica Ghandi , Dr. Celine Gounder, Dr. Leana Wen, Dr Jonathan Reiner, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Ashish Jha, Dr. Z Dog, Dr. Vinay Prasad, Dr. Peter Hotez, Dr. Redfield, Dr. Walensky, etc. to come around. The truth is, most of them still haven't. Dr. Prasad , who is an outstanding doctor and very smart, still thinks it's going to take 10 years of RCTs to determine if lockdowns showed a net benefit. Lockdowns are going to be responsible for killing 150 million people! One famous doctor who speaks at almost every conference was nice enough to send me a note telling me he learned everything from my videos . I said you should have seen all of them! Half were taken down within a day !. He said he knew. He said a few were taken down while he was watching them!. But both he and Dr. B haven't been able to get me on any forums, even the ones they've appeared regularly on. I'm not sure they tried very hard. It's a competitive world out there. I'm going to add climate change absurdities write my next book on COVID. Then I'll assess to see if I'm still helping.

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over the last decade and a half, i have reluctantly had to concede, 'things take time'. they take as much time as required. no less. =) and, only a small portion of total information can be absorbed by society. i have been reading a guy, Martin Armstrong since about 2010. he created a computer model, starting in the 70's. which, has been stunning in it's time placement of events. 3 key events that happened to fall on his dates, which were 'picked' decades ago. (model works on Pi) 2007.15 Goldman Sachs shorted the REIT index. 2015.75 Russia started attacking in Syria. January?19? 2020...'news' of CV-19 really hit the news in U.S. (can't remember the numerical for that date.) it was on a Saturday. on Friday i was talking to friends about it. it looked that the DOW was toppy. anyway, there is an astounding precision driving all the visible 'chaos'

of the world. i'm reminded that when he was in College, his physics professor said nothing was random. his economics professor claimed everything was random. methinks he has to some measure proved his physics professor correct even in socio-economic events. appreciate your reply. dave there is something very compelling to me about your thought process. if ever there is a time, and i have a few spare dollars , and you night be in San Jose again....i'd like to buy you dinner. Wow! that is a bunch of caveats. lol. Cheers!

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David! I'm in San Jose! I'll be here for about a week. Let me know when you're free. This goes for anyone else seeing this! There's a rally tomorrow on the corner of stevens creek and winchester from 3 - 6 pm. Please come! I'll meet you there!

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sorry i missed this from the 17th. i don't always see the alerts. i plan to be at the rally Friday. thank you so very much! d look forward very much to meeting you in person!

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I'll pay, David. I will let you know when I'm in San Jose next. My opinion of the two professors is that the economics guy is definitely wrong. Take the movement of stock prices, for example. The graphs don't look anything like a "random walk". The physics guy is making an extreme statement but I'm much more inclined to be in his camp. We might think things are random because we don't understand all of the forces governing their movement.

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Have you talked to Sasha and Katherine Watt yet? You need to or you will not understand what happened.

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Not yet. I want to talk to Sasha. Does she not think US Military and Intelligence was involved in funding, planning, and execution? I know she doesn't think a virus was involved; that it was a poison of some kind. The electron micrographs (many of which have been colorized) that I've seen are of a virus. Of course they could have used pictures if a virus that has nothing to do with this. I'll go to one of her posts and try to contact her through the comment section.

I don't know Katherine Watt although I've heard her name. What is her story?

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Yes Sasha has proven that through the OTA contract but it goes beyond them into the NSC and executive branch and ultimately globalist banking cartels. Kathrine WATT is a paralegal who has researched all the intervening public health laws that have built up over 30 plus years or more to allow for this. It was exposed in Judge Truncales motion to dismiss The Brook Jackson false claims act case a few weeks ago. https://open.substack.com/pub/bailiwicknews?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android

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Sasha's entire focus is showing (via vaccine contracts) that this was a military industrial complex project all along.

My focus is that this virus was spreading - widely - and around the world much earlier than the experts say is possible. So the all-important timeline of important events has been wrong from the beginning.

The question is WHY were all the key officials so interested in no one investigating earlier spread? The common-sense answer would be that they KNOW this virus was spreading widely much earlier than the public has been told. The next question would be: How do/did they know this?

It's nuclear POLITICAL SCIENCE that's going to ensure the truth is never revealed.

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Check out this video "CCCA Infectious Clones Discussion -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Stream" https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological/v/1792125377?sr=a&t=4182s

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it says "not available"

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Thank you and thank you for all your comments and links.

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It worked but I've been watching for 22 minutes and JJ hasn't said anything yet

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Keep in mind thwt Wreck It Ralph Baric used clones as well.

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I wasn't but I watched the link you provided. He seems very smart. The science is way above my pay grade though.

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You should talk to both of them. They frequently so interviews together.

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The whole 'virus' is a PsyOp, there is no 'virus' and no lab leak.

It was never isolated from a sick person, Christine Massey has hundreds of FOIA's from various governments and universities around the world, and NO ONE has isolated the virus directly from a sick person. Apparently, it cannot be found in quantities large enough :)))

If there was no virus, it makes you wonder, what they are injecting people with, and why?!

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You didn't even read the link you sent, did you?

It's right there, staring in your face:

"Methods: Upper and lower respiratory tract secretion samples from putative patients with COVID-19 were inoculated onto cells to isolate the virus. Full genome sequencing and electron microscopy were used to identify the virus."

In translation, another fake virus "isolation" study, by poisoning some monkey kidney cells or bovine fetal cells in a test tube. They don't "isolate" the virus directly from a human sample, they have to poison some cells in order to produce the 'virus' (in fact, they're getting some dead cell debris, claiming it's the 'virus').

This is what virology is, a pseudoscience at best, and a farce at worst, and 'virologists' are snake oil salesmen.

Do you have ANY study where 'virologists' isolate the virus directly from a sample coming from a diseased individual?

It should be pretty simple, after all, there is enough 'virus' in that sample to infect someone else.. is it? If there is not enough 'virus' in the sample to be able to isolate it, how can that sample infect someone else?

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The 'flu was renamed Covid 19 to scare the masses witless and get them to allow themselves to be poisoned with the vaccines etc.

Wuhan issues were to do with industrial pollution. There was no lab leak as Marius says.


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If I wanted to poison the world.

I'd not want to do it quickly. It would be obvious and people would run.

Then I have to go out and find them and that's a lot of work.

And I'd not want to use an ordinary biological weapon because my family, or even I myself might get infected. I don't want that.


If I released an unstable virus into a few major cities. Creating a panic.

Then used that panic to inject more of that same spike protein into everyone else. Suckers.

Then I minimize my risk and increase the potential of an effective uptake.

Better, if I had to start somewhere, I should probably take out the developed world first. Because they might organize themselves and fight back.

Hmmm the only way this could get better is it we found a way to make them pay for it themselves...

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Correct. Release was intentional.

The accidental lab “leak” story is a psyop.


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Instead of developing opposition to the prescribed narrative with yet another unproven tale why don't you check the correlation between Covid19 outbreaks and the roll out of 5G?

There is no virus. NONE. There is no lab leak, deliberate or otherwise.

There is, however, evidence to show that Covid 19 followed the roll out of 5G both chronologically and geographically and continues to do so, regardless of the added toxicity of mRNA injections.

What was the industry exempted from lockdowns, that continued to operate, installing infrastructure on hospitals and schools?

#STOP5G and reduce electro-magnetic radiation to restore not just human health but the health of all living beings on earth.

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There was no accidental or intentional release, it was all a psy-op. The 'flu was renamed Covid 19 to scare the masses witless and get them to allow themselves to be poisoned with the vaccines etc.

Wuhan issues were to do with industrial pollution. There was no lab leak as Frances says.


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What about the symptoms that don't seem to result from an influenza infection; loss of smell, for example? That's one problem I have with this theory (although there is a lot that lines up perfectly). The other is, was it sequenced? We were given the sequence with ORF 8 in it. Why would they give us a fake sequence that implicated them (unless they are a lot smarter than I thought they were.)

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What virus?

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That's crap supporting the narrative of a dangerous virus. Please prove that the virus was not a simple common cold virus.

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I am sure you have seen a Magician draw your attention with one hand while he makes critical moves with the other.

THAT is what is happening.

While the world focuses on the claims of a 'virus' pandemic the real root cause of illness is being ignored.

Instead of developing opposition to the prescribed narrative with yet another unproven tale why don't you check the correlation between Covid19 outbreaks and the roll out of 5G?

There is no virus. NONE. There is no lab leak, deliberate or otherwise.

There is, however, evidence to show that Covid 19 followed the roll out of 5G both chronologically and geographically and continues to do so, regardless of the added toxicity of mRNA injections.

What was the industry exempted from lockdowns, that continued to operate, installing infrastructure on hospitals and schools?

#STOP5G and reduce electro-magnetic radiation to restore not just human health but the health of all living beings on earth.

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If anyone can do it Dr. Sheftall...

I cannot wait....and what are we gonna do about the coming FedNOW digital currency? I know they will let us use cash for a bit, but wait until anything over 1000 has to be paid for by bank wire...

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Hello from the UK.

Many thanks for your post. It is all generally good and correct. However, there was no release from a lab, it was all made up to scare people into taking the poisonous vaccines. What happened at Wuhan was industrial pollution causing the respiratory disease. I explain here and have also talked about gain of function on my WordPress site.



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Thanks, Michael. I'll take a look at your link

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