yes. Ammanpour is an absolute despicable prostitute. I can not stand her, I never ever ever could. She took over the show of the groper at Panhandle Broadcasting Station
You are not alone Dutchess. All of them are so horrible
That interview made me ill . She is part of PBS who was in a lock step narrative right from the start of this whole thing in 2020 . Judy Woodruff ( PBS) in those earlier days , ironically, had on Maria Ressa, a journalist , who won the Nobel prize in 2021 for her work to "safeguard freedom of expression" whereby she warned about the creeping totalitarianism around the world - she was arrested for her views by her government . Judy seemed surprised and didn't see that happening right in front of her - I stopped watching PBS then . I think it's the same thing they are trying to do with that "so called award winning journalist" of 30 years(?) Matt Taibbi . No wonder we won't be getting the straight goods from most journalists going forward - we haven't been on mass anyway since they can't report anything other than the approved narrative.
Yes, they all make me sick to my stomach...seriously just watching this makes me want to break something. Reid, PLEASE STAY ALIVE long enough to write the true history of what happened and what is going on now with revisionist history....I am NOT LENDING your book Heroes and Villains to anyone....but it is time to spit on our hands and start swinging the axe.
I'm working on it now. It's going to be well over 1000 pages long or I could break it up into several volumes. I'll have to talk to the publisher. Jeffrey Tucker spurred me on when I told him I was writing this story. "No one has written the definitive history yet," he hinted. It's going to be my magnum opus.
Oh dear , I have been feeling ill right from the start but now I think I've normalized the insanity of all the gas lighting . I have been talking with the small business owners in our area and I ask will they take cash . They quietly say sure and then I mention something about what I think is going on . Every time these people say : " I'm so glad you know what is going on". I think at this point ,it may very well be a kind of "work around " that requires a lot of creativity . I love talking with like minded souls and do find that grounding regardless of where this whole thing is going .
Prasad was a defender of CDC and the safe and effective at first. He only came around slowly...a little faster than that British nurse guy.....but look at him now compared to them. He has seen that EVERYTHING HE THOUGHT HE KNEW WAS WRONG.
I know. He was wrong on a lot of it at the beginning. I'm sure I pointed that out when some journalist wrote a book and in my review, I pointed out that he and others such as Dr. Marty Makary had it all wrong at first, yet they get interviews like they are experts in correcting the Narrative. But they agreed with the Narrative on a lot at first whereas I have never changed my stance on anything and I never get any decent-sized platform interview. Dr. Prasad may have read what I wrote somewhere and that is why he blocked me. I don't know. Before I die, I hope I get a chance to ask some hosts why they don't seek out the people who know the most about the subject matter. I'm afraid they are going to say, "the producers set up the guests. I don't have time. Of course I want the most expert guests but I don't know who that is. They are supposed to be finding the best guests."
Duchess. Wait for me to do the revision! I'm going to be shipping them out of Florida because I have to sign them before I ship! It'll be a couple of weeks.
You have done everything right. To this point. Everything. You have been kind in your love for others. Not brutal, as in my love for you.
I never have, and never will speak for you. Only to you:
Drop this vaccine platform nonsense. Immediately.
It cannot, nor will it ever be, “of your doing”.
It’s “undoing” however, is yours to lead and to achieve.
You are the last man standing with nothing but turtles upon your head.
You are not without compass. Listen for your Mother’s voice. You will hear it in the wind when you are headed in the right direction. It is always there.
Vaccines can, and very well may, have a lasting importance for the uniquely vulnerable: Those whose own natural immunity has been, itself, compromised. But not like this. We have to test the tests. We have to grade the tests. Before their data points can be plotted underneath the curve of Natural Immunity.
Turn around. And look down at the broken shoulders of those you have been forced to stand upon. Those that despise you; those that despise criticism; and those that hate themselves more than they could ever hate you. They suffer from Mass Formation Neurosis:
They envy you. You that are able to do what they themselves cannot.
It is in every cry and every whimper of theirs. Easily recognized within their every utterance:
“We’re concerned”. Damn right they are.
Put your full weight upon those broken shoulders:
Expose what they don’t know. What they have never known. And consequently the inevitable mistakes that they have made.
The Greatest Reset. It is time for you to go back and expose every false malevolent assumption that has ever been made in your field. Every assumption, upon assumption, upon assumption. Because, and here’s the thing, at every point, at every node, at every decision that was made by assumption, was a scientist that didn’t know what to do next. They didn’t. If they did they would not of had to make assumptions. At each decision node they had available to them other choices, other known choices available to them. Tell us what they did at each of those junctures. The choices that were made are the dots connecting motive with outcome. Similarly, and even more germane: The choices not made are evidence of malfeasance, and in a court of law, criminality.
The errors. Their errors. Are in the choices not made.
Doubt me? They wrote it all down. It’s right in front of us. In front of us all. You, me, the barber down the street.
Bring it home. Bring it home for us.
WEF: They are followers. Rubber for brains. Let them follow themselves in a self-annihilating concentric circle. Leave them to lead only those that don’t matter. People that don’t matter - to themselves. Money can own lies. Surely. Certainly, But it is the truth that will bankrupt them.
Your truth. Our truth. The truth of what they have done. The truth that you must expose. With a vengeance.
Resistance Within The Resistance: Never you mind. No one is wrong. No one that is doing the work is wrong. The mistakes that continue to be made concerning this full-on assault against us are too colossal to at all times comprehend. That’s why others have been screaming at you, even when they can’t explain why. You and I are no different as people. We are of them.
5GW: We get it. We all get it. There is no there … there. Because it’s everywhere. Okay. Institutions that have gutted themselves, of actual virtue: They lie, they smear, and they obfuscate because they are not of our equal.
Big screens, little screens, the Jumbotron. Worthless. We beat them with pencil and paper. Each word carefully articulated. Thanks be to Jill.
They all forgot about one thing. These plastic geniuses. People still talk to one another. People of integrity, and of dignity, that form communities. Everywhere. Each one a walking-talking Gutenberg Press. There are more people -people everywhere - listening and talking with one another than will ever listen to these cretins again. They’re done. They just don’t realize it yet. And that’s to our advantage. They are each, constituted of their own lies, which they themselves have come to believe. It’s what’s killing them. Let it.
If you think you have to write it down. Do it. Do it quickly. It’s time to move.
Go see Del. He’s waiting for you. Go see Del. Alone. And sit under that Big Tree with him. We will gather the horses; the tack; everything that you need. We will be joining Mikki Willis and Company. They are two days ahead of us.
Dr. Sheftall, I wish I could get back on twitter, but I can still see your tweets...epic!!
I copies and pasted it to my facebook page, along with your substack above.
That fucking Fraud FAuci enrages me still. Don't even get me started on Weingarten.
Annapour is a prostitute.
PS please excuse my french.
yes. Ammanpour is an absolute despicable prostitute. I can not stand her, I never ever ever could. She took over the show of the groper at Panhandle Broadcasting Station
You are not alone Dutchess. All of them are so horrible
That interview made me ill . She is part of PBS who was in a lock step narrative right from the start of this whole thing in 2020 . Judy Woodruff ( PBS) in those earlier days , ironically, had on Maria Ressa, a journalist , who won the Nobel prize in 2021 for her work to "safeguard freedom of expression" whereby she warned about the creeping totalitarianism around the world - she was arrested for her views by her government . Judy seemed surprised and didn't see that happening right in front of her - I stopped watching PBS then . I think it's the same thing they are trying to do with that "so called award winning journalist" of 30 years(?) Matt Taibbi . No wonder we won't be getting the straight goods from most journalists going forward - we haven't been on mass anyway since they can't report anything other than the approved narrative.
Yes, they all make me sick to my stomach...seriously just watching this makes me want to break something. Reid, PLEASE STAY ALIVE long enough to write the true history of what happened and what is going on now with revisionist history....I am NOT LENDING your book Heroes and Villains to anyone....but it is time to spit on our hands and start swinging the axe.
I'm working on it now. It's going to be well over 1000 pages long or I could break it up into several volumes. I'll have to talk to the publisher. Jeffrey Tucker spurred me on when I told him I was writing this story. "No one has written the definitive history yet," he hinted. It's going to be my magnum opus.
Don't care... Do it.
Oh dear , I have been feeling ill right from the start but now I think I've normalized the insanity of all the gas lighting . I have been talking with the small business owners in our area and I ask will they take cash . They quietly say sure and then I mention something about what I think is going on . Every time these people say : " I'm so glad you know what is going on". I think at this point ,it may very well be a kind of "work around " that requires a lot of creativity . I love talking with like minded souls and do find that grounding regardless of where this whole thing is going .
Prasad was a defender of CDC and the safe and effective at first. He only came around slowly...a little faster than that British nurse guy.....but look at him now compared to them. He has seen that EVERYTHING HE THOUGHT HE KNEW WAS WRONG.
Glad to see it.
I know. He was wrong on a lot of it at the beginning. I'm sure I pointed that out when some journalist wrote a book and in my review, I pointed out that he and others such as Dr. Marty Makary had it all wrong at first, yet they get interviews like they are experts in correcting the Narrative. But they agreed with the Narrative on a lot at first whereas I have never changed my stance on anything and I never get any decent-sized platform interview. Dr. Prasad may have read what I wrote somewhere and that is why he blocked me. I don't know. Before I die, I hope I get a chance to ask some hosts why they don't seek out the people who know the most about the subject matter. I'm afraid they are going to say, "the producers set up the guests. I don't have time. Of course I want the most expert guests but I don't know who that is. They are supposed to be finding the best guests."
I just read I can get a signed copy. I want one! And please start notes for another book on these LIARS.
I'll buy that too.
Duchess. Wait for me to do the revision! I'm going to be shipping them out of Florida because I have to sign them before I ship! It'll be a couple of weeks.
Lovely. Let me know when!
Liars will lie... depending on which way the wind blows.
Dr. Robert W. Malone
Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone
c/o The Malone Institute
Dear Robert,
You have done everything right. To this point. Everything. You have been kind in your love for others. Not brutal, as in my love for you.
I never have, and never will speak for you. Only to you:
Drop this vaccine platform nonsense. Immediately.
It cannot, nor will it ever be, “of your doing”.
It’s “undoing” however, is yours to lead and to achieve.
You are the last man standing with nothing but turtles upon your head.
You are not without compass. Listen for your Mother’s voice. You will hear it in the wind when you are headed in the right direction. It is always there.
Vaccines can, and very well may, have a lasting importance for the uniquely vulnerable: Those whose own natural immunity has been, itself, compromised. But not like this. We have to test the tests. We have to grade the tests. Before their data points can be plotted underneath the curve of Natural Immunity.
Turn around. And look down at the broken shoulders of those you have been forced to stand upon. Those that despise you; those that despise criticism; and those that hate themselves more than they could ever hate you. They suffer from Mass Formation Neurosis:
They envy you. You that are able to do what they themselves cannot.
It is in every cry and every whimper of theirs. Easily recognized within their every utterance:
“We’re concerned”. Damn right they are.
Put your full weight upon those broken shoulders:
Expose what they don’t know. What they have never known. And consequently the inevitable mistakes that they have made.
The Greatest Reset. It is time for you to go back and expose every false malevolent assumption that has ever been made in your field. Every assumption, upon assumption, upon assumption. Because, and here’s the thing, at every point, at every node, at every decision that was made by assumption, was a scientist that didn’t know what to do next. They didn’t. If they did they would not of had to make assumptions. At each decision node they had available to them other choices, other known choices available to them. Tell us what they did at each of those junctures. The choices that were made are the dots connecting motive with outcome. Similarly, and even more germane: The choices not made are evidence of malfeasance, and in a court of law, criminality.
The errors. Their errors. Are in the choices not made.
Doubt me? They wrote it all down. It’s right in front of us. In front of us all. You, me, the barber down the street.
Bring it home. Bring it home for us.
WEF: They are followers. Rubber for brains. Let them follow themselves in a self-annihilating concentric circle. Leave them to lead only those that don’t matter. People that don’t matter - to themselves. Money can own lies. Surely. Certainly, But it is the truth that will bankrupt them.
Your truth. Our truth. The truth of what they have done. The truth that you must expose. With a vengeance.
Resistance Within The Resistance: Never you mind. No one is wrong. No one that is doing the work is wrong. The mistakes that continue to be made concerning this full-on assault against us are too colossal to at all times comprehend. That’s why others have been screaming at you, even when they can’t explain why. You and I are no different as people. We are of them.
5GW: We get it. We all get it. There is no there … there. Because it’s everywhere. Okay. Institutions that have gutted themselves, of actual virtue: They lie, they smear, and they obfuscate because they are not of our equal.
Big screens, little screens, the Jumbotron. Worthless. We beat them with pencil and paper. Each word carefully articulated. Thanks be to Jill.
They all forgot about one thing. These plastic geniuses. People still talk to one another. People of integrity, and of dignity, that form communities. Everywhere. Each one a walking-talking Gutenberg Press. There are more people -people everywhere - listening and talking with one another than will ever listen to these cretins again. They’re done. They just don’t realize it yet. And that’s to our advantage. They are each, constituted of their own lies, which they themselves have come to believe. It’s what’s killing them. Let it.
If you think you have to write it down. Do it. Do it quickly. It’s time to move.
Go see Del. He’s waiting for you. Go see Del. Alone. And sit under that Big Tree with him. We will gather the horses; the tack; everything that you need. We will be joining Mikki Willis and Company. They are two days ahead of us.
Go see Del. And you know why:
That man doesn’t need a saddle.
And he always rides ahead.
🟢 Pinned @ Thomas Lewis
Walensky and Trudeau khazarian jews.
Fauci is a Jesuit. Wiengarten is a khazarian jew. Connect the dots.