I got Covid soon after it was announced as a problem. I had been on 500 mg vit c and 125 mg of vit d3 It was like a bad two day head cold. My daughter sent me to the hospital and after every possible test the sent me home with a script to 50 ,000 of vit d3 daily for a week. I think that was before “big pharma” stepped in cb and changed the hospital rules. I am still not Vaxed still taking vitamins c,d,and zinc(25) mg. I am 79 years old. Too bad building the immune system was never considered

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Oh, augmenting our immune systems was in fact considered and demonized by Herr Fauci and Frau Birx. I've gotta agree with Elon Musk who tweeted his Prounouns were: "Prosecute/Fauci".

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It is so difficult not to have contempt for members of the public taken in by all this and parroting the likes of the TV doctors and public health officials.

Yes, the woman in the video is an idiot. So hard to listen to people still pushing the same old disproven narratives.

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you should take a spin through another substack which is equally inane.


the author has been named a “Covid-19 Data Hero”


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Oh, my...those people there are totally from another planet, full of shots and wanting more and more.

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Reid, Things are still out of control. In the last 6 months I've developed Wenckebach Heart Block. Need a pacemaker. The "Pacemaker Nazi" cardiologist at Maine Med told me "No pacemaker for you." until you get Jabbed... So I went to Mercy Hospital Monday and will be getting paced in Jan. --ejd


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This is getting insane. Tell the whole town about this horrible doctor.

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