What I won't let people get away with about the plandemic is that it was a moral pop quiz, not a scientific one. If your doctor tells you "I didn't know," then he's telling you that it wasn't data he lacked, but a moral compass. It doesn't matter whether lockdowns were 100% effective and the virus was 100% fatal. Same for slave muzzles and injections. Efficacy is irrelevant. IFR and CFR are irrelevant. It's not necessary to know science. It's necessary to know what's required morally, and that's everyone's responsibility, including doctors'. Morally, the only thing that matters is the individual's right to judge for himself whether there's a threat and how to mitigate it. No one has the right to make those decisions for him.

It used to be universally recognized that it was unethical for a physician to diagnose a patient without examining him in person. You couldn't call your doctor and ask what to do about your headache without being told that it might be an incipient aneurism or a stroke or stress, but that he couldn't advise you without an office visit. If that's unethical, what is it when agenda-driven bureaucrats in Geneva order everyone in the world into a one-size-fits-all reaction? To concede that someone else has the right to tell you what to do about your health is to concede that you have no rights at all. To maintain that bureaucrats or even doctors have that right is to maintain that we're all rightless serfs--and oh, look: Here we are.

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right on.

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Thank you, Dr.

I am stunned that Dr Atlas did not know that Lockdowns do not work. That has been in the literature as canon for more than a hundred years! 40 years ago, it was addressed in my bacteriology and immunology classes. I'm just stunned he took a "let's see" position! Common sense plus supposedly having more medical knowledge and training

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the climate religion

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One fascinating characteristic of human beings that I am desperate to understand is that almost 100% of people are extremely gullible about anything. I suppose there are lots of explanations but fear is one, but I don't ever call it fear for some reason, I look at it more as cowardice. Not sure I even know the difference.

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I believe it's a result of the deliberately dumbed-down public education system. This generation's gullibility can be seen as a result of that -- they are susceptible to propaganda. Logic used to be taught in high school. No longer.

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I think there is more than only one cause that affects our cognitive abilities. What about the toxic chemicals, in particular fluoride, people get exposed to every day?


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I thought the angle difference of the front 2 boats was pretty easy to see. Maybe it's a right brain/left brain thing?

But your point as to application of a person's results is well made.

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