Der Dr. Sheftall: I am one of the ordinary citizens who spoke up about it early on. I blogged and blogged and blogged about it - burning through friendships, business relationships at a rate I would never have imagined. All I was trying to do is call for calm, using the CDC's own all-cause mortality statistics, showing that the cure (lockdown) was far worse that the disease. All cause mortality among the 25 - 44 year old skyrocketed already during 2020! IN 2021, I called it A crime Against Humanity. At this point even some very close family members turned against me (the cancel culture was in full swing). Then I published a book about it, "COVID-19: The Education of a Curious American Citizen". Amazon refused to list it. "Your writings include statements that are not aligned with official government policy" was their excuse. I experienced this entire episode (and it is not over, not by a long shot), as totalitarian of a kind reminiscent of what emerged during the 1930's in Germany. I know it is not popular to say so, but that is my considered opinion. Thank you for your writings. I would like to send you a complimentary copy of my book.
Hello, good to hear form you. It makes me feel less alone. the book is $15.00 - I have shipped to all my friends and contacts based on the honor system. Upon receipt of the book, you can send me $15 at your discretion. Perhaps you can send me your mail coordinates - so I can send it via USPS. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts about this. Have a nice remainder of your weekend,
Thomas Schinkel
if you don't want to mention your address on substack, you can reach me at
I'd love to read it. My address is 2427South Ponte Vedra Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. I won't be able to read it for 3 months , however, because I'm overseas, working. Thank you!
Call it fascism, if you like, a flexibly defined word that can best be summed up as “me no like”. I call it Lysenkoism, because it closely parallels, or maybe flows from, the stranglehold the Party had on science in the Soviet Union
I remember sitting with Dr. Sheftall in Phnom Penh 3 years ago discussing why our brains perceive minor chords as sad, when the news came down about the lockdowns.
My upcoming flight was cancelled, but luckily I managed to get out on the last plane or I would have been stuck there for a year.
We had been talking that night of this emerging pandemic, and the non-scientific reactions and mandates. None of it made sense medically, but only as a political tool.
In the following months as data was manipulated and vaccines rushed out, Dr. Reid maintained a sense of reason and the courage to ask ‘Why?’. He has been a solid and consistent voice of reason, and now that the truth is finally emerging, is holding their feet to the fire.
They knew this was political.
They knew this was deadly.
They knew they were wrong. And now they’re half hearted ‘we did our best with what we knew’ is disingenuous and completely untrue.
Most physicians ( numerically) are GPs, like me. We’re not millionaires , and do most of the slogging work of medicine . I had misgivings from the start, and started seeing adverse effects in my patients early on. I knew masks were ineffective after reviewing the science of personal protection. If I could do this, they all could.... but they didn’t.
I “ retired” from my 32 year practice ( now hospital owned) rather than get vaccinated( or fired). I could get another job , but probably not in NYS , as the resistance to hire an unvaccinated physician is still strong in the administrative layer of health care. Arrogance, ego, stupidity, and politics, are all explanations for why so many went along. I’m still bitter about the destruction of my profession , which is like a slow motion train wreck sliding sideways down the rails.
If you have a doctor still pushing the vax, run away as fast as you can.
Most GPs may not be millionaires, but they almost certainly have a much higher income than the vast majority of people, and unless they’re new grads paying off student debt, a much higher net worth
They're evil, which makes them cowards regardless of IQ. Most people give the appearance of being good because they don't walk around looking for puppies to kick. They do the right thing most of the time because most of the time it doesn't cost them very much in terms of getting frowned at. They're taking the path of least resistance, not living principled lives. A moral pop quiz like covid exposes the fraud at their cores: If something they see on the news startles them they have every right to demand that other people fix it for them, because more than anything else they hold the conviction that people are the means to their ends, and not ends in themselves. For such people, rights--their own and everyone else's--always come with an asterisk.
The widespread cowardice of doctors surprised me, though, mostly because anyone who puts in the work to endure medical school and residency seems like a candidate to resent TF out of being told by administrators and hospital lawyers what to say and how to treat his patients. I assumed that a certain amount of drive, independence, and earned pride went along with the personality types who are drawn to medicine, which is described by many as a lifestyle more than a job. But doctors come from the same population of restrained puppy-kickers as everyone else.
(So do airline pilots, it turned out. They preen about being independent-minded iconoclasts, but they couldn't slap on slave muzzles and beg for injections fast enough. It was stressful as hell to constantly expect a confrontation with a manager over my refusal to don the holy rag and to be ready to quit on the spot rather than comply. As it was, I quit two years early and that cost a lot of money, not just in gross pay but in drawing from the 401k until I could tap my pension. And unlike doctors, pilots can't just go get another job without starting all over at the bottom of a company's seniority list. So I have zero sympathy for any doctor who points to his job or his income as the excuse for his cowardice.)
Totally agree. Cowards everywhere spread throughout the entire society in all fields, not only medical field ... education, legal, politicians. Very few want to speak up even now.
Physician's mindset has been molded by Big Pharma. They manipulate medical curriculum to benefit their goals. Critical thinking has been replaced with group think in medicine and physicians are no different than many other groups of professionals. They don't want to be "odd man out". Only a few have had the courage to rally against the medical propaganda. Job security over living in a trailer prevails!
I think my PCP was a whore. Although he knew that I was opposed to the jab -- telling him that there has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine, there has never been a successful mRNA vaccine (he responded something like "they've made great strides"), and of course there is no long term safety data -- nevertheless his office called me out of the blue about a month later to breathlessly let me know that they had just gotten a shipment of Moderna vaccines and wouldn't I like to come in and get one, as if I had won the lottery. I highly suspect that he was responding to financial incentives.
At my place of work, the physicians acted as if only an idiot would be opposed to the jab, and early-on they were lamenting that they could not force everybody to get one. I find this group to be more puzzling, because unlike the primary care physician they were not being financially incentivized.
Pondering this second group, I have come to believe that intelligent people acting in such a brazenly stupid manner is a moral failing, a sign of unchecked narcissism. The physicians saw themselves not simply as intellectually superior but as morally superior, and that it was their duty to impose their hallowed convictions about Corona onto others.
They were too blind to see that their hallowed convictions were simply dreck that they had absorbed from a medical police state that was playing them for fools.
I’m one of those who knew from the get-go that pretty much everything that was being pushed on us (from the “first case” in Seattle, to the statistics, the lack of effective medications, the masks, and especially the “safe and effective vaccines” 🙄) was nothing but a bunch of horse manure. And I’m no genius, just an overworked, underpaid family doc in Small Town America. It took me all of 10 minutes to do enough research to know that everything Fauci and company said was BS. Did he never take a course in immunology? I don’t recall the science around natural immunity and herd immunity changing anytime in the past 35-40 years. And it was painfully obvious that everything that was being pushed by Big Government and Big Pharma was the exact opposite of what they should have been recommending. Not something I could sit still for, so I advised as many people as I could locally to not comply. Not with any of it. I managed to get myself in hot water with the hospital for “not meeting my vaccine milestones”, with local businesses for not complying with ridiculous mask mandates, and with the State of MI for having the audacity to prescribe Ivermectin and HCQ (which worked miracles in some of my very sick patients). Was planning to stick around and hopefully come through this entire travesty of Justice but I just cannot justify continuing to work for such a broken (spiritually and morally) system. And I detest the fact that in order to keep my license current I have to take mandatory “re-education”. That’s where I draw the line. I’m out.
31 years. It was a great profession once. Now it’s nothing more than an assembly line staffed by over-educated automatons. And yes, the vast majority of them are cowards.
Reid, I still see billboards around the country right now by Pfizer pushing the vaccine/boosters; and there's a TV commercial with NFL celebs pushing "two things at once" for flu season and Covid boosters! So it's crystal clear that many many medical professionals remain stupid, or cowardly or evil. When do they stop and at least begin formulating apologies?
Brad, I agree with you generally, especially lately since all of the WOKE nonsense has gotten out of control. BUT - don't just extrapolate your "sociopath" sentiment to ALL corporations like you seem to be implying. I know you probably know this, but there are plenty plenty good companies out there who aren't coerced by government; and those guys are obeying the laws (moral and civil) already in place; and those guys are what makes America great! Not Trump or any government bureaucrat! Please remember that. We don't need any more f'ing laws!! We need fewer lawmakers!
Der Dr. Sheftall: I am one of the ordinary citizens who spoke up about it early on. I blogged and blogged and blogged about it - burning through friendships, business relationships at a rate I would never have imagined. All I was trying to do is call for calm, using the CDC's own all-cause mortality statistics, showing that the cure (lockdown) was far worse that the disease. All cause mortality among the 25 - 44 year old skyrocketed already during 2020! IN 2021, I called it A crime Against Humanity. At this point even some very close family members turned against me (the cancel culture was in full swing). Then I published a book about it, "COVID-19: The Education of a Curious American Citizen". Amazon refused to list it. "Your writings include statements that are not aligned with official government policy" was their excuse. I experienced this entire episode (and it is not over, not by a long shot), as totalitarian of a kind reminiscent of what emerged during the 1930's in Germany. I know it is not popular to say so, but that is my considered opinion. Thank you for your writings. I would like to send you a complimentary copy of my book.
Let me know how I can order your book.
I did the same...on facebook. My sisters were mortified and made me stop.
So I opened up another facebook.
My sister asked me what the hell was I thinking.
I said to her..."I refuse to be a Good German". She didn't respond. Still
hasn't. Won't talk about it. Its over, she says...I just want to get on with my life.
She took the jab.
I will not close the windows and turn up the music when the trains go by.
I see so many parallels with Nazi Germany still today. It is not evil to say so.
IF it is, then the slogan "Never again" means diddly squat.
GOOD for YOU!!
Hello, good to hear form you. It makes me feel less alone. the book is $15.00 - I have shipped to all my friends and contacts based on the honor system. Upon receipt of the book, you can send me $15 at your discretion. Perhaps you can send me your mail coordinates - so I can send it via USPS. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts about this. Have a nice remainder of your weekend,
Thomas Schinkel
if you don't want to mention your address on substack, you can reach me at
Thomas I will do that...during the holiday this coming week. Copying and saving.
I'd love to read it. My address is 2427South Ponte Vedra Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. I won't be able to read it for 3 months , however, because I'm overseas, working. Thank you!
Book is on its way to you.
I'm old enough to remember when including statements not aligned with official government policy was a reason to list / promote a book.
The name Timothy Leary comes to mind.
If that is not fascism, I do not know what is. Banned for disagreeing with the government.
Call it fascism, if you like, a flexibly defined word that can best be summed up as “me no like”. I call it Lysenkoism, because it closely parallels, or maybe flows from, the stranglehold the Party had on science in the Soviet Union
I remember sitting with Dr. Sheftall in Phnom Penh 3 years ago discussing why our brains perceive minor chords as sad, when the news came down about the lockdowns.
My upcoming flight was cancelled, but luckily I managed to get out on the last plane or I would have been stuck there for a year.
We had been talking that night of this emerging pandemic, and the non-scientific reactions and mandates. None of it made sense medically, but only as a political tool.
In the following months as data was manipulated and vaccines rushed out, Dr. Reid maintained a sense of reason and the courage to ask ‘Why?’. He has been a solid and consistent voice of reason, and now that the truth is finally emerging, is holding their feet to the fire.
They knew this was political.
They knew this was deadly.
They knew they were wrong. And now they’re half hearted ‘we did our best with what we knew’ is disingenuous and completely untrue.
Call out these cowards.
Don’t let the public health authorities play the victim here.
They need to be called out. They need to be held accountable for incompetence and or malice.
Most physicians ( numerically) are GPs, like me. We’re not millionaires , and do most of the slogging work of medicine . I had misgivings from the start, and started seeing adverse effects in my patients early on. I knew masks were ineffective after reviewing the science of personal protection. If I could do this, they all could.... but they didn’t.
I “ retired” from my 32 year practice ( now hospital owned) rather than get vaccinated( or fired). I could get another job , but probably not in NYS , as the resistance to hire an unvaccinated physician is still strong in the administrative layer of health care. Arrogance, ego, stupidity, and politics, are all explanations for why so many went along. I’m still bitter about the destruction of my profession , which is like a slow motion train wreck sliding sideways down the rails.
If you have a doctor still pushing the vax, run away as fast as you can.
Exactly, doctor. You nailed it.
Most GPs may not be millionaires, but they almost certainly have a much higher income than the vast majority of people, and unless they’re new grads paying off student debt, a much higher net worth
They're evil, which makes them cowards regardless of IQ. Most people give the appearance of being good because they don't walk around looking for puppies to kick. They do the right thing most of the time because most of the time it doesn't cost them very much in terms of getting frowned at. They're taking the path of least resistance, not living principled lives. A moral pop quiz like covid exposes the fraud at their cores: If something they see on the news startles them they have every right to demand that other people fix it for them, because more than anything else they hold the conviction that people are the means to their ends, and not ends in themselves. For such people, rights--their own and everyone else's--always come with an asterisk.
The widespread cowardice of doctors surprised me, though, mostly because anyone who puts in the work to endure medical school and residency seems like a candidate to resent TF out of being told by administrators and hospital lawyers what to say and how to treat his patients. I assumed that a certain amount of drive, independence, and earned pride went along with the personality types who are drawn to medicine, which is described by many as a lifestyle more than a job. But doctors come from the same population of restrained puppy-kickers as everyone else.
(So do airline pilots, it turned out. They preen about being independent-minded iconoclasts, but they couldn't slap on slave muzzles and beg for injections fast enough. It was stressful as hell to constantly expect a confrontation with a manager over my refusal to don the holy rag and to be ready to quit on the spot rather than comply. As it was, I quit two years early and that cost a lot of money, not just in gross pay but in drawing from the 401k until I could tap my pension. And unlike doctors, pilots can't just go get another job without starting all over at the bottom of a company's seniority list. So I have zero sympathy for any doctor who points to his job or his income as the excuse for his cowardice.)
Totally agree. Cowards everywhere spread throughout the entire society in all fields, not only medical field ... education, legal, politicians. Very few want to speak up even now.
spittin' some truth! thank you!
Thank you! Yes I’ve been saying this for 2-3 years. If only the cowardly doctors had stood up! And for the most part they’re still cowards.
Physician's mindset has been molded by Big Pharma. They manipulate medical curriculum to benefit their goals. Critical thinking has been replaced with group think in medicine and physicians are no different than many other groups of professionals. They don't want to be "odd man out". Only a few have had the courage to rally against the medical propaganda. Job security over living in a trailer prevails!
I think my PCP was a whore. Although he knew that I was opposed to the jab -- telling him that there has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine, there has never been a successful mRNA vaccine (he responded something like "they've made great strides"), and of course there is no long term safety data -- nevertheless his office called me out of the blue about a month later to breathlessly let me know that they had just gotten a shipment of Moderna vaccines and wouldn't I like to come in and get one, as if I had won the lottery. I highly suspect that he was responding to financial incentives.
At my place of work, the physicians acted as if only an idiot would be opposed to the jab, and early-on they were lamenting that they could not force everybody to get one. I find this group to be more puzzling, because unlike the primary care physician they were not being financially incentivized.
Pondering this second group, I have come to believe that intelligent people acting in such a brazenly stupid manner is a moral failing, a sign of unchecked narcissism. The physicians saw themselves not simply as intellectually superior but as morally superior, and that it was their duty to impose their hallowed convictions about Corona onto others.
They were too blind to see that their hallowed convictions were simply dreck that they had absorbed from a medical police state that was playing them for fools.
Two words.... Hippocratic Oath.
Dr. Sheftall, do you have an idea of the percentage of evil, stupid, and cowardly?
I am looking at everyone now, trying to get some kind of a feel for how many
non psychopaths there are, and of those, how many are stupid, and how many cowardly?
I am thinking today the psychopaths are above 5%, but then I throw the narcissistic into the
psychopath category....
My best guess: 40 % stupid, 60% evil, 60% Cowardly. (Note that the total exceeds 100%)
I saw that. Maybe the 60percent are the same people..both cowardly and evil mixed.
I’m one of those who knew from the get-go that pretty much everything that was being pushed on us (from the “first case” in Seattle, to the statistics, the lack of effective medications, the masks, and especially the “safe and effective vaccines” 🙄) was nothing but a bunch of horse manure. And I’m no genius, just an overworked, underpaid family doc in Small Town America. It took me all of 10 minutes to do enough research to know that everything Fauci and company said was BS. Did he never take a course in immunology? I don’t recall the science around natural immunity and herd immunity changing anytime in the past 35-40 years. And it was painfully obvious that everything that was being pushed by Big Government and Big Pharma was the exact opposite of what they should have been recommending. Not something I could sit still for, so I advised as many people as I could locally to not comply. Not with any of it. I managed to get myself in hot water with the hospital for “not meeting my vaccine milestones”, with local businesses for not complying with ridiculous mask mandates, and with the State of MI for having the audacity to prescribe Ivermectin and HCQ (which worked miracles in some of my very sick patients). Was planning to stick around and hopefully come through this entire travesty of Justice but I just cannot justify continuing to work for such a broken (spiritually and morally) system. And I detest the fact that in order to keep my license current I have to take mandatory “re-education”. That’s where I draw the line. I’m out.
31 years. It was a great profession once. Now it’s nothing more than an assembly line staffed by over-educated automatons. And yes, the vast majority of them are cowards.
Reid, I still see billboards around the country right now by Pfizer pushing the vaccine/boosters; and there's a TV commercial with NFL celebs pushing "two things at once" for flu season and Covid boosters! So it's crystal clear that many many medical professionals remain stupid, or cowardly or evil. When do they stop and at least begin formulating apologies?
Don’t expect apologies. Corporations are sociopaths. They only care about profit.
We can only control them for sure with laws.
Laws to restrain the CDC and FDA and prevent it from promoting any recommendations that don’t meet very strict scientific criteria.
When it hits them in the wallet.
Brad, I agree with you generally, especially lately since all of the WOKE nonsense has gotten out of control. BUT - don't just extrapolate your "sociopath" sentiment to ALL corporations like you seem to be implying. I know you probably know this, but there are plenty plenty good companies out there who aren't coerced by government; and those guys are obeying the laws (moral and civil) already in place; and those guys are what makes America great! Not Trump or any government bureaucrat! Please remember that. We don't need any more f'ing laws!! We need fewer lawmakers!
Always remember that--like you--voices in opposition to the CDC narratives were censored and jobs were threatened.
Those who were able to speak out and be heard such as Jay, Bhattacharya, Marty Makary, Vinaya Prasad were a rare few.
I enjoyed your discussion with Jay Bhattachary recently.