and these are just among doctors in the small (by pop) country of Canada... imagine how many are dying in the general population all over the world (in addition to the 150 mil who died from lockdowns.
Someone, at last, is getting sued. " of the largest lawsuits filed in history. EcoHealth, Daszak, Daszak's wife, Ian Lipkin, PLUS 1,000 other parties which we have not named yet."
The case below has been filed in New York. It alleges that the Defendants were responsible for the injury and/or death of the Plaintiffs due to their creation and subsequent release of SARS-CoV-2 from the Wuhan Laboratories in China.
Reiner was wrong on everything just like the others. Part of it was stupidity, part was money. Pfizer sponsors all of CNN and they were getting lots of money to spread the nonsense.
Well I would like to read your book but am in England. I expect the postage would be too high to consider posting it. Is it available in any other form, please?
Yes. Pay your bills first. Thank you for your effort. We need to push hard because they will claim lockdowns worked but refuse to debate the issue. BUT, if we can get them in court, they'll have to debate.
Someone, at last, is getting sued. " of the largest lawsuits filed in history. EcoHealth, Daszak, Daszak's wife, Ian Lipkin, PLUS 1,000 other parties which we have not named yet."
The case below has been filed in New York. It alleges that the Defendants were responsible for the injury and/or death of the Plaintiffs due to their creation and subsequent release of SARS-CoV-2 from the Wuhan Laboratories in China.
Via Dr. Andrew G. Huff, Former EcoHealth Alliance VP and Whistle Blower
Love it, Nat. Thanks for this info. It might open an avalanche of civil suits. I want to see people go to prison after criminal cases.
Why is Reiner on the list? And do you have an idea of who is behind them and why they were put up to this?
Reiner was wrong on everything just like the others. Part of it was stupidity, part was money. Pfizer sponsors all of CNN and they were getting lots of money to spread the nonsense.
Well I would like to read your book but am in England. I expect the postage would be too high to consider posting it. Is it available in any other form, please?
Yes, Munchy. Get the e book. It costs only $9.99 at
Just opened my package that contained the paperback book I bought last week and received moments ago. Thank You for signing it as promised 💜
You are welcome BecKa!
Hi Reid,
Here's the article I referenced last week:
thank you Reid.
You're welcome, David
Thanks. I'm on my way out to CA in a week. I'll contact him then. I have to get the book on Amazon before that.
Yes. Pay your bills first. Thank you for your effort. We need to push hard because they will claim lockdowns worked but refuse to debate the issue. BUT, if we can get them in court, they'll have to debate.