Breaking News:

DEVELOPING: France has passed a new law which will send you to jail for 3 years if you criticize mRNA ‘vaccines’ or ‘gene therapy’

According to the law, which was passed quietly and secretly through the French parliament on Wednesday, advisement against mRNA or other treatments which are deemed ‘suitable’ based on current ‘medical knowledge’ can lead to a 3 year prison sentence and up to a $48,400 fine.

Article 4 of the new law, or Article Pfizer as it’s being referred to by freedom fighters in the legislature, is a prejudgment of “alternative medicine” and a threat to whistleblowers.

Ominously, during what little debate was fielded before the passage of this fascist law that eliminates informed consent, warnings were parroted that “the next pandemic is coming” and mRNA technology is the only solution.

What are they planning for the world?

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I live in France. The EU bureaucracy has clear fascist tendencies in my view (and I’m not talking about the much-attacked “far right”.)

The corruption is huge - control is in the hands of a few unelected bureaucrats who, in my view, do the bidding of the WEF-CCP oligarchs.

Ursula Von der Leyen’s husband runs a gene therapy outfit in the US. She made the multi-billion € injection deal directly with Bourla, she says, by text. She now says she’s lost the texts. This is how the EU handles billions of taxpayers’ € - as if it’s their own money.

The same unelected villain has said it may be time to get rid of the Nuremberg Code.

These are ORGANIZED CRIMINALS committing very lucrative crime at the HIGHEST LEVELS. They’re busy centralizing CASH & POWER & they plan to rule the world & everything in it.

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This is why I have cattle and 28 chickens.

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Good for you. I went to a restaurant with my mother and the food was disgusting. I'm wondering what I actually ate.

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The EU has approved several types of insect for use in food. Apparently bugs are already being ground up & put in flour & ready-made meals. The «ingredient» is being hidden - referred to in latin or as mollusks & crustacea....

Ynsect is one of the bug producing companies. They’re busy´farming’ Black Soldier Fly worms as feed for livestock.

These freaks are feeding our cows, sheep & pigs on FLY LARVAE..... What, as they say, could possibly go wrong?

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thank you Reid, good to have you back! d

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I still remember the fake baby formula scandal from the early 2000's. You need to be a seriously evil person to sacrifice the lives of children to make a buck.

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Well that was a nightmare. Makes me want to fast...forever, lol. Thanks for posting. Verrrry important.

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