Yes. All of them need to have their day in court and days in jail. Likely they have no compassion or remorse so jail will not humiliate them enough. Need suffering and abuse compensation direct from them.

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Absolutely, Lisa. Biggest mass murderers in history

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I agree. Nuremberg 2.0 Let the trials begin. Innocent deaths are on their hands. It is amazing the amount of damage that those in charge have done. NO DEALS, NO AMNESTY!

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Yes, 1000’s including the 1000’s of media hucksters peddling and perpetuating the myth and insistence to get the proven dangerous and deadly mRNA jab... ALL need to be indicted, tried and fried. Walensky may have not known the following which I posted on C&C today, compelling information:

Waaaaay back at the start of Covid, John Cullen once with Oracle at John Hopkins developed an ESRI tracking system... John is literally one of the first to report and get censored for observing via mapping data that the flu and pneumonia “p and I” deaths, completely disappeared and the Covid deaths numbers were skewed. John compared the actual coroner flu deaths prior to the arrival of Covid, providing evidence there was a flu “pandemic” before Fauci convinced the world China leaked a virus.

John uncovered numbers per State on “the map” to entire countries like Shanghai (only 10 deaths) (Beijing 4 deaths) revealing how far and deep the controllers of the agenda were skewing numbers, not just hiding the truth but 100% connected to the wholesale criminalization of currently available drugs -- hydroxychoroquine, ivermectin, Vit D, zinc, Quercetin, Fluvoxamine, any one of them would have stopped gapped the EUA. Don’t miss this interview with Steve https://youtu.be/rHf7Y8BDDTE another “connect the dots” that John makes is the article “A Recipe for Destruction by Ray Kurrzwell published in October 2005 where “trust the science” dug up a Spanish flu corpse and THE USDept of Health published the “1918 flu genome weapon of mass destruction” sequence ~design~ on the internet!!! http://www.sentientdevelopments.com/2005/12/kurzweils-and-joys-recipe-for.html

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"And I’m not that smart!" Then I must be an amoeba

Your substack archive does not go back to January 24, 2021; is that explanation posted elsewhere?

And if it is explained in your book, please just let me know because it is on my Christmas list.

On a side note: if Walensky knew this, is she really taking the boosters?

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Hi Charles!

Line 1: Hahaha

Line 2: I think you are referring to how I figured it out so fast. The answer has to do with the rate of reduction of the spread of the virus. I had the advantage of just 4 days earlier having proved that we reached herd immunity on January 11, 2021, just 10 months after the March/April, 2020 bump. I had honed down on the amount of "immunity-in-place" (a term I coined for people protected from the virus before it even arrived on our shores). I also knew we had reached herd immunity for the only strain active at the time, the Wuhan strain. I calculated the chance the lack of reduction in spread could have occurred by chance On Jan 1, it was about 1 in 5, Jan 5, it was 1 in 60, Jan 10, it was 1 in 180, Jan 15 it was 1 in 400 which was enough for me to claim the vaccine was not blocking transmission. It took the rest of the medical community (including Walensky's number crunchers at the CDC) 3 months more data to see the trend. I could have called it on January 10 but I wanted to keep my 100% prediction/claim record intact.

Line 3: I didn't put this in the first book because I promised myself I wouldn't let technical things creep into the book.

Line 4. Walensky's story is strange. She definitely suffers from being average at math (like almost all doctors). but again, she has 2 dozen great data analysts at her disposal. I think she and they didn't understand the vaccines weren't working to block transmission until April but after that , she knew.

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