This is amazing stuff, Reid. So many hidden talents. I am certain you could sell some of this if you wished. Me...I cannot draw a straight line with a ruler without getting a bump where my thumb is. So I am doubly impressed.
Haha! I think it all can be learned. It helps to be able to draw- to be able to accurately see the proportions of things. It will get you out of a lot of jams. O don't know. Some days I can't cop a lick no matter how hard I try. There's a lot of learning involved in mixing colors too. The key in getting a likeness for me has been getting the values right (in painting, the value is the amount of relative darkness in the color. Thus light gray and black are the same color but are different in value.). I thought it was a good idea at one point to mix all the colors before I started a painting. Well, sometimes it took me so long to get a decent drawing, all the paint dried and I couldn't use any of it. That's when I realized I was using very low quality oil paints too. That's how clueless I have been. It's a learning process.
Don't feel bad about not being able to draw a straight line with a ruler. You won't need any straight lines. Seriously, if I spent 1 hour with you, after a little practice, you'd be able to draw a person pretty easily that would look good. There are shortcuts someone has figured out. I used to start in one corner of the face and draw from there, until I saw one of these shortcuts.
Birx, however, should be cunning. She who promulgates grossly inaccurate models to form policy that murders and maims, and then brags about lying to the POTUS. Dumb? No. Malevolent.
I agree but she is dumb, too, compared to Fauci, Wen and Daszak. In her book she showed that she still thinks the china fake videos of people collapsing in the streets are real and legit. After being inundates with this for 2 years, she still doesn't know if those videos are real??! Every falling person put their hands out and not a single person since then has collapsed from covid. The vaccine yes, covid-no. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Dr. Reiner too. They are ALL malevolent.
Seems like a lot of Malevolent people air their dirty laundry with no regard, as if it makes them innocent to admit it in a way that says, well you should just embrace everything I do. Dumb too. I think it's a bit of both
Take for instance thymectomy during heart surgery.
Decades of animal studies showing great harm and death from thymectomy
Adult studies of thymectomy for myasthenia gravis show immunodeficiency following even adult thymectomy.
Yet they have been thymectomizing babies for half a century, studying their resulting immunodeficiency, not stopping this practice, even selling the organs to pharma and using them for research, implanting them into AIDS patients to help them.
Who cares about these damaged babies and adults walking around without their immune organ, never knowing what was done to them? No one will expose this.
One medical study of these people said they would be an interesting group of people to study as they age... anotherwords without treatment, dying young from random diseases a thymus would have protected them against.
They claim innocence. How is this true when they knew animal studies showed harm, their profiting from babies organs shows intent and the scientific studies, not telling people what was done to them, shows they are hiding it, they are guilty and more intent, they want to continue research on the lab rats they surgically mutilated.
Malevolent. You're right. Dumb would be doing it knowing you could be exposed but these people know they cannot be exposed, they cannot be held accountable
Thanks. It helps me in plastic surgery so I got something out of it. The problem with painting as far as making a living is concerned, is, people don't want to buy portraits unless it is of them or someone they are close to; that is unless you are super famous. Then, people will buy portraits also. People will buy Van Gogh's portraits, Picasso's, Sargent, Modigliani, etc., not mine. The true test will be when I start painting abstract stuff. People will buy those if they are good. There is a lot of interest in my pop art-flavored stuff but I've never had a show or anything where I could see if they sell.
Really impressive work here and love the idea of a series because I think once you finish with a series ,it is easier to pick out the strongest ones . In my opinion you captured the idea of "evil " with respect to Daszak ; I think the shadow shape around his head and shoulders looks raw and not self conscious plus ,coupled with those two dabs on the left, makes this a successful painting . With respect to Birx and Wen , although they are really fine executions in portraiture ,I'm not sure if they were on a wall in someones house , they would see the "dumb and evil "feeling because you may have been too generous with your mark making for these female creatures. Keep going with this idea and mine it -so many subjects for experimentation - since that's what they did to everyone else. As for the ermine , think it is finished as is - it's raw and totally interesting to me because parts are finished, and parts are suggested with a wonderful energy - maybe use the idea of "suggestion without being finished " for some "perpetrator portraiture" because these people aren't finished yet themselves ? Luc Tyman is another artist worth looking at regarding unusual portraits - not easy but powerful stuff . I will be looking forward to see more your works . One day there may very well be a "perpetrator portraiture" art gallery event - keep them safe and keep them coming.
Thank you , Linelle. That was very helpful. I don't like the one of Birx much either. I like the one of Wen much more. I had it looking pretty evil for a while and probably messed up that look by softening it a little. It's funny. The surrounding unpainted canvas of the unfinished Daszak and Fauci portraits was a lucky accident born out of me running out of time last night and this morning. I see what you mean though. There's no reason to do a polished portrait of these guys. Daszak has a good face for a villain.
After many years of art critiques , I can be quite blunt and plain spoken about what I see. I think when you talk about being polished ,that's a more technical thing and maybe the first 30 years are the worst! What I love about children's art is the unself conscious quality having not been drummed out of them yet - somehow more honest . Those lucky accidents are things that are wonderful when you aren't thinking . Your work is very accomplished and another thing to add to your many finely tuned skill sets . The portraits, that may not show the emotions you intended, could go under that category of Hannah Arendt's : The Banality of Evil.
Absolutely re the Banality of Evil. That makes me accept the portrait of Birx. I thought of the same idea when planning them. I was thinking, "Make them as pretty as possible. That will make what they did even worse in a way because it makes it look like they are normal people going to formals in DC and the country club vs looking evil like charles manson. Kind of like the people they cast in The Lottery. It makes it even more chilling.
Maybe after you have your series completed ... do a block print of a vaers number along the sides of the canvases including death tolls ... can't help myself thinking about the layers of possibilities for the journey of this series ! Madly off as usual in all directions.
What do you think of painting, say 50-100 of the worst offenders and filling the available space with quotes that implicate them in their most egregious crimes? That way I can't get sued because I will have proof (a video they appeared in or a book they wrote).
Paint the 50 to 100 first - by that time , I would think , your style and personality may be more developed for the whole concept- whole classes in art are devoted to working a theme many, many times to develop your voice . You know what you want and that's the "portraits ". As you are working away , make notes of what you would say for each; that is another complex subject - "text in art" and not easy ; however with your "doctor writing skills"... maybe perfect ! OR , don't be precious , try the portrait and some text with it - you can always rework anything - that is my belief . I'm sure every art person would have a different suggestion for you. Play with your ideas , don't be precious, and see what happens . I worked "over a year with the mark makings of snails - learned so much from those creatures and the depth of the work developed over time .
Wow, your portraits are superb.
Thanks for putting up their mug shots.
Yes, this was a deliberate release of Viral infectious clones.
Dr. Mike Yeadon is right...there is no such thing as a respitory pandemic that would pose any danger to the world.
Thanks Duchess,
Yeadon is 100% correct as you point out.
This is amazing stuff, Reid. So many hidden talents. I am certain you could sell some of this if you wished. Me...I cannot draw a straight line with a ruler without getting a bump where my thumb is. So I am doubly impressed.
Haha! I think it all can be learned. It helps to be able to draw- to be able to accurately see the proportions of things. It will get you out of a lot of jams. O don't know. Some days I can't cop a lick no matter how hard I try. There's a lot of learning involved in mixing colors too. The key in getting a likeness for me has been getting the values right (in painting, the value is the amount of relative darkness in the color. Thus light gray and black are the same color but are different in value.). I thought it was a good idea at one point to mix all the colors before I started a painting. Well, sometimes it took me so long to get a decent drawing, all the paint dried and I couldn't use any of it. That's when I realized I was using very low quality oil paints too. That's how clueless I have been. It's a learning process.
Don't feel bad about not being able to draw a straight line with a ruler. You won't need any straight lines. Seriously, if I spent 1 hour with you, after a little practice, you'd be able to draw a person pretty easily that would look good. There are shortcuts someone has figured out. I used to start in one corner of the face and draw from there, until I saw one of these shortcuts.
The eyes are windows to the soul. You really captured their souls.
I am impressed!
Birx, however, should be cunning. She who promulgates grossly inaccurate models to form policy that murders and maims, and then brags about lying to the POTUS. Dumb? No. Malevolent.
I agree but she is dumb, too, compared to Fauci, Wen and Daszak. In her book she showed that she still thinks the china fake videos of people collapsing in the streets are real and legit. After being inundates with this for 2 years, she still doesn't know if those videos are real??! Every falling person put their hands out and not a single person since then has collapsed from covid. The vaccine yes, covid-no. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Dr. Reiner too. They are ALL malevolent.
Seems like a lot of Malevolent people air their dirty laundry with no regard, as if it makes them innocent to admit it in a way that says, well you should just embrace everything I do. Dumb too. I think it's a bit of both
Arrogant in their ignorance
Take for instance thymectomy during heart surgery.
Decades of animal studies showing great harm and death from thymectomy
Adult studies of thymectomy for myasthenia gravis show immunodeficiency following even adult thymectomy.
Yet they have been thymectomizing babies for half a century, studying their resulting immunodeficiency, not stopping this practice, even selling the organs to pharma and using them for research, implanting them into AIDS patients to help them.
Who cares about these damaged babies and adults walking around without their immune organ, never knowing what was done to them? No one will expose this.
One medical study of these people said they would be an interesting group of people to study as they age... anotherwords without treatment, dying young from random diseases a thymus would have protected them against.
They claim innocence. How is this true when they knew animal studies showed harm, their profiting from babies organs shows intent and the scientific studies, not telling people what was done to them, shows they are hiding it, they are guilty and more intent, they want to continue research on the lab rats they surgically mutilated.
Malevolent. You're right. Dumb would be doing it knowing you could be exposed but these people know they cannot be exposed, they cannot be held accountable
Have you seen this article? Heidi?
You could open a museum of shameful scammers, painted quite nicely
I cannot watch any tv news shows anymore. I am glad that you have the fortitude.
Hubbs and I just can not tolerate the bucket loads of sewage swill. It spoils our nice tv.
Again amazing painting. I do love Gato and Safe. and Naomi.
You are incredibly good!
I think if I lived next door I would abscond with your paintings. I would hide them and claim innocence hahahaha
Talent, talent, talent Cousin! (Ann T.C. In Jax.)
Hi Ann!
These portraits are very, very good. You missed your true calling!
Thanks. It helps me in plastic surgery so I got something out of it. The problem with painting as far as making a living is concerned, is, people don't want to buy portraits unless it is of them or someone they are close to; that is unless you are super famous. Then, people will buy portraits also. People will buy Van Gogh's portraits, Picasso's, Sargent, Modigliani, etc., not mine. The true test will be when I start painting abstract stuff. People will buy those if they are good. There is a lot of interest in my pop art-flavored stuff but I've never had a show or anything where I could see if they sell.
Really impressive work here and love the idea of a series because I think once you finish with a series ,it is easier to pick out the strongest ones . In my opinion you captured the idea of "evil " with respect to Daszak ; I think the shadow shape around his head and shoulders looks raw and not self conscious plus ,coupled with those two dabs on the left, makes this a successful painting . With respect to Birx and Wen , although they are really fine executions in portraiture ,I'm not sure if they were on a wall in someones house , they would see the "dumb and evil "feeling because you may have been too generous with your mark making for these female creatures. Keep going with this idea and mine it -so many subjects for experimentation - since that's what they did to everyone else. As for the ermine , think it is finished as is - it's raw and totally interesting to me because parts are finished, and parts are suggested with a wonderful energy - maybe use the idea of "suggestion without being finished " for some "perpetrator portraiture" because these people aren't finished yet themselves ? Luc Tyman is another artist worth looking at regarding unusual portraits - not easy but powerful stuff . I will be looking forward to see more your works . One day there may very well be a "perpetrator portraiture" art gallery event - keep them safe and keep them coming.
Thank you , Linelle. That was very helpful. I don't like the one of Birx much either. I like the one of Wen much more. I had it looking pretty evil for a while and probably messed up that look by softening it a little. It's funny. The surrounding unpainted canvas of the unfinished Daszak and Fauci portraits was a lucky accident born out of me running out of time last night and this morning. I see what you mean though. There's no reason to do a polished portrait of these guys. Daszak has a good face for a villain.
After many years of art critiques , I can be quite blunt and plain spoken about what I see. I think when you talk about being polished ,that's a more technical thing and maybe the first 30 years are the worst! What I love about children's art is the unself conscious quality having not been drummed out of them yet - somehow more honest . Those lucky accidents are things that are wonderful when you aren't thinking . Your work is very accomplished and another thing to add to your many finely tuned skill sets . The portraits, that may not show the emotions you intended, could go under that category of Hannah Arendt's : The Banality of Evil.
Absolutely re the Banality of Evil. That makes me accept the portrait of Birx. I thought of the same idea when planning them. I was thinking, "Make them as pretty as possible. That will make what they did even worse in a way because it makes it look like they are normal people going to formals in DC and the country club vs looking evil like charles manson. Kind of like the people they cast in The Lottery. It makes it even more chilling.
Maybe after you have your series completed ... do a block print of a vaers number along the sides of the canvases including death tolls ... can't help myself thinking about the layers of possibilities for the journey of this series ! Madly off as usual in all directions.
What do you think of painting, say 50-100 of the worst offenders and filling the available space with quotes that implicate them in their most egregious crimes? That way I can't get sued because I will have proof (a video they appeared in or a book they wrote).
Paint the 50 to 100 first - by that time , I would think , your style and personality may be more developed for the whole concept- whole classes in art are devoted to working a theme many, many times to develop your voice . You know what you want and that's the "portraits ". As you are working away , make notes of what you would say for each; that is another complex subject - "text in art" and not easy ; however with your "doctor writing skills"... maybe perfect ! OR , don't be precious , try the portrait and some text with it - you can always rework anything - that is my belief . I'm sure every art person would have a different suggestion for you. Play with your ideas , don't be precious, and see what happens . I worked "over a year with the mark makings of snails - learned so much from those creatures and the depth of the work developed over time .