this is great. I enjoyed reading this commentary, I agree fully.
I am so heartbroken to .... actually know and believe that medical DOCTORS AND PROFESSIONALS bought this shit. Oh yes, it is because of that darn boot on their neck.
In the olden days when we had a cold we often didn't feel like eating because we couldn't smell or taste anything. Ok, that's a 'bad cold' I guess rather than the sniffles which so many people call 'a cold'. These symptoms are absolutely nothing new with a respiratory infection yet somehow people forgot the good old days when having a cold meant you couldn't smell or taste anything much. Argh, only the new wicked never been seen before germ does that so my cold is no longer a cold.
Who knows WTF is really going on other than it is for sure not what is being told to us. There are indeed too many dead people. That's the only thing we can see for sure. Personally I don't believe any of the numbers and theri causal allocations any more. Having a label doesn't change the bodies piling up.
True but severe colds caused it mainly due to stopped up sinuses. With the initial (original) round of Covid (or whatever it was) it occurred without necessarily stopped up sinuses and more importantly lingered sometimes for weeks (even months) after initial severe illness. I couldn't stand the taste of pork chops for a year which, prior to, was one of my favorites. Plus severe brain fog, I couldn't think or compute clearly for a month or so; my son in law is an engineer and for several weeks following his illness couldn't even calculate a tip at a restaurant. I put both of us on the flccc protocol and it cleared up within a couple weeks after, but it was a very scary few weeks. My daughter completely lost her sense of smell but wasn't all that sick, not like her husband and I were, and to this day still can't tolerate the smell of tuna which she used to love. It was a very strange illness - and very very severe in some while totally mild in others. I'm sure it's hard for someone to grasp these issues if they didn't have a similar experience.
The loss of taste and smell is an interesting phenomenon. My husband and I both had “It” last December. It was like a bad cold, and we both tested positive for Covid with a home test (for whatever that’s worth). My sense of taste was a little off for a few days, but he completely lost his for about a month. It’s still not back 100% now 3 months later. The interesting thing is that he has nearly always lost those senses with a cold, whereas I have not. This leads me to guess that some people are prone to the loss of senses and others are not? We apparently had the same virus, I came down with it first, and he a few days later.
Another question for me is that I recently had some labs done and I requested an antibody test. It came back negative which I thought odd after having tested positive for it just 3 months ago.
Hmmm. Ok. But cases "now" are still based on a testing product that is still 80-90%+ incorrect? Right? Something caused the taste and smell issue, which is different from any other flu type or year. But all of this means that I might be right, I might have had "it" in April 2019 like I think I did. Long before any supposed lab leak....
Whatever I had in 2021, was not like any flu I’d ever had in (at that time) my 59 yrs on the planet. I had some classic flu symptoms, like fever, headache, dry cough and fatigue but unlike flu I also lost all taste and smell, had POTS for 3-4 months, and had a line of bruises on my shin that lasted nearly a year. Also PCR positive. Very very unusual. I do think it was a novel man made virus.
The vital question indeed, was it all repurposed flu or some toxin released in multiple places and at multiple times? Or a combination thereof. I think what we do now know is that ALL vexines are toxic by design. The evil ones overplayed their hand and exposed this previously little known secret. Why? Why now? Why the rush to cull and control and surveil now when the slow approach has worked fine up until now?
My husband and I both had 'it' in Jan 2022. We did a home test and then were obliged to go to the chemist and get an 'official' test (in Italy if you were officially positive, you got the Nazi Green Pass for 6 months). I'm 61, asthmatic, and to be honest, this was just like an annoying head cold. Not like a flu at all and the biggest symptom we both had was nausea. However, I (not my husband), completely lost all sense of taste and smell for about 4 months, and then it came back very very gradually. It was a very weird thing as I had never experienced this before. I had heard others discuss it but had no idea what it would be like. Cooking for hubby was fun - I couldn't tell what I was putting on the plates 😄😄 Jokes aside , it was just an odd experience. On a side note, my hubby has heart problems and he also said it was just like a head cold. We haven't done any antibody tests though I would be curious.
The later variants of "it" were nothing like the original 2020 version, none of them have been as bad. I had it a second time (supposedly) in July 2022 and wasn't very sick BUT had a bad cough that caused an asthma-like attack that landed me in the ER - asthma I haven't had a problem with in over 20 years and take no medicine for (caused by a dose of mosquito fog in the face when in Arkansas in 2000. I had to use inhalers for about a year after then it just went away).
I am so happy to see your substack Dr. Sheftall, especially with Sage Hana, one of my favorite peoples who keeps me sane in this insanity.
And you, Dr. Sheftall, you have also kept me sane and kept hope alive that one day we might see justice and I am hoping with your brain, not a Great Reset, but a Fourth Turning that will remake the world as our country was supposed to be and hasn't been all ostensible representative government which is really controlled by a cabal of mafia like corporations and supra national agenices and non profits.
Please let us know of your conversation with Mike Yeadon (another hero of this) and please think about how we are to survive the coming collapse of this country and its economy.
I do not want to live under digital surveillance and slavery . I do not want to live in fear of hospitals and doctors and medicine. I do not want to live amongst the Walking Dead.
Thank you, Duchess. Right now, we are doing what we should do at this point. We are keeping the criminal activity in the minds of the general public; at least those who are willing to hear it. I have two very close friends who are very smart who just refuse to listen. They won't answer any gentle questions about it either. They are both from the left and that seems to have trumped their scientific approach to everything else. We have to keep fighting and convince even people like these two- for now. If the leftists/Marxists succeed in brushing this under the rug, we will have to move on to a more physical approach. our country depends on it.
I try every day to make people see that it is no longer left vs. is us against them....sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't. But I leave Covid out of it..and talk about money...and how we are taxed for everything...sometimes starting with the basics...that the government has NO MONEY....the only money they have is the ability to reach into your pocket and take yours...and everytime they print or GIVE money...this is your debt and it will have to be paid by you personally. sometimes they will listen and understand THAT...but I hear is very difficult to convince people to give up their world view...because that is fundementally what you are asking them to do...and I have found most people cannot deal with having to realize their entire life/belief system/ not what they thought. Leaves most people unable to go there...I am hoping there are maybe 20 percent of us in this country that can wake up...but maybe I am being too generous in my estimates.
I hope you keep on doing what you do...calling out the evil. Because it is evil what has been done.
this is great. I enjoyed reading this commentary, I agree fully.
I am so heartbroken to .... actually know and believe that medical DOCTORS AND PROFESSIONALS bought this shit. Oh yes, it is because of that darn boot on their neck.
In the olden days when we had a cold we often didn't feel like eating because we couldn't smell or taste anything. Ok, that's a 'bad cold' I guess rather than the sniffles which so many people call 'a cold'. These symptoms are absolutely nothing new with a respiratory infection yet somehow people forgot the good old days when having a cold meant you couldn't smell or taste anything much. Argh, only the new wicked never been seen before germ does that so my cold is no longer a cold.
Who knows WTF is really going on other than it is for sure not what is being told to us. There are indeed too many dead people. That's the only thing we can see for sure. Personally I don't believe any of the numbers and theri causal allocations any more. Having a label doesn't change the bodies piling up.
Interesting discussion guys.
True but severe colds caused it mainly due to stopped up sinuses. With the initial (original) round of Covid (or whatever it was) it occurred without necessarily stopped up sinuses and more importantly lingered sometimes for weeks (even months) after initial severe illness. I couldn't stand the taste of pork chops for a year which, prior to, was one of my favorites. Plus severe brain fog, I couldn't think or compute clearly for a month or so; my son in law is an engineer and for several weeks following his illness couldn't even calculate a tip at a restaurant. I put both of us on the flccc protocol and it cleared up within a couple weeks after, but it was a very scary few weeks. My daughter completely lost her sense of smell but wasn't all that sick, not like her husband and I were, and to this day still can't tolerate the smell of tuna which she used to love. It was a very strange illness - and very very severe in some while totally mild in others. I'm sure it's hard for someone to grasp these issues if they didn't have a similar experience.
exactly true!
The loss of taste and smell is an interesting phenomenon. My husband and I both had “It” last December. It was like a bad cold, and we both tested positive for Covid with a home test (for whatever that’s worth). My sense of taste was a little off for a few days, but he completely lost his for about a month. It’s still not back 100% now 3 months later. The interesting thing is that he has nearly always lost those senses with a cold, whereas I have not. This leads me to guess that some people are prone to the loss of senses and others are not? We apparently had the same virus, I came down with it first, and he a few days later.
Another question for me is that I recently had some labs done and I requested an antibody test. It came back negative which I thought odd after having tested positive for it just 3 months ago.
I read something about covid/jabs both affecting the neuro pathways...the brain.
And smell is directly connected to our brains...its a very short hop.
Hmmm. Ok. But cases "now" are still based on a testing product that is still 80-90%+ incorrect? Right? Something caused the taste and smell issue, which is different from any other flu type or year. But all of this means that I might be right, I might have had "it" in April 2019 like I think I did. Long before any supposed lab leak....
Whatever I had in 2021, was not like any flu I’d ever had in (at that time) my 59 yrs on the planet. I had some classic flu symptoms, like fever, headache, dry cough and fatigue but unlike flu I also lost all taste and smell, had POTS for 3-4 months, and had a line of bruises on my shin that lasted nearly a year. Also PCR positive. Very very unusual. I do think it was a novel man made virus.
The vital question indeed, was it all repurposed flu or some toxin released in multiple places and at multiple times? Or a combination thereof. I think what we do now know is that ALL vexines are toxic by design. The evil ones overplayed their hand and exposed this previously little known secret. Why? Why now? Why the rush to cull and control and surveil now when the slow approach has worked fine up until now?
My husband and I both had 'it' in Jan 2022. We did a home test and then were obliged to go to the chemist and get an 'official' test (in Italy if you were officially positive, you got the Nazi Green Pass for 6 months). I'm 61, asthmatic, and to be honest, this was just like an annoying head cold. Not like a flu at all and the biggest symptom we both had was nausea. However, I (not my husband), completely lost all sense of taste and smell for about 4 months, and then it came back very very gradually. It was a very weird thing as I had never experienced this before. I had heard others discuss it but had no idea what it would be like. Cooking for hubby was fun - I couldn't tell what I was putting on the plates 😄😄 Jokes aside , it was just an odd experience. On a side note, my hubby has heart problems and he also said it was just like a head cold. We haven't done any antibody tests though I would be curious.
The later variants of "it" were nothing like the original 2020 version, none of them have been as bad. I had it a second time (supposedly) in July 2022 and wasn't very sick BUT had a bad cough that caused an asthma-like attack that landed me in the ER - asthma I haven't had a problem with in over 20 years and take no medicine for (caused by a dose of mosquito fog in the face when in Arkansas in 2000. I had to use inhalers for about a year after then it just went away).
I am so happy to see your substack Dr. Sheftall, especially with Sage Hana, one of my favorite peoples who keeps me sane in this insanity.
And you, Dr. Sheftall, you have also kept me sane and kept hope alive that one day we might see justice and I am hoping with your brain, not a Great Reset, but a Fourth Turning that will remake the world as our country was supposed to be and hasn't been all ostensible representative government which is really controlled by a cabal of mafia like corporations and supra national agenices and non profits.
Please let us know of your conversation with Mike Yeadon (another hero of this) and please think about how we are to survive the coming collapse of this country and its economy.
I do not want to live under digital surveillance and slavery . I do not want to live in fear of hospitals and doctors and medicine. I do not want to live amongst the Walking Dead.
Thank you, Duchess. Right now, we are doing what we should do at this point. We are keeping the criminal activity in the minds of the general public; at least those who are willing to hear it. I have two very close friends who are very smart who just refuse to listen. They won't answer any gentle questions about it either. They are both from the left and that seems to have trumped their scientific approach to everything else. We have to keep fighting and convince even people like these two- for now. If the leftists/Marxists succeed in brushing this under the rug, we will have to move on to a more physical approach. our country depends on it.
I try every day to make people see that it is no longer left vs. is us against them....sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't. But I leave Covid out of it..and talk about money...and how we are taxed for everything...sometimes starting with the basics...that the government has NO MONEY....the only money they have is the ability to reach into your pocket and take yours...and everytime they print or GIVE money...this is your debt and it will have to be paid by you personally. sometimes they will listen and understand THAT...but I hear is very difficult to convince people to give up their world view...because that is fundementally what you are asking them to do...and I have found most people cannot deal with having to realize their entire life/belief system/ not what they thought. Leaves most people unable to go there...I am hoping there are maybe 20 percent of us in this country that can wake up...but maybe I am being too generous in my estimates.
I hope you keep on doing what you do...calling out the evil. Because it is evil what has been done.
You can count on it. I won't be stopping any time soon.