The first email post I receive is counting cards?. Surprising and fun. From Sparks NV, tip of the hat

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Reid, You looking for a table beyond card values like this one? https://www.lolblackjack.com/blackjack/card-counting/systems/hi-opt-ii/

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Smart time to leave usa as you will probably be much safer in Vietnam. Win BIG if not at least come out ahead. I’m sure all blackjack players will want to be kept in the loop. I wish you had more time to go over “global warming” which I compare to “Chicken little -the sky is falling”( if you remember the barnyard flock gets invited into the wolfs house). I have decided a comparable to electric vehicles busy building charging stations but not power plants. You must be sickened by lack of thought/planning here only long range planning by globalists

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