Agreed! I could only read half of that letter. He raises valid objections but ends with a world-class waffle that eviscerates his objection: "Reasonable people may disagree about whether the benefits are worth these known risks. To be clear, I am by no means against vaccinations or suggesting that the COVID vaccine or booster is not a useful tool in the fight against COVID, but caution is warranted for one-size-fits-all mandates in a college-aged population."

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yes.. Brian below, feels I mischaracterized this doctor. I probably did. It might be a case of him not knowing the recent data.

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"David E McCune is clearly a far-Left Wokester". I missed that information. There is evidence to the contrary: https://davidemccune.substack.com/p/when-norms-fail-rights-follow

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Yes, I overstated there. I was referring to "I am by no means against vaccinations or suggesting that the COVID vaccine or booster is not a useful tool in the fight against COVID, but caution is warranted for one-size-fits-all mandates in a college-aged population." Maybe he just doesn't know the medical science and recent data that has emerged. My apologies.

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