Very cool! The DELETED DEAD Pfizer Trial victim is from Tampa Bay. I bet her family members don't even realize her report was deleted!? If you know anybody in FL who can help locate and reach out to the family members, maybe they could be apart of some law suit one day. Brooke & Warner already know of this report.
Highly verifiable evidence Dr Sheftall. For just an average Joe like me your work I have no trouble comprehending any of it. I'm no expert in math. But doing simple math back when showed that something wasn't adding up.
I would love to watch a video on card counting if you decide to do one.
Very cool! The DELETED DEAD Pfizer Trial victim is from Tampa Bay. I bet her family members don't even realize her report was deleted!? If you know anybody in FL who can help locate and reach out to the family members, maybe they could be apart of some law suit one day. Brooke & Warner already know of this report.
wow, that is right down the road from me, in Sterling Virginia.
This is very interesting!!
I'm in Tampa Bay Area. I'll do some checking around.
a lively discussion!!???
I do not know if some on the other side of the aisle will tolerate your presentation. Their hair might go up in flames.
This video I have not seen before, thank you for sharing it!
Justice may be coming to the UK at last, or we will find out our justice system is totally corrupt as well, one of the two!
More here;
Will it be recorded, and will the video be made available?
wish i could be there, dave
Highly verifiable evidence Dr Sheftall. For just an average Joe like me your work I have no trouble comprehending any of it. I'm no expert in math. But doing simple math back when showed that something wasn't adding up.
I would love to watch a video on card counting if you decide to do one.