"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." Noam Chomsky
The media employ this tactic very successfully with their viewers and readers, most of whom are oblivious to what is happening. It has been much more disturbing to learn how easily professional people can be manipulated to adopt the same approach. Loss of status, loss of income and loss of funding appear to be all that is required to buy their compliance.
Bright people can certainly do stupid things.pathetic. I am reminded of our government plan to bury carbon which is currently being buried underground. Seems an effort to cause starvation as plants need it. One more effort to kill us off. Maybe your next book ( after current one gets published), should be on different ways our government is trying to kill us
So lovely to see you in my email Dr Sheftall , especially since your health and what you have been coping with over these past few months. I take it as a good sign you are continuing to be fierce and fighting for those of us who can't particularly at your level and understanding .
So many people are trying to be heard above the general noise of the accepted narrative . Just wondering if you have had any occasion to connect with Dr JJ Couey since he has his own views on what isn't being talked about . I know he is in alignment , I believe, with Dr Yeadon . All my best wishes for you for healthy New Year that I hope involves some painting time.
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." Noam Chomsky
The media employ this tactic very successfully with their viewers and readers, most of whom are oblivious to what is happening. It has been much more disturbing to learn how easily professional people can be manipulated to adopt the same approach. Loss of status, loss of income and loss of funding appear to be all that is required to buy their compliance.
very true, Jill.
Bright people can certainly do stupid things.pathetic. I am reminded of our government plan to bury carbon which is currently being buried underground. Seems an effort to cause starvation as plants need it. One more effort to kill us off. Maybe your next book ( after current one gets published), should be on different ways our government is trying to kill us
It’s a damn shame.
So lovely to see you in my email Dr Sheftall , especially since your health and what you have been coping with over these past few months. I take it as a good sign you are continuing to be fierce and fighting for those of us who can't particularly at your level and understanding .
So many people are trying to be heard above the general noise of the accepted narrative . Just wondering if you have had any occasion to connect with Dr JJ Couey since he has his own views on what isn't being talked about . I know he is in alignment , I believe, with Dr Yeadon . All my best wishes for you for healthy New Year that I hope involves some painting time.