Reid, Steve Kirsch is also an MIT alumnus and had a similar experience. Have you guys compared notes? You should. He could amplify your book considerably.

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I know. For him to have not had me on his show for several interviews means he is giving me the cold shoulder. I figured out all of this first- months before everyone else-. I may have been too early, honestly. I'm also the only one who was right on everything; even things that hadn't happened yet. Look at this video: there is not a single word out of place. I made in in 2020. I was first on 17 major calls and "only "on 4 (meaning the scientific/medical community still hasn't realized these 4 are true.) Me and Steve were IN THE SAME GRADUATING CLASS AT MIT TOO!

He wrote me once to explain a difficult part on immunology which I did in great detail. Then, despite me trying, he gave me the cold shoulder. I write about it in the book. He should have me front and center. Please write him and say, " Hey Steve! Interview fellow MIT Grad Dr. Sheftall, Pediatric Heart Surgeon on your Substack AND your VSRF!". He's been interviewing nurses and obscure people like morticians the whole time! I hope you're successful. I need some big forum interviews to get this thing going. You are 100% right. Thank you.!

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Please watch it, Doctor. It is only 39 minutes long.

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I made this in October. I know because I did the calculation I go over in September 2020 and I said it was a month ago. YouTube used to take all my videos down. I would give them a new title and re-post them. This one slipped through on Dec. 3

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Appreciate your work, Dr. Sheftall.

Please note others were also right.

I and others warned of masks and lockdowns being ineffective and harmful and of potential harms of nucleic acid injections encoding the full-length spike protein before they were launched, as did Sorenson.

Many, I included, were removed from Twitter for raising questions about the shots.

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Dr. David Martin has mentioned several people behind the corruption which most people have never heard of. He too could add to your list, unless of course, you already have them.

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I have them all, Gabriella! Of course!

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Heroes and Villains is great, love it. One question: why is RFK Jr. absent entirely?

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Hi Robert. No excuses. He should be in there. If he interviews me, I will apologize profusely. Please spread the word about the book! Thank you.

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I will certainly spread the word. When you begin work on a second edition, let me know; I am a professional editor and I'll pitch in a proofread for free. The structure, formatting, grammar, etc. should be as solid as your intelligent book already is.

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Thank you Robert. I tried some editors but they all sent the book back and said, " I'm not going to work on a book that says lockdowns and masks don't work?" I'm afraid the publishing world has gone woke. Except for you, Robert. I'd love it if you'd give my next book, "If Only They Had Listened: How I Cracked the Biggest Crime in History" a good edit/ proofread.

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I wonder if those people would admit error now. Probably not. I'd be more than happy to give your next book a close edit. Send it along anytime. DM me by email if you like.

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Thanks, Robert. Will do and , no, these people won't admit mistakes- none of them have so far.

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Oct 10, 2022
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HAHAHA! Happy Birthday to her!

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Oct 17, 2022
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One "n" . I had to do a double take... Thank you, Jen

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Oct 10, 2022
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CoffeeBean! You misspelled heroes! It has an "e" in it believe it or not. Here is the correct website: heroesandvillainsbooks.com

click from here!

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and add an "S" to book. (I will be writing "Heroes and Villains: The Climate Change Book of Lists" soon.

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Oct 10, 2022
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If you're a golfer or like dry comedy, you'll like Striking it Rich.

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Oct 11, 2022
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Thanks. You'll like "Golf with the Generals.

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