I am currently 31 weeks pregnant. I had two close friends who were expecting their daughter to be born the middle of the month. The baby died in utero at 37 weeks 3 days gestation and was delivered two days ago. The parents are absolutely devastated. I feel devastated for them. Based on their politics chances are high the mother was vaccinated. I am also wondering if there was some recent boosting done, but I am not about to ask. Regardless I don't wish that pain on anyone and I am grateful for every moment from my little one reminding me my baby is still here.

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Cherrish those little kicks, Scaperjess. We will be praying for you. I hope you didn't get the vaccines but if you did, please content yourself in the numbers that say you and your little one should still get through this ok. God Bless you and your baby.

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Thanks in large part to your analysis of the vaccine trials and the fact I was breastfeeding at the time (and wanting another baby) I made a decision early on that the benefits to me were not worth the unknown risks. I thank you for the time you spent explaining the trial in detail so I could confidently hold my ground.

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That's wonderful news. You have nothing to worry about. You'll be delivering a beautiful baby in no time.

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Okay Dr. Reid Sheftall.....You are now in my bad books. I spent ALL AFTERNOON reading your book (didn't clean the house, clean out the car, go food shopping, vacuum, I mean NOTHING got done.) I could NOT put it down.

I didn't know you 2 years ago, indeed just met you through substack recently, and I know the book

will probably not meet many peoples expectations for printing or typo's, but I could give a damn.

It was a RIVETING read, reminds me of the old broadsheets publilshed during the American Revoltuion and I say WELL DONE and THANK YOU. A very fine opening SALVO and a great start in NAMING AND SHAMING the war criminals, becuase it is indeed a war we are engaged on. Love the lists of villains and why they are villains, and what they said, and what they did. Loved the heros, (we need to add Ethical Sceptic), but you got so many of them. Don't know how you kept such detailed names and information, but I swear, if I ever part with my copy, it will be to send it to Ron Johnson, or Rand Paul, or even MTG, if we can manage to overcome the massive cheating that will go on next Tuesday.

All these people need to be hauled into a court. And many just need their names to live in infamy for ever. And I am looking forward to your next book. If you could possibly get it in time for the xmas holiday, I have an entire week free to neglect everything I should be doing!

Thank you for your valuable contribution to tracking down the lies, the liars, and the heros who should be praised to the skies, and I hope they will be. And please, you have to (maybe you have and can point me in the correct direction? ) write more about the oft-8....I was convinced that the jabs (one of el gato malo's top pieces) made the jabbed into walking typhoid Mary's because I saw them in my school, infecting all the Unjabbed kids (there were not adults except me, and I take horse paste as preventative)...but if they did indeed put it into this virus in the lab, then these people need to be JAILED FOR LIFE for Creating a BIOweapon. That MY country has turned into the biggest bio weapon creator in the world is something I will never get over.

And our DOD needs top to bottom investigation.

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Thank you, Duchess. You had me scared with your first sentence...

Please put this in the Amazon reviews. You describe this book perfectly.

orf 8: orf stands for "open reading frame" it get's a little technical. I promised myself I wouldn't get too technical in this first book. My second book is going to be less on names and what they did as it's going to be about my Kafka-esque journey into the darkness of not being heard no matter how loud I screamed, how even my brother and dear cousin Nene (who graduated with the highest average from Yale the first year (plus three) they admitted women) fought me on even the things I had proven mathematically.

My second book will be my grand opus. I will prove everything I said along the way. I will hold nothing back. I will give the reader clear warning of when it's going to get technical or mathematical so these forays into immunology, quantum mechanics, statistics, the electromagnetic spectrum, how our body's defense mechanism tells self from nonself , etc. will not disrupt the flow of the story. And that's what it is; a story of failure after failure in my attempts to be heard and help people dodge a volley of destructive and deadly bullets that lasted for more than two years.

I WILL try to finish it before Christmas but it's going to be tough.

Did you like the movie scene? The brief reference to the general theory of relativity and the experiments we used to verified it, etc.? If you did, you will love my next book.

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Yes, I liked the movie scene, but I have to admit it was way above my head and I thought at first the two women were in jail somewhere in China!

I would be delighted to put a review on Amazon...and I hope you keep an Addendum of more villains and heroes, because there will be more.

Listen, don't beat yourself up for not being heard, but I know exactly what you mean...it is been a real horror movie we have been living in (except we can't turn it off or stop watching, more's the pity) but you are NOT alone...Smarter than most, but not alone. And it is way too early to deem yourself a failure...my God, do you realize you were up against the entire US Dept of Defense and the full panoply of our social media, which is HOSTED and partly owned by our government? Just document everything you said in your youtubes etc. and everything you found out...and if you saved even ONE person, you made a difference. You and all of the heroes you mention have all been deplatformed, de-licensed, de twitterized, etc...but all of you reached many of us and opened our eyes. I and many others (and I suspect, although I have no way of proving) we are at least 15% of the population....and you stiffened our spines and resolve. Pat yourself on the back for being on the right side of science and history..because I suspect many of us are going to make sure that this time, history will not be written by the victors for long.

Thank you so much for writing this book...it was an unput-downable read, and just helped enormously...we all feel helpless, but knowing the truth is so liberating. It is a huge morale booster to those of us who KNEW we were being lied to and propogandized, but did not have the brains or expertise to prove it. Blessings...and keep going.

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Thank you very much, Duchess. I'll keep going until I keel over.

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PS sorry this is in this substack, couldn't get my computer to go to your book posts (its stuck).

But Everyone should read this book. It is gobsmacking.

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Is there a link to the email?

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Good suggestion, Charles. I did this late last night and getting on a plane tomorrow. I'll look for it and post it.

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